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Claire Vaugelade Berg

Førsteamanuensis emerita

Førsteamanuensis, 100%

J3015 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Cand. mag. inkl. PPU

Master thesis:  Evariste Galois:

   his life and first Mémoire.


Doctoral thesis:Developing Algebraic Thinking

    in a Community ofInquiry: Collaboration between three teachers and a


Faglige interesser


Abstrakt algebra

Lærerutdanning: GLU og PPU/lektor


2006-2010 Practice-based Research and Design: Teaching Better Mathematics (TBM), active


2011–2014 ACME (Addressing the Challenges in Mathematics Education): active researcher


2011 -         Responsible for the Norwegian part of the NorBa project concerning teachers’    


2011 -         Participation in the NorBa project concerning research on mathematics textbook.

2011 -         Co-leader of the Inquiry-based mathematics teacher education: Preparing for life-long learning, the IBMTE project.  Project directed by Claire V. Berg together with Barbro Grevholm in two courses at teacher education at UiA (Ma-149 and Ma-133). Successful applications in 2011 (40 000NOK), 2012 (50 000NOK), and 2013 (80 000NOK).

2012-          Participation in the European project on Multiculturalism, Migration, Mathematics Education and Language, the M3Eal project. Participating countries areFrance,Greece,Italy, Czech andNorway.

2013           Creation of the IBTE project by expanding the IBMTE project and inviting colleagues from Pedagogy and Norwegian involved in teacher education.

2014-         Leader of the IBMTE project.

2014-         Co-leader of the IBTE project. Successful application in 2013 (2 575 000NOK)

2014-         Leader of the M3Eal project forNorway.

2014-         Member of the MatRIC Center,Working Group within Teacher Education.

