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Astrid Bredholt Stensrud


H2028 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Jeg har studert sosialantropologi ved Universitetet i Oslo (Hovedfag fra 2004, og PhD fra 2011), og har gjort etnografisk forskning i Peru (Andes-regionen) i mange år. Nå underviser jeg i ulike emner relatert til utviklingsspørsmål og Latin Amerika ved UiA, i tillegg til å forske og skrive om hvordan mennesker påvirkes av og responderer på krise og ulikhet. 


Mine forskningsinteresser omfatter uformell rural-urban økonomi, prekære arbeidsforhold og entreprenørskap, sosial endring, kjønn og hushold, krise, ulikhet og fattigdom, samt  menneske-natur relasjoner i Sør-Amerika, først og fremst i det peruanske Andes. Jeg har også forsket på klimaendring og vannforvaltning i Peru.


Understanding Crisis: a conceptual approach

Global political economy

Latin American Studies

Political ecology

Regional analysis


Faglige interesser

Krise og ulikhet

Menneske-natur relasjoner


Klimaendring, tilpasning, miljø

Vann og vannforvaltning

Uformell økonomi, entreprenørskap og utvikling


Latin Amerika, Andes, Peru

Utvalgte publikasjoner


Watershed Politics and Climate Change in Peru. Pluto Press, 2021

Redigert bok:

Climate, Capitalism and Communities: An Anthropology of Environmental Overheating, edited volume with Thomas Hylland Eriksen, Pluto Press, 2019

Vitenskapelige artikler: 

‘You cannot contradict the engineer’: Disencounters of modern technology, climate change and power in the Peruvian Andes, Critique of Anthropology 39(4): 420-438, 2019

The Social Embeddedness of Hydraulic Engineers in the Regulation of Water and Infrastructure in Peru, Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space 37 (7): 1235-1251, 2019

The formalisation of water use and conditional ownership in Colca Valley, Peru. Water Alternatives 12(2): 521-537, 2019

Safe milk and risky quinoa: The lottery and precarity of farming in Peru, FOCAAL Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology 83: 72–84, 2019

Precarious entrepreneurs: mobile phones, work and kinship in neoliberal Peru. Social Anthropology 25 (2): 159-173, 2017

Climate Change, Water Practices and Relational Worlds in the Andes. Ethnos: Journal of Anthropology, 81 (1): 75-98, 2016 

Allmenn formidling

 Klimapolitikken trenger samfunnsvitere, kronikk i Fædrelandsvennen, 24 September, 2019

