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Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Reinertsen, Anne Beate; Ryen, Anne (2024). Ethics as a minor form of politics and thEory in activist rEsEarch. Diametros: An Online Journal of Philosophy. ISSN: 1733-5566. 21 (80). s 59 - 74. doi:10.33392/diam.1925.
  • Reinertsen, Anne Beate; Ryen, Anne (2024). Ethics as a minor form of politics and theory in activist research. Diametros: An Online Journal of Philosophy. ISSN: 1733-5566.
  • Ryen, Anne (2023). To Øyeblikk ved dødens sengepost. Empiri som kreativ magi.. Den empiriska glädjen. En vänbok till Malin Åkerström. ISBN: 978-91-7267-477-6. Lund University Press. 4. s 337 - 346.
  • Ryen, Anne (2022). Ethics and Politics in Qualitative Research. International Encyclopedia of Education. ISBN: 9780128186305. Elsevier.
  • Ryen, Anne (2021). Research Ethics: Between Care and Control. Qualitative Research. ISBN: 9781529712971. Sage Publications. s 35 - 49.
  • Ryen, Anne (2019). Indigenous Methods. SAGE Research Methods Foundations. ISBN: 9781473965003. Sage Publications. 3.
  • Ndakaitei, Chikonzo; Rau, Asta; Coetzee, Jan k.; Ryen, Anne; Elliker, Florian; Young- hauser, Amanda (2018). A shock to the system: HIV among older African women in Zimbabwe. Qualitative Sociology Review. ISSN: 1733-8077. XIV (4). s 138 - 152. doi:10.18778/1733-8077.14.4.09.
  • Heggenstaller, Alessandra k.; Rau, Asta; Coetzee, Jan k.; Ryen, Anne; Smit, Ria (2018). Beauty and the Cosmetic Secret. Qualitative Sociology Review. ISSN: 1733-8077. XIV (4). s 66 - 84. doi:10.18778/1733-8077.14.4.05.
  • Ryen, Anne (2018). Categories and orthodoxies in studies on culture and femicide: An ethno-informed route to knowledge. Journal of Comparative Social Work. ISSN: 0809-9936. 13 (1). s 124 - 143. doi:10.31265/jcsw.v13i1.162.
  • Kouta, Christiana; Nudelman, Anita; Ryen, Anne (2018). Editorial. Femicide and Culture. Journal of Comparative Social Work. ISSN: 0809-9936. 13 (1). s 1 - 10. doi:10.31265/jcsw.v13i1.156.
  • Ryen, Anne (2018). Fighting the Crocodiles: Immigrant Students and Their Perilous Routes at Campus. Qualitative Inquiry. ISSN: 1077-8004. s 1 - 10. doi:10.1177/1077800418806616.
  • Heggenstaller, Alessandra k.; Rau, Asta; Coetzee, Jan k.; Ryen, Anne; Smit, Ria (2018). Reflecting on Female Beauty: Cosmetic Surgery and (Dis)Empowerment. Qualitative Sociology Review. ISSN: 1733-8077. XIV (4). s 48 - 65. doi:10.18778/1733-8077.14.4.04.
  • Cisneros, César A.; Alatorre, Francisco; Allen, Mitchell; Charmaz, Kathy; Lather, Patti; Ryen, Anne; Bénard, Silvia; Castañeda, Dolores; Castañeda, Yvette; Davidson, Judy; de la Garza, Sarah Amira; Espinoza, Adriana; Faulkner, Sandra L.; Ferreyra, Gabriel; Gilgun, Jane; Gutiérrez, Luis Felipe González; Hein, Serge F.; Hernández, Doris; Biber, Sharlene Hesse; Labarthé, Vanessa Jara; Johnson, John M.; Keller, Reiner; Long, Tanya A.; Pourreau, Leslie; Rawlins, William K.; Rinehart, Robert E.; Donoso, Gabriela Rubilar; Orozco, Miguel Angel Soto; Tamas, Sophie; Tilley-Lubbs, Gresilda A. (2015). 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 . . . 43: Justice! Ay! Ay! Ayotzinapa: A Challenge for New Critical Qualitative Inquiry. Qualitative Inquiry. ISSN: 1077-8004. 22 (6). s 447 - 465. doi:10.1177/1077800415615622.
  • Ryen, Anne; Atkinson, Paul (2016). Indigenous Research and Romantic Nationalism. Societies. ISSN: 2075-4698. 6 (4). doi:10.3390/soc6040034.
  • Ryen, Anne (2016). Research Ethics and Qualitative Research. Qualitative Research. ISBN: 978-1473916562. Sage. Chapter 3. s 31 - 48.