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Guribye, Eugene; Rambø, Gro-Renée; Kristiansen, Aslaug; Berg, Claire Vaugelade; Hellang, Bente Velle; Haraldstad, Åse; Hauge, Elisabeth S. (2021). Inquiry-based learning as a tool during transitions in the teacher education program. UNIPED. ISSN: 1500-4538. 44 (1). s 60 - 74. doi:10.18261/issn.1893-8981-2021-01-06.
  • Berg, Claire Vaugelade (2015). Pre-service mathematics teachers as researchers: the centrality of inquiry. Nordic research in mathematics education – Proceedings of NORMA14, Turku, June 3-6, 2014. ISBN: 978-952-5993-17-2. The Finnish Research Association for Subject Didactics. Chapter. s 41 - 50.
  • Rambø, Gro-Renee; Kristiansen, Aslaug; Berg, Claire Vaugelade; Grevholm, Barbro; Haraldstad, Åse; Hellang, Bente Velle; Håøy, Annbjørg (2015). Toward a More Sustainable Pre-service Teacher Education: A Study in Progress. Higher Education in a Sustainable Society. ISBN: 978-3-319-15918-8. Springer. Chapter number 4. s 51 - 64.
  • Berg, Claire Vaugelade; Grevholm, Barbro; Haraldstad, Åse; Hellang, Bente Velle; Håøy, Annbjørg; Kristiansen, Aslaug; Rambø, Gro-Renee (2015). Toward a More Sustainable Pre-service Teacher Education: A Study in Progress. Higher Education in a Sustainable Society. ISBN: 978-3-319-15918-8. Springer. 4. s 51 - 64.
  • Berg, Claire Vaugelade (2013). Enhancing Mathematics Student Teachers’ Content Knowledge: Conversion between Semiotic Representations. Proceedings of the Eighth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. ISBN: 978-975-429-315-9. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. -. s 2946 - 2955.
  • Berg, Claire Vaugelade (2013). Introducing an inquiry-based approach in mathematics teacher education: Focus on students' reflections. Nordic research in didactics of mathematics: Past, present and future. ISBN: 978-82-02-39348-9. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Chapter. s 61 - 76.
  • Berg, Claire Marie J D V (2012). From designing to implementing mathematical tasks: Investigating the changes in the nature of the T-shirt task. The Mathematics Enthusiast. ISSN: 1551-3440. 9 (3). s 347 - 358. doi:10.1080/14794802.2010.496977.
  • Berg, Claire Marie J D V (2012). L’impact d’un projet de recherche sur le développement professionnel d’un enseignant : exploration de la notion de fonction. Enseignement des mathematiques et contrat social. Enjeux et défis pour le 21ème siècle. Actes du colloque emf 2012. ISBN: 978-2-8399-1115-3. Université de Genève. GT6. s 799 - 807.
  • Berg, Claire Marie J D V; Fuglestad, Anne Berit; Goodchild, Simon; Sriraman, Bharath (2012). Mediated action in teachers' discussions about mathematics tasks. ZDM: Mathematics Education. ISSN: 1863-9690. 44 (5). s 677 - 689. doi:10.1007/s11858-012-0423-0.
  • Berg, Claire Marie J D V (2011). Adopting an inquiry approach to teaching practice: the case of a primary school teacher. CERME 7: Proceedings of the Seventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. ISBN: 978-83-7338-683-9. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. artikkel. s 2580 - 2589.
  • Berg, Claire Marie J D V (2011). In-service teachers' professional development: which systemic aspects are involved?. Research in Mathematics Education. ISSN: 1479-4802. 13 (2). s 223 - 224. doi:10.1080/14794802.2011.585832.
  • Berg, Claire Marie J D V (2011). Overgang fra design til implementering av matematiske oppgaver i undervisning: å utvikle innsikt i samarbeid mellom forskere og lærere. FoU i praksis. ISSN: 1504-6893. 5 (2). s 7 - 30.
  • Berg, Claire V. (2010). Current Report: Designing and implementing mathematical tasks, the T-shirt task. Research in Mathematics Education. ISSN: 1479-4802. 12 (2). s 151 - 152.
  • Berg, Claire V. (2010). Investigating the impact of a developmental research project on teachers' teaching practice: Listening to mathematics teachers' reflections. Research in Mathematics Education. ISSN: 1479-4802. 30 (3). s 7 - 12.
  • Berg, Claire V. (2010). Le projet TBM: Un example de modalité de collaboration entre chercheurs et praticiens en Norvège. Recherches en éducation. ISSN: 1954-3077. 1s 130 - 146.
  • Berg, Claire V. (2009). A contextualized approach to proof and proving in mathematics education : focus on the nature of mathematical tasks. Proceedings of the ICMI Study 19 conference: Proof and Proving in Mathematics Education. ISBN: 9789860182101. The Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University. faglig_bok_forlag. s 100 - 105.
  • Berg, Claire V. (2009). The T-shirt task: Using a mathematical task as a means to get insights into the nature of the collaboration between in-service teachers and researchers. Research in Mathematics Education. ISSN: 1479-4802. 29 (3). s 13 - 18.
  • Berg, Claire V. (2007). Expressing generality: focus on teachers' use of algebraic notation. European Research in Mathematics Education : Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. s 1837 - 1846.
  • Berg, Claire V. (2007). Focus on teachers' reflections and the role of the researcher in collaborative problem solving in algebra: Building a learning community. Relating Practice and Research in mathematics education. Proceedings of Norma 05, Fourth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. s 151 - 162.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Berg, Claire V.; Johnsen, Veslemøy (2007). Forskning under lärarpraktik i matematik. Æmnesdidaktik ur ett nationellt och internationellt perspektiv. Rikskonferensen i æmnesdidaktik 2006. Redaktører: Olle Eskilsson och Andreas Redfors. Kristianstad University Press. faglig_bok_forlag. s 121 - 132.
  • Grevholm, Barbro; Berg, Claire V.; Johnsen, Veslemøy (2006). Student teachers' participation in a research project in mathematics education. Teaching mathematics: Retrospective and perspectives. 7th international conference May 12-13, 2006. Tartu Ulikool and Eesti matematatika Selts. faglig_bok_forlag. s 71 - 78.
  • Berg, Claire Marie J D V; Solbakken, Bente (2003). Algebra, Et dagskurs (6 timer) for lærere i ungdomsskolen. Ressurspersonhefte, Matematikkopplegg med faglig innhold. Nasjonalt senter for matematikk i opplæringen. Kapittel. s 22 - 26.
  • Berg, Claire Marie J D V (2010). Developing algebraic thinking in a community of inquiry: Collaboration between three teachers and a didactician. ISBN: 9783639231427. VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG. s 322.
  • Berg, Claire Vaugelade (2013). Tasks in a mathematics course in vocational secondary school: Comments to Trude Sundtjønn.
  • Berg, Claire Vaugelade (2013). Å undervise i matematikk: Hva er spesifikt for dette faget? Fokus på grunnskoletrinn 5-10.
  • Berg, Claire Vaugelade (2013). Lærerstudenter som forskere: Hvilke muligheter and hvilke begrensninger?.

Sist endret: 21.06.2018 14:06