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Egen-effektivitet er kritisk for forbedret matematikk-ytelse i ingeniørstudier

Yusuf Feyisara Zakariya of the Faculty of Engineering and Science at the University of Agder has submitted his thesis entitled “Undergraduate students’ performance in mathematics: Individual and combined effects of approaches to learning, self-efficacy, and prior mathematics knowledge” and will defend the thesis for the PhD-degree Friday 30 April 2021. (Photo: Private)

Self-efficacy appears to influence the adoption of either deep or surface approaches to learning mathematics among engineering students. Therefore, a major conclusion drawn from the findings of the present project is the identification of self-efficacy as a prime factor whose interventions could enhance students’ performance in the course.

Yusuf Feyisara Zakariya


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Yusuf Feyisara Zakariya fra Fakultet for teknologi og realfag disputerer for ph.d.-graden med avhandlingen «Undergraduate students’ performance in mathematics: Individual and combined effects of approaches to learning, self-efficacy, and prior mathematics knowledge» fredag 30. april 2021.

Han har fulgt doktorgradsprogrammet ved Fakultet for teknologi og realfag, med spesialisering i matematikkdidaktikk.

Slik oppsummerer Yusuf Feyisara Zakariya selv avhandlingen:

Self-efficacy is critical to improved mathematics performance


The poor performance of students in first-year introductory calculus course at the University of Agder is worrisome and requires attention.

This project concerns an exploration of factors that affect the performance of engineering students in the course. The contributions of prior mathematics knowledge, approaches to learning, and self-efficacy to performance in the course are carefully investigated in my PhD project.


The project adopts a survey design through which data are generated by using questionnaires, a pre-test of students’ basic mathematical knowledge, and final exam scores in an introductory calculus course.

The analysis is based on some relatively advanced statistical tools and the findings are interpreted based on the adopted theoretical foundations in the project.

Findings and conclusion

Accumulated evidence from this project points to the fact that self-efficacy (i.e., engineering students’ convictions to solve first-year introductory calculus tasks successfully) has the most substantial effect on the students’ performance in the course.

Its effect overshadows the effects of both prior mathematics knowledge and approaches to learning mathematics on students’ performance in the course.

Further, self-efficacy appears to influence the adoption of either deep or surface approaches to learning mathematics among engineering students.

Therefore, a major conclusion drawn from the findings of the present project is the identification of self-efficacy as a prime factor whose interventions could enhance students’ performance in the course.


Prøveforelesning og disputas finner sted digitalt i konferanseprogrammet Zoom (lenke under).

Disputasen blir ledet av instituttleder Ingvald Erfjord, Institutt for matematiske fag, Fakultet for teknologi og realfag, Universitetet i Agder.

Prøveforelesning kl 11:00

Disputas kl 13:00


Oppgitt emne for prøveforelesning: “Applying the philosophies of Popper, Kuhn, Lakatos and Feyerabend to mathematics education research”

Tittel på avhandlingUndergraduate students’ performance in mathematics: Individual and combined effects of approaches to learning, self-efficacy, and prior mathematics knowledge

Søk etter avhandlingen i AURA - Agder University Research Archive, som er et digitalt arkiv for vitenskapelige artikler, avhandlinger og masteroppgaver fra ansatte og studenter ved Universitetet i Agder. AURA blir jevnlig oppdatert.

Avhandlingen er tilgjengelig her:



KandidatenYusuf Feyisara Zakariya (Lagos, Nigeria 1986) Double-honour bachelor’s degree in mathematics education (BSc.Ed. mathematics) and graduated with first-class honour at Obafemi Awolowo University, Nigeria. Master’s degree in mathematics at King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia. He has been working as a university lecturer since 2014 at Ahmadu Bello University, Nigeria.


Førsteopponent: Professor Matthew Inglis, Loughborough University, UK

Annenopponent: Førsteamanuensis Maria Meehan, University college Dublin, Irland

Bedømmelseskomitéen er ledet av førsteamanuensis Svein Olav Nyberg, Institutt for ingeniørvitenskap, Universitetet i Agder

Veiledere i doktorgradsarbeidet var førsteamanuensis Hans Kristian Nilsen, UiA (hovedveileder) og førsteamanuensis Kirsten Bjørkestøl, UiA (medveileder)

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