  • Pelt, Inger Sofie van; Ryen, Anne (2015). Self-efficacy in protecting oneself against hiv transmission : a qualitative study of female university students in Malawi. Journal of Comparative Social Work. ISSN: 0809-9936. 10 (2). s 1 - 29. doi:10.31265/jcsw.v10i2.130.
  • Reinertsen, Anne Beate; Ryen, Anne; Otterstad, Ann Merete; Ben-Horin, Oded (2013). The Inefficiency of Knowledge and the Limits of Explanations; the Necessity of Critique. Qualitative Inquiry. ISSN: 1077-8004. 19 (3). s 147 - 162. doi:10.1177/1077800412466047.
  • Ryen, Anne (2012). Assessing the Risk of Being Interviewed. The SAGE Handbook of Interview Research: The Complexity of the Craft Second. ISBN: 978-1-4129-8164-4. Sage Publications. Kap.33. s 477 - 493.
  • Ryen, Anne; Garner, Mark (2012). Writing up Your Research. Doing Social Research. A global context. ISBN: 9780077126407. McGraw-Hill. 17. s 246 - 259.
  • Ryen, Anne; Gobo, Giampietro (2011). "Perspectives on decolonising methodologies". Giampietro Gobo (University of Milan, Italy) and Anne Ryen as Guest editors of the whole issue.http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/tsrm20/14/6The Issue consists of our editorial, five articles (from Europe, US, South Africa and Asia) and four book reviews. International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and Practice. ISSN: 1364-5579. 14 (6). s 411 - 508. doi:10.1080/13645579.2011.611378.
  • Ryen, Anne (2011). Ethics and qualitative research. Qualitative research : issues of theory, method and practice. ISBN: 978-1-84920-416-3. Sage Publications. s 416 - 438.
  • Ryen, Anne (2011). Exploring or exporting? Qualitative Research in times of globalisation. International Journal of Social Research Methodology: Theory and Practice. ISSN: 1364-5579. 14 (6). s 439 - 453. doi:10.1080/13645579.2011.611380.
  • Ryen, Anne (2011). Guest editor for the whole volume which consists of the editorial, four articles, to essays and a book review http://jcsw.no/?page=issueContent&issue=issue8 On C.Wrigt Mills` distinction between personal troubles and public issues in order to help us grasp the sources of and solutions to social problems hence his term the "sociological imagination". Journal of Comparative Social Work. ISSN: 0809-9936. 2
  • Ryen, Anne (2011). The qualitative interview. From romanticism to social enactment. Interactions, Health and Community. ISBN: 9788884928023. EDIZIONI PLUS Pisa University Press. Chapter IV. s 59 - 73.
  • Ryen, Anne; Temba, Eulalia; Matotay, Edmund (2010). Company welfare and social work ethics a space for social work? : a discussion based on cases from Norway and Tanzania. Journal of Comparative Social Work. ISSN: 0809-9936. (1). s 1 - 19.
  • Ryen, Anne (2009). "Hi, Madam, I have a small question." Teaching QM online: Guide to a successful cross-cultural master-course. Qualitative Sociology Review. ISSN: 1733-8077. V (3). s 36 - 63.
  • Ryen, Anne (2009). Editorial: Working across. Journal of Comparative Social Work. ISSN: 0809-9936. 1 (1). s 1 - 4.
  • Ryen, Anne (2009). Teaching Qualitative Methods. Qualitative Sociology Review. ISSN: 1733-8077. Vol V (3). s 1 - 123.
  • Ryen, Anne (2009). Working Across. Journal of Comparative Social Work. ISSN: 0809-9936. 1 (1). s 110.
  • Ryen, Anne (2008). Editorial. Qualitative Social Work. ISSN: 1473-3250. Volume 7 (Number 4). s 395 - 399.
  • Ryen, Anne (2008). Editorial: The Credibility of Qualitative Research. Qualitative Sociology Review. ISSN: 1733-8077. Volume IV (Issue 3). s 3 - 6.
  • Ryen, Anne (2008). Ethnography: Constitutive Practice and Research Ethics. USA. Sage Publications. faglig_bok_forlag. s 229 - 242.
  • Ryen, Anne (2008). Research Ethics in Qualitative Social Work, Research and Practice. Qualitative Social Work. ISSN: 1473-3250. Volume 7 (Number 4). s 395 - 512.
  • Ryen, Anne (2008). The Credibility of Qualitative Research. Qualitative Sociology Review. ISSN: 1733-8077. Volume IV (Issue 3). s 1 - 108.
