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Bente Birkeland


C5035 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad )

Utvalgte publikasjoner

Ruud, T., Birkeland, B., Faugli, A., Hagen, K. A., Hellman, A., Hilsen, M., & Weimand, B. M. (2015). Barn som pårørende. Resultater fra en multisenterstudie. Lørenskog: Akershus universitetssykehus HF https://www.helsebiblioteket.no/psykisk-helse/barn-og-unge/rapporter/barn-som-parorende 

Birkeland, B., & Weimand, B. (2015). En kvalitativ undersøkelse av levekår hos voksne pårørende til personer med rusmiddelproblemer. Oslo: Helsedirektoratet. https://www.helsedirektoratet.no/rapporter/en-kvalitativ-undersokelse-av-levekar-hos-voksne-parorende-til-personer-med-rusmiddelproblemer 

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Vederhus, John-Kåre; Timko, Christine; Birkeland, Bente; Haugland, Siri Håvås; Gabrielsen, Karin Berle (2024). Validation of an ultra-short global quality of life scale in a large population-based health survey. PLOS ONE. ISSN: 1932-6203. 19 (8). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0307539.
  • Jobling, Nina; Mjåland, Kristian; Birkeland, Bente (2023). Fengselssykepleieres erfaringer med samarbeidet med spesialisthelsetjenesten og fastleger om legemiddelassistert rehabilitering (LAR). Sykepleien Forskning. ISSN: 1890-2936. 18doi:10.4220/Sykepleienf.2023.91849.
  • Marciuch, Anne; Birkeland, Bente; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Solli, Kristin Klemmetsby; Tanum, Lars Håkon Reiestad; Mathisen, Ida; Weimand, Bente (2023). Personal recovery among people with opioid use disorder during treatment with extended-release naltrexone. Heliyon. ISSN: 2405-8440. 9 (7). doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e17516.
  • Stavnes, Kristin Anne; Ruud, Torleif; Saltyte Benth, Jurate; Hanssen-Bauer, Ketil; Weimand, Bente Margrethe; Solantaus, Tytti; Hilsen, Marit; Skogøy, Bjørg Eva; Kallander, Ellen Katrine; Kufås, Elin; Peck, Gro Christensen; Birkeland, Bente; Hagen, Kristine Amlund (2022). Norwegian health personnel’s compliance with new legislation on children of ill parents: an exploratory cross-sectional multicentre study. BMC Health Services Research. ISSN: 1472-6963. 22s 1 - 18. doi:10.1186/s12913-022-08268-9.
  • Marciuch, Anne; Brenna, Ida Halvorsen; Weimand, Bente; Solli, Kristin Klemmetsby; Tanum, Lars Håkon Reiestad; Røstad, Bente; Birkeland, Bente (2022). Patients’ experiences of continued treatment with extended-release naltrexone: a Norwegian qualitative study. Addiction science & clinical practice. ISSN: 1940-0632. 17 (1). s 1 - 14. doi:10.1186/s13722-022-00317-2.
  • Friesinger, Jan Georg; Birkeland, Bente; Thorød, Anne Brita (2021). Human-Animal Relationships in Supported Housing: Animal Atmospheres for Mental Health Recovery. Frontiers in Psychology. ISSN: 1664-1078. 12doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.712133.
  • Birkeland, Bente; Weimand, Bente; Ruud, Torleif; Maybery, Darryl; Vederhus, John-Kåre (2021). Perceived family cohesion, social support, and quality of life in patients undergoing treatment for substance use disorders compared with patients with mental and physical disorders. Addiction science & clinical practice. ISSN: 1940-0632. 16 (1). s 1 - 9. doi:10.1186/s13722-021-00252-8.
  • Brenna, Ida Halvorsen; Marciuch, Anne; Birkeland, Bente; Veseth, Marius; Røstad, Bente; Løberg, Else-Marie; Solli, Kristin Klemmetsby; Tanum, Lars Håkon Reiestad; Weimand, Bente (2021). ‘Not at all what I had expected’: Discontinuing treatment with extended-release naltrexone (XR-NTX): A qualitative study. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment. ISSN: 0740-5472. s 1 - 11. doi:10.1016/j.jsat.2021.108667.
  • Vederhus, John-Kåre; Høie, Magnhild; Birkeland, Bente (2020). One size doesn't fit all: A thematic analysis of interviews with people who have stopped participating in Narcotics Anonymous in Norway. Addiction science & clinical practice. ISSN: 1940-0632. 15 (18). doi:10.1186/s13722-020-00191-w.
  • Weimand, Bente; Birkeland, Bente; Ruud, Torleif; Høie, Magnhild (2020). “It’s like being stuck on an unsafe and unpredictable rollercoaster” : Experiencing substance use problems in a partner. Nordic Studies on Alcohol and Drugs (NAD). ISSN: 1455-0725. 37 (3). s 227 - 242. doi:10.1177/1455072520904652.
  • Birkeland, Bente; Foster, Kim; Selbekk, Anne Schanche; Høie, Magnhild; Ruud, Torleif; Weimand, Bente (2018). The quality of life when a partner has substance use problems: a scoping review. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. ISSN: 1477-7525. 16:219s 1 - 14. doi:10.1186/s12955-018-1042-4.
  • Birkeland, Bente; Weimand, Bente; Ruud, Torleif; Høie, Magnhild; Vederhus, John-Kåre (2017). Perceived quality of life in partners of patients undergoing treatment in somatic health, mental health, or substance use disorder units: A cross-sectional study. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes. ISSN: 1477-7525. 15 (1). doi:10.1186/s12955-017-0750-5.
  • Vederhus, John-Kåre; Birkeland, Bente; Clausen, Thomas (2016). Perceived quality of life, 6 months after detoxification: Is abstinence a modifying factor?. Quality of Life Research. ISSN: 0962-9343. 25 (9). s 2315 - 2322. doi:10.1007/s11136-016-1272-z.
  • Vederhus, John-Kåre; Timko, Christine; Kristensen, Øistein; Hjemdal, Bente; Clausen, Thomas (2014). Motivational intervention to enhance post-detoxification 12-Step group affiliation: A randomized controlled trial. Addiction. ISSN: 0965-2140. 109 (5). s 766 - 773. doi:10.1111/add.12471.


Sist endret: 3.09.2021 09:09