Educational background:
2001: Habilitation at the Humboldt-University zu Berlin
1990: Ph.D. in computer science from Humboldt-University zu Berlin
1988: M.Sc. in mathematics from Humboldt-University zu Berlin
1983: Vocational training as programmer
since 2017: Scientific Head of eHealth Centre at UiA
since 2003: Professor of system engineering at UiA
2007-2015: Head of ICT department at UiA
2002-2003: Mathematics teacher in grades 6, 7, 8
2000-2001: Guest Professor at Technical University in Cottbus, Germany
1997-2003: Senior Software Developer at DResearch GmbH (Berlin)
1994-1997: Researcher at the Humboldt-University
1993-1994: Visiting researcher at SVRC in Brisbane, Australia
1990-1993: Post-doctoral fellow at the Humboldt-University
The SMILE project is about the meta-model-based definition of languages using the semantics of meta-languages. The main idea is to use DSLs for the formal definition of languages. Such a definition can then be turned into a tool for the language. It is an umbrella for many Ph.D., master, and bachelor theses. See also the LanguageLab project.
The second area of research interest is the use of technology for education. The main focus is the pedagogics and the best use of available technology, rather than inventing new technology. In this context, I am running the Success MOOC course which also uses the Success wiki.
The third area of interest is the use of technology for health. Currently, there is much focus on the use of technology in hospitals and for care providers, but it is also important to look at the possibilities to advance health for each individual.
My research is related to domain specific languages and language technology. This is handled in the LanguageLab project.
I am working in the projects SFI Offshore Mechatronics and SMART-RIG for information modelling, data quality and ontologies.
The Adila project and the DELP project are both related to the use of technology in education, in particular in online education.
I was involved in the following projects: The ISIS project worked on model-driven definition of mobile services. The MarCom project defined a platform for maritime communication. The NORCOWE project worked with information architecture for integration and maintenance of offshore wind installations.
Sist endret: 9.11.2021 16:11