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Hanne Haaland


associate professor/head of department

H2006 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Haaland, Hanne; Shults, Lee Michael; Wallevik, Hege (2023). Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity (CIGS) as new development actors in Norway - an exploration of how and why they emerge. The Rise of Small-Scale Development Organisations: The Emergence, Positioning and Role of Citizen Aid Actors. ISBN: 9781032132327. Routledge.
  • Korsvik, Valerie-Peggy Immy; Shults, Lee Michael; Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2023). Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity (CIGS), Frontier Africans, and Experiences of Translocal Networking. The rise of small-scale development organisations: The emergence, positioning and role of citizen aid actors. ISBN: 9781032132327. Routledge. Chapter 9.
  • Frydenlund, Erika; Haaland, Hanne; Padilla, Jose J; Wallevik, Hege (2023). Citizen Initiatives in Humanitarian Aid: Lesvos, Greece as a Case in Bottom-Up Humanitarian Assistance Mobilization. The Rise of Small-Scale Development Organisations: The Emergence, Positioning and Role of Citizen Aid Actors. ISBN: 9781032132327. Routledge.
  • Sommerfelt, Ingvild; Ndhlovu, Patricia; Taylor, Myra; Naidoo, Saloshni; Pillay, Pavitra; Haaland, Hanne; Gundersen, Svein Gunnar; Furumele, Tsakani; Kjetland, Eyrun Floerecke (2023). Health professionals’ knowledge about female genital schistosomiasis. A qualitative investigation in a schistosomiasis endemic area in South Africa. SSM - Qualitative Research in Health. 3doi:10.1016/j.ssmqr.2023.100292.
  • Magnussen, May-Linda; Alasow, Mona; Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2023). Realitetsorientering? Kategorisering av kvinner med fluktbakgrunn i Agder. Utenforskap, stigmatisering og fremmedfrykt på Agder: 1860 til i dag. ISBN: 978-82-02-82581-2. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 9. s 185 - 208.
  • Kinsbergen, Sara; Haaland, Hanne; Schulpen, Lau; Wallevik, Hege (2023). The Articles of Faith of Citizen Aid Actors–between Dreams and Realities. The Rise of Small-Scale Development Organisations: The Emergence, Positioning and Role of Citizen Aid Actors. ISBN: 9781032132327. Routledge.
  • Haaland, Hanne; