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John Arngrim Hunnes


17121 ( Universitetsveien 17, Kristiansand )

John A. Hunnes er professor i samfunnsøkonomi ved Institutt for økonomi på Handelshøyskolen ved Universitetet i Agder. Han har doktorgrad (dr.oecon) og høyere avdelings eksamen (cand.oecon) fra NHH Norges Handelshøyskole.

Hunnes arbeider med forskning innenfor økonomisk historie, næringslivsetikk og bærekraft. Forskningen har resultert i flere artikler som er publisert i tidsskrifter som for eksempel Journal of Business Ethics, Financial History Review, The Journal of European Economic History og International Journal of Manpower.

Hunnes har forfattet og bidratt til kapitler i bøker utgitt av Palgrave Macmillan og University of Chicago Press. I 2016 var han medforfatter av boken Krakk og kriser i historisk perspektiv.

Før han begynte på Handelshøyskolen ved Universitetet i Agder, hadde Hunnes en post-doc-stilling ved NHH Norges Handelshøyskole. Hunnes har for tiden en bistilling ved Hauge School of Management, NLA Høgskolen, og han er medlem i Fagkomiteen for etikk i UHR-Økonomi og administrasjon. Fra juli 2022 er Hunnes også tilknyttet UiA PULS - Pedagogisk utviklings- og læringssenter.

Som anerkjennelse for sin undervisningsinnsats, mottok Hunnes i 2018 UiAs utdanningspris for sitt arbeid med etikk i økonomiutdanningen. I 2021 fikk han status som merittert underviser.

Komplett CV (lenke til pdf på Google drive).

