Førsteamanuensis ved institutt for idrettsvitenskap og kroppsøving (d.d.)
Postdoktor ved Forskningssenter for barne- og ungdomsidrett (2017-2020)
Doktorgradsstipendiat i idrettspsykologi ved Norges idrettshøgskole (2012-2017)
Barne- og ungdomsidrett
Totalbelastning i treningshverdagen for unge utøvere (aldersgruppen 13-19 år)
Fotball i Agder
Delt virkelighetsforståelse mellom trenere og utøvere i junior elite idrett
Trener i barne- og ungdomsidrett
Halvari, A. E. M., Ivarsson, A., Halvari, H., Olafsen, A. H., Solstad, B. E., Niemiec, C. P., Deci, E. L., & Williams, G. (2021). A Prospective Study of Knowledge Sharing at Work Based on Self-Determination Theory. Scandinavian Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 6(1): 5, 1–14. DOI: https://doi.org/10.16993/sjwop.140
Bentzen, M., Hordvik, M., Stenersen, M. H., & Solstad, B. E. (2021). A longitudinal transitional perspective on why adolescents choose to quit organized sport in Norway. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2021.102015
Solstad, B. E., Granerud, M., Haraldsen, H. M., Gustafsson, H., & Knight, C. (2021). An exploration of reciprocity between female athletes and their coach in elite junior swimming: a shared reality theory perspective. Qualitative Research of Sport, Exercise and Health, doi:10.1080/2159676X.2021.1941211
Haraldsen, H., Abrahamsen, F. E., Solstad, B. E., & Halvari, H. (2021). Narrative Tensions in Strained Elite Junior Performers' Experiences of Becoming Elite Performers. Frontiers in Psychology, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.645098
Haraldsen, H., Ivarsson, A., Solstad, B. E., Abrahamsen, F., & Halvari, H. (2020). Composites of Perfectionism and Inauthenticity in Relation to Controlled Motivation, Performance Anxiety and Exhaustion among Elite Junior Performers. European Journal of Sport Science, doi:10.1080/17461391.2020.1763478
Solstad, B. E., Stenling, A., Ommundsen, Y., Wold, B., Heuzé, J. P., Sarrazin, P., Castillo, I., Cruz, J., Hall, H., Papaioannou, A., & Duda, J. L. (2020). Initial psychometric testing of the coach-adapted version of the empowering and disempowering motivational climate questionnaire: A Bayesian approach. Journal of Sports Sciences, doi:10.1080/02640414.2020.1722575
Haraldsen, H., Solstad, B. E., Ivarsson, A., Halvari, H., & Abrahamsen, F. (2020). Change in Basic Need Frustration in Relation to Perfectionism, Anxiety and Performance in Elite Junior Performers. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, doi:10.1111/sms.13614
Haraldsen, H., Halvari, H., Solstad, B. E., Abrahamsen, F., & Nordin-Bates, S. (2019). The role of perfectionism and controlling conditions in Norwegian elite junior performers’ motivational processes. Frontiers in Psychology, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01366
Gjesdal, S., Stenling, A., Solstad, B. E., & Ommundsen, Y. (2019). A study of coach‐team perceptual distance concerning the coach‐created motivational climate in youth sport. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports, 29, 132-143. doi:10.1111/sms.13306
Pedersen, C., Halvari, H., Solstad, B. E., & Bentzen, M. (2019). Longitudinal trajectories of physical activity among employees participating in a worksite health promotion intervention: A latent class growth approach. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 43, 311-320. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2019.03.007
Kristiansen, E., Ivarsson, A., Solstad, B. E., & Roberts, G. C. (2019). Motivational processes affecting the perception of organizational and media stressors among professional football players: A longitudinal mixed methods research study. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 43, 172-182. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2019.02.009
Bean, C., Solstad, B. E., Ivarsson, A., & Forneris, T. (2018). Longitudinal associations between perceived programme quality, basic needs support and basic needs satisfaction within youth sport: A person-centred approach. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, doi:10.1080/1612197X.2018.1462234
Jordalen, G., Lemyre, P. N., Solstad, B. E., & Ivarsson, A. (2018). The role of self-control and motivation on exhaustion in youth athletes: A longitudinal perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2018.02449
Pensgaard, A. M., Ivarsson, A., Nilstad, A., Solstad, B. E., & Steffen, K. (2018). Psychosocial stress factors, including the relationship with the coach, and their influence on acute and overuse injury risk in elite female football players. BMJ Open Sport & Exercise Medicine, 4, doi:10.1136/bmjsem-2017-000317
Ommundsen, Y., Solstad, B. E., Høigaard, R., & Wold, B. (2018). Mestrer jeg trenerrollen? Validitet og reliabilitet i en skala til måling av mestringstro i et utvalg norske breddefotballtrenere. I T. Haugen og R. Høigaard (red.), Trender i idrettspsykologisk forskning i Skandinavia (s. 47-72). Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Solstad, B. E., Ivarsson, A., Haug, E. M., & Ommundsen, Y. (2018). Youth sport coaches’ well-being across the season: The psychological costs and benefits of giving empowering and disempowering sports coaching to athletes. International Sport Coaching Journal, 5, 124-135. doi:10.1123/iscj.2017-0026
Solstad, B. E., Larsen, T., Holsen, I., Ivarsson, A., Ronglan, L. T., & Ommundsen, Y. (2017). Pre- to post-season differences in empowering and disempowering behaviors among youth football coaches: A sequential mixed methods study. Sports Coaching Review, 7, 113-141. doi:10.1080/21640629.2017.1361166
Solstad, B. E., Van Hoye, A., & Ommundsen, Y. (2015). Social-contextual and intrapersonal antecedents of coaches’ basic need satisfaction: The intervening variable effect of providing autonomy-supportive coaching. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 20, 84- 93. doi:10.1016/j.psychsport.2015.05.001
Solstad, B. E., & Lemyre, P. N. (2014). Why coaches should encourage swimmers’ efforts to succeed. Journal of Swimming Research, 22, 1-9.
Sist endret: 23.09.2021 21:09