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2023). La formalización de los derechos de uso del agua y la propiedad hidráulica condicional en el valle del Colca, Perú. Allpanchis. ISSN: 0252-8835. 91s 157 - 200. doi:10.36901/allpanchis.v50i91.1532.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2023). The water obliges: Climate change and world-making practices in Peru. Anthropology and Climate Change: From Transformations to Worldmaking. ISBN: 9781032150932. Routledge. Chapter 9. s 144 - 156.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2020). Sentient Springs and Sources of Life. Water, climate change and world-making practices in the Andes. Sacred Waters. A Cross-Cultural Compendium of Hallowed Springs and Holy Wells. ISBN: 9780367445133. Routledge. Chapter 35. s 368 - 377.
  • Eriksen, Thomas Hylland; Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2019). Introduction: Anthropological perspectives on global economic and environmental crises in an overheated world. Climate, Capitalism and Communities: An Anthropology of Environmental Overheating. ISBN: 9780745339566. Pluto Press. Chapter 1. s 1 - 22.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2019). Safe milk and risky quinoa the lottery and precarity of farming in Peru. Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology. ISSN: 0920-1297. 2019 (83). s 72 - 84. doi:10.3167/fcl.2019.830108.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2019). The Formalisation of Water Use and Conditional Ownership in Colca Valley, Peru. Water Alternatives - An interdisciplinary journal on water, politics and development. ISSN: 1965-0175. 12 (2). s 521 - 537.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2019). The dark side of progress: the intersections of climate change, neoliberalism, and modernity in Peru. Climate, Capitalism and Communities: An Anthropology of Environmental Overheating. ISBN: 9780745339566. Pluto Press. chapter 6. s 96 - 114.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2019). The social embeddedness of hydraulic engineers in the regulation of water and infrastructure in Peru. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. ISSN: 2399-6544. 37 (7). s 1235 - 1251. doi:10.1177/2399654419866835.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2019). Water as Resource and Being: Water Extractivism and Life Projects in Peru. Indigenous life projects and extractivism. Ethnographies from South America. ISBN: 978-3-319-93435-8. Palgrave Macmillan. Chapter 6. s 143 - 164.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2019). “You cannot contradict the engineer”: Disencounters of modern technology, climate change, and power in the Peruvian Andes. Critique of Anthropology. ISSN: 0308-275X. 39 (4). s 420 - 438. doi:10.1177/0308275X18821164.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2018). Settlers and Squatters: The Production of Social Inequalities in the Peruvian Desert. The Social Life of Economic Inequalities in Contemporary Latin America: Decades of Change. ISBN: 978-3-319-61535-6. Palgrave Macmillan. Chapter 10. s 231 - 252.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2017). Precarious entrepreneurs: mobile phones, work and kinship in neoliberal Peru. Social Anthropology. ISSN: 0964-0282. 25 (2). s 159 - 173. doi:10.1111/1469-8676.12395.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2016). "It Seems Like a Lie”: The Everyday Politics of World-Making in Contemporary Peru. Critical Anthropological Engagements in Human Alterity and Difference. ISBN: 978-3-319-40474-5. Palgrave Macmillan. Chapter 11. s 253 - 272.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2016). "We Are All Strangers Here":Transforming Land and Making Identity in a Desert Boomtown. Identity Destabilised. Living in an overheated world.. ISBN: 9780745399126. Pluto Press. Chapter 4. s 59 - 76.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2016). Adapting to what? The neoliberal politics of climate change and alternative forms of governance in the Andes. Will the Paris agreement save the world? An analysis and critique of the governance roadmap set out in COP 21. ISBN: 978-82-90391-65-7. Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo. Chapter 9. s 57 - 63.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2014). Climate Change, Water Practices and Relational Worlds in the Andes. Ethnos. ISSN: 0014-1844. 81 (1). s 75 - 98. doi:10.1080/00141844.2014.929597.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2016). Dreams of Growth and Fear of Water Crisis: the Ambivalence of ‘Progress’ in the Majes-Siguas Irrigation Project, Peru. History and Anthropology. ISSN: 0275-7206. 27 (5). s 569 - 584. doi:10.1080/02757206.2016.1222526.
  • Paerregaard, Karsten; Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt; Andersen, Astrid Oberborbeck (2016). Water Citizenship: Negotiating Water Rights and Contesting Water Culture in the Peruvian Andes. Latin American Research Review. ISSN: 0023-8791. 51 (1). s 198 - 217. doi:10.1353/lar.2016.0012.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2015). Raining in the Andes: Disrupted Seasonal and Hydrological Cycles. Waterworlds: Anthropology in Fluid Environments. ISBN: 978-1-78238-946-0. Berghahn Books. Chapter 3. s 75 - 92.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2010). Los peregrinos urbanos en Qoyllurit'i y el juego mimético de miniaturas. ANTHROPOLOGICA. ISSN: 0254-9212. (28). s 39 - 66.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2007). Negociación de poder y respeto: El comedor popular como punto de encuentro entre mujeres pobres y el estado en Cusco, Perú. Serie Haina. ISSN: 1403-3933. 6
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2006). Forhandlinger om makt og respekt felleskjøkkenet som møtepunkt mellom kvinner og stat i Peru. Norsk Antropologisk Tidsskrift. ISSN: 0802-7285. 17 (3/4). s 253 - 263.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2021). Watershed Politics and Climate Change in Peru. ISBN: 9781786807571. Pluto Press. s 240.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt; Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2019). Climate, Capitalism and Communities: An Anthropology of Environmental Overheating. ISBN: 9780745339566. Pluto Press. s 243.
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2024). Navigating Crisis: Reciprocity and Practices of Care among Precarious Entrepreneurs in Cusco, Peru..
  • Stensrud, Astrid Bredholt (2023). Caring Under Crisis: Social and Moral Resilience in Andean Peru.

Sist endret: 5.10.2023 12:10