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Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Jaganjac, Berina; Hansen, Kathrine Wallevik; Lunde, Henriette; Hunnes, John Arngrim (2024). The role of organizational culture and structure in implementing sustainability initiatives. Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility (BEER). ISSN: 2694-6416. doi:10.1111/beer.12710.
  • Berntsen, Terje Bernt; Aas, Tor Helge; Hunnes, John Arngrim (2023). Balancing contradictory demands during the transition to a business model portfolio for sustainability. Cogent Business & Management. ISSN: 2331-1975. 10 (3). doi:10.1080/23311975.2023.2275364.
  • Hunnes, John Arngrim; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2023). Ethics and Sustainability in Undergraduate Business Studies. Practicing responsibility in business schools : Implications for teaching, research, and innovation. ISBN: 9781035313167. Edward Elgar Publishing. Kapittel 12. s 239 - 260.
  • Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit; Hunnes, John Arngrim (2023). Improving students’ learning—the role of formative feedback: experiences from a crash course for business students in academic writing. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education. ISSN: 0260-2938. doi:10.1080/02602938.2023.2187744.
  • Jaganjac, Berina; Abrahamsen, Line M.; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit; Hunnes, John Arngrim (2023). Is It Time to Reclaim the ‘Ethics’ in Business Ethics Education?. Journal of Business Ethics. ISSN: 0167-4544. 190s 1 - 22. doi:10.1007/s10551-023-05400-5.
  • Heggelund, Pia; Hersdal, Mari Berg; Hunnes, John Arngrim (2023). Navigating the green path: The Scandinavian outdoor industry’s quest for sustainability. Cogent Business & Management. ISSN: 2331-1975. 10 (3). doi:10.1080/23311975.2023.2268336.
  • Kettunen, Kerttu Pauliina; Alajoutsijärvi, Jouni Kimmo; Hunnes, John Arngrim; Pinheiro, Romulo (2022). Emergence and early institutionalization of competition in higher education: evidence from Finnish business schools. Tertiary Education and Management. ISSN: 1358-3883. doi:10.1007/s11233-022-09104-9.
  • Hunnes, John A. (2022). Wages, Work, and the Catholic Social Teaching. The Journal of Values Based Leadership. ISSN: 2153-019X. 15 (1).
  • Grytten, Ola Honningdal; Hunnes, John A. (2021). Ethics, resource rent, environment and petroleum policy: the case of a small open economy. Environmental Economics. ISSN: 1998-6041. 12 (1). s 76 - 89. doi:10.21511/ee.12(1).2021.07.
  • Liland, Truls; Hunnes, John A. (2021). On the Purpose of the Firm: The Case of Hans Nielsen Hauge. IN THE LEGACY OF HANS NIELSEN HAUGE Entrepreneurship in Economics, Management, Education and Politics. ISBN: 978-82-8403-118-7. Bodoni forlag. 5. s 79 - 94.
  • Zakamulin, Valeriy; Hunnes, John A. (2020). Stock earnings and bond yields in the US 1871–2017 : The story of a changing relationship. Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance. ISSN: 1062-9769. 79s 182 - 197. doi:10.1016/j.qref.2020.05.013.
  • Hunnes, John A.; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2019). Five Years Into Blended Learning: What Have We Learned? A Retrospective Look. ICERI Proceedings. ISSN: 2340-1095. s 1018 - 1026. doi:10.21125/iceri.2019.0316.
  • Hunnes, John A. (2019). More planet and less profit? The ethical dilemma of an oil producing nation. Cogent Business & Management. ISSN: 2331-1975. 6 (1). s 1 - 14. doi:10.1080/23311975.2019.1648363.
  • Hunnes, John A.; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2019). Verdier og økonomi. Universitetskamp. ISBN: 978-82-304-0247-4. Scandinavian Academic Press. 17. s 384 - 413.
  • Hunnes, Arngrim; Olsen, Torunn Skåltveit (2018). How to engage students in ethics and CSR? Evidence from blended learning. INTED Proceedings. ISSN: 2340-1079. s 4885 - 4894. doi:10.21125/inted.2018.0954.
  • Johannesson, Jökull Hafthor; Hunnes, Arngrim (2016). Chinese foreign student psychological needs, approaches to learning and marks at a UK university. EDULEARN Proceedings. ISSN: 2340-1125. 16s 7134 - 7140. doi:10.21125/edulearn.2016.0557.
  • Grytten, Ola Honningdal; Hunnes, Arngrim (2014). An anatomy of financial crises in Norway, 1830–2010. Financial History Review. ISSN: 0968-5650. 21 (1). s 25 - 57. doi:10.1017/S0968565013000279.
  • Grytten, Ola Honningdal; Hunnes, Arngrim (2012). A Long Term View on the Short Term Co-movement of Output and Prices in a Small Open Economy. International Journal of Economics and Finance. ISSN: 1916-9728. 4 (2). s 3 - 15. doi:10.5539/ijef.v4n2p3.
  • Hunnes, Arngrim; Kvaløy, Ola; Mohn, Klaus (2012). An Empirical Study of Performance Appraisal and Career Opportunities. International Journal of Business and Management (IJBM). ISSN: 1833-3850. 7 (1). s 22 - 35. doi:10.5539/ijbm.v7n1p22.
  • Grytten, Ola Honningdal; Hunnes, Arngrim (2012). Gender-specific labour-market convergence and family stability in Scandinavian countries (1886-2007). Journal of European Economic History. ISSN: 0391-5115. XLI (2). s 11 - 49.
  • Grytten, Ola Honningdal; Hunnes, Arngrim (2012). Price stability in the periphery during the international gold standard: Scandinavia. The Gold Standard Peripheries. Monetary Policy, Adjustment and Flexibility in a Global Setting. ISBN: 978-0-230-34317-7. Palgrave Macmillan. Kapittel 4. s 58 - 80.
  • Hunnes, Arngrim (2012). Testing the role of comparative advantage and learning in wage and promotion dynamics. International journal of manpower. ISSN: 0143-7720. 33 (5). s 556 - 582. doi:10.1108/01437721211253191.
  • Grytten, Ola; Hunnes, Arngrim (2010). Økonomisk og demografisk interaksjon i det førindustrielle Norge. Økonomi og tid : 18 essays i Pufendorf-tradisjon : festskrift til professor Arild Sæther på 70-årsdagen, 8. august 2010. ISBN: 978-82-450-1024-4. Fagbokforlaget. xx. s 85 - 101.
  • Hunnes, Arngrim (2009). Internal wage dispersion and firm performance: white-collar evidence. International journal of manpower. ISSN: 0143-7720. 30 (8). s 776 - 796. doi:10.1108/01437720911004425.
  • Hunnes, Arngrim; Salvanes, Kjell G.; Møen, Jarle (2009). Wage structure and labor mobility in Norway, 1980-97. The Structure of Wages: an international comparison. Edward P. Lazear and Kathryn L. Shaw (eds). University of Chicago Press. s 315 - 372.
  • Hunnes, Arngrim (2007). Bedrifters lønnsstrukturer: Teori og empiri. Søkelys på arbeidsmarkedet. ISSN: 0800-6199. 24 (2). s 171 - 180.
  • Grytten, Ola Honningdal; Hunnes, Arngrim (2016). Krakk og kriser i historisk perspektiv.. ISBN: 9788202414924. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 286.
  • Hunnes, John Arngrim (2023). Makroøkonomi i urolige tider: Fra etterkrigstidens vekst til finanskrisen. Hva forteller historien oss?.

Sist endret: 22.04.2024 08:04