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Den utvidede lærer - multimedias avgjørende rolle for utvidet læring

Derek Woodgate fra Fakultet for teknologi og realfag ved UiA disputerer for dr.philos.-graden med avhandlingen «The Augmented Learner. The pivotal role of multimedia enhanced learning within a foresight-based learning model designed to accelerate the delivery of higher levels of learner creativity» torsdag 1. og fredag 2. september 2022. (Foto: Privat)

The dissertation launched a new, foresight-based learning system driven by the concept of immersive spatial narratives, enhanced with student-created multimedia learning tools. The system demonstrated how this approach helps to increase learner creativity and generate implementable, innovative, future-relevant projects. In the research study.

Derek Woodgate


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Derek Woodgate fra Fakultet for teknologi og realfag ved UiA disputerer for dr.philos.-graden med avhandlingen «The Augmented Learner. The pivotal role of multimedia enhanced learning within a foresight-based learning model designed to accelerate the delivery of higher levels of learner creativity» torsdag 1. og fredag 2. september 2022.

Han disputerer på Universitetet i Agders frie doktorgradsprogram for akademikere - Dr. philos.

Slik oppsummerer Derek Woodgate selv avhandlingen:

The Augmented Learner.

The pivotal role of multimedia enhanced learning within a foresight-based learning model designed to accelerate the delivery of higher levels of learner creativity


In developed economies, the workforce structure and skill requirements have dramatically changed over the past 25 years. This has led to a significant growth in the need for the creative class - a trend projected to be maintained over the next 15 years. Current projections foresee a major shortfall of creative talent to meet the projected growth levels. The ability to be creative is considered a critical component of the emerging skill repertoire required to meet these future workforce needs. Another 2016 WEF report cites that 65% of the jobs existing in 2030 do not exist today. The present learning systems of the developed economies are considered non-conducive to the development of creative skills. This represents the gap between the current education system and the needs for the future.

This gap demonstrated the need for an accelerated effort to develop a new learning system that is capable of increasing learner creativity levels while contributing to the future of the education system.

This dissertation seeks to answer the key question of how to deliver increased levels of learner creativity to meet the growing needs of the future workforce. Therefore, three main research questions arise.

(1) How are jobs, skills, and workforce structures, projected to change over the coming decade? 

(2) What type of education system and learning approaches would be best suited to meet the changing needs of the future workforce, especially in terms of delivering increased creativity? 

(3) How can we apply such a system to the design of future courses to increase learner creativity? 


To leverage the inherent benefits of the knowledge integration framing of the critical components of this dissertation, combined theoretical and methodological approaches were applied that included: the foresight process, auxiliary projects, multiple modeling approaches, mapping, and quantitative and qualitative research, as well as several expert and Frontline Panels and interviews. These helped to determine the critical criteria, parameters and qualifiers for the potential influence sand future drivers presented within the knowledge enquiry.

The author designed a foresight-based course on the Future of Mobile Learning underpinned by a new learning system, tiled The Living Learning System that embraced the concept of based upon 8 contributing pillars.

Practicing was carried out on 50 students who had completed the course during the preceding three years through a questionnaire and interviews to establish increased levels of creativity in a simulated future landscape.


The thesis demonstrated via case studies that both the learning system and its application to the Future of Mobile Learning course that especially the addition of multimedia learning environments and tools together with foresight-based learning created a significant increase in learner creativity. The increase was measured by comparing previous student work in the same course and that submitted under the newly-developed LLS, using the Creative Solution Diagnosis Scale (CSDS) and the Creativity Assessment Criteria, established for the course.

The increased creativity was also measured by means of quantitative research involving a Questionnaire (47 responses) 5 individual face-to-face interviews.80% of respondents either strong agreed or agreed that the course increased their level of personal creativity. applied, 49% through the fact that they were motivated to try new things, 75 per cent of the respondents stated that having to think about the future and place themselves in a practicing landscape increased their creative skills significantly.


The dissertation launched a new, foresight-based learning system driven by the concept of immersive spatial narratives, enhanced with student-created multimedia learning tools. The system demonstrated how this approach helps to increase learner creativity and generate implementable, innovative, future-relevant projects. In the research study.


Prøveforelesning og disputas finner sted i Auditorium C2 040, Campus Grimstad og digitalt i konferanseprogrammet Zoom (lenke under).

Disputasen blir ledet av førstelektor Morgan Konnestad, Fakultet for teknologi og realfag, Universitetet i Agder.

Prøveforelesning over selvvalgt tema torsdag 1. september kl 12:15

Prøveforelesning over oppgitt tema fredag 2. september kl 10:15

Offentlig forsvar – disputas – fredag 2. september kl 12:15


Prøveforelesning over selvvalgt tema«FutureScaping -The Remix. Applying alternative thinking techniques»

Prøveforelesning over oppgitt tema«Learning Analytics - Approaches, Methods and Applications»

Tittel på avhandling«The Augmented Learner. The pivotal role of multimedia enhanced learning within a foresight-based learning model designed to accelerate the delivery of higher levels of learner creativity»

Søk etter avhandlingen i AURA - Agder University Research Archive, som er et digitalt arkiv for vitenskapelige artikler, avhandlinger og masteroppgaver fra ansatte og studenter ved Universitetet i Agder. AURA blir jevnlig oppdatert.

Avhandlingen er tilgjengelig her:


KandidatenDerek Woodgate  is Senior Futurist and President of The Futures Lab, Inc. and was previously an Assistant Professor at the Department of Information- and Communication Technology (ICT), Universitetet i Agder and a Senior Lecturer at the University of Houston and the University of Dubai, where he is also and Executive Board member of the Center for Futures Studies. In addition, he is an Associate Professor and Advisor to the VP of Academic Affairs at the Prince Mohammad bin Fahd University in Saudi Arabia.

He teaches Masters’ classes in a variety of futures-related topics ranging from an into to the Science of Foresight, Futures Skills the Future of Mobile Learning and The Future of Multimedia and Entertainment, as well as a senior undergrad class in The Future of Energy and the Environment.

Derek’s research covers the future of education and learning technologies and multimedia and sensory engagement. His most recent publications have included “Developing a Future Vision Landscape for Technology Enhanced Learning”[1], “Foresight as a Tool for Increasing Creativity in the Age of Technology-Enhanced Learning”[2], his award-winning article “Immersive spatial narratives as a framework for augmenting creativity in foresight-based learning systems”[3], “Exploring the Future of Universities Through Experimental Foresight”[4].

  2. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-00825-3_3
  3. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/OTH-11-2018-0033/full/html
  4. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1946756720976714?journalCode=wfra


Førsteopponent: Professor Sirkka Heinonen, University of Turku, Finland

Annenopponent: Professor Arnold Pears, KTH - Kungliga Tekniska högskolan, Sverige

Bedømmelseskomitéen er ledet av professor emeritus Jose Gonzalez, Universitetet i Agder

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