  • Ryen, Anne (2008). Trust in Cross-Cultural Research. The Puzzle of Epistemology, Research Ethics and Context. Qualitative Social Work. ISSN: 1473-3250. 7 (4). s 448 - 465.
  • Ryen, Anne (2008). Wading the Field with My Key Informant: Exploring Field Relations. Qualitative Sociology Review. ISSN: 1733-8077. Volume IV (Issue 3). s 84 - 104.
  • Ryen, Anne (2007). Exporting ethics: The West and the Rest?. Inger Furseth and Paul Leer-Salvesen (eds.) : Religion in the Late Modernity. Essays in Honor of Pål Repstad. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. faglig_bok_forlag. s 201 - 218.
  • Knudsen, Knud; Ryen, Anne; Ryen, Anne (2006). Bedriftsvelferd på frammarsj: løsning eller problem?. Velferdspolitiske utfordringer. Abstrakt forlag. s 167 - 191.
  • Knudsen, Knud; Ryen, Anne; Ryen, Anne (2005). Frynsegoder i en ny tid. Hvordan kan frynsegoder bli belønning?. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 13 - 25.
  • Ryen, Anne (2005). Metodiske og etiske refleksjoner i tverr-kulturell forskning. Kritisk sosialt arbeid. Å analysere i lys av teori og praksis. Gyldendal Akademisk.
  • Knudsen, Knud; Ryen, Anne; Ryen, Anne (2005). Nese for frynser?. Hvordan kan frynsegoder bli belønning?. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 75 - 93.
  • Knudsen, Knud; Ryen, Anne; Ryen, Anne (2005). Skal, skal ikke? Utfordringer og dilemmaer ved frynsegoder. Hvordan kan frynsegoder bli belønning?. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 151 - 173.
  • Warren, Carol; Burgess, Heather; Barnes-Brus, Tori; Wiebold-Lippisch, Lori; Ryen, Anne (2003). After the Interview. Qualitative Sociology. ISSN: 0162-0436. 26 (1). s 93 - 110.
  • Ryen, Anne; Kristiansen, Stein (2002). Enacting their Business Environments: Asian Entreprenurs in East Africa. ?. 1 (3). s 165 - 186.
  • Ryen, Anne (2002). Husmorlandets siste skanse. Hvitt stakitt of fiberoptikk. Regionale myter - regional makt. Høyskoleforlaget. s 167 - 183.
  • Leer-Salvesen, Paul; Repstad, Pål; Ryen, Anne (2001). Barn og etikk. Verneverdig - Barnevern, forskning og etikk. Fagbokforlaget. s 185 - 197.
  • Ryen, Anne (2001). Etiske dilemmaer i studiet av ungdom. En etikkdiskusjon med utgangspunkt i metodiske virkelighetsbilder. Verneverdig : barnevern, forskning og etikk. Fagbokforlaget. s 31 - 68.
  • Ryen, Anne; Truman, Carole; Mertens, Donna M.; Humphries, Beth (2000). Colonial Methodology? Methodological challenges to cross-cultural projects collecting data by structured interviews. Research and Inequality. UCL Press, Taylor and Francis Group. laerebok. s 220 - 235.
  • Ryen, Anne; Silverman, David (2000). Marking Boundaries: Culture as Category Work. Qualitative Inquiry. ISSN: 1077-8004. 6 (1). s 107 - 127.
  • Knudsen, Knud; Ryen, Anne (2005). Anne Ryen og Knud Knudsen (eds): Hvordan kan frynsegoder bli belønning. ISBN: 82-02-23566-9. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 176.
  • Knudsen, Knud; Ryen, Anne (2005). Hvordan kan frynsegoder bli belønning?. ISBN: 8202235669. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 176.
  • Ryen, Anne (2002). Det kvalitative intervjuet. Fra vitenskapsteori til feltarbeid. ISBN: 8276745415. Fagbokforlaget. s 317.
  • Ryen, Anne (2002). Cross-cultural interviewing. ISBN: 761919511. Sage. s 20.
  • Repstad, Pål; Ryen, Anne (2001). Verneverdig. Barnevern, forskning og etikk. ISBN: 8276747272. Fagbokforlaget. s 240.
  • Ryen, Anne (2022). Creative Subversion within Tight Frames. Or simply, walking with Zombies.
  • Ryen, Anne (2022). Research ethics in the post-VOGONCGB era: The new "42".
  • Ryen, Anne (2022). Ethics in research.
  • Ryen, Anne (2021). Indigenous Research and Scholarly Conundrums.
  • Ryen, Anne (2021). Samarbeidet med Rajshahi, Bangladesh. "Langt borte": hvordan ser det ut "herfra"?.

Sist endret: 6.03.2019 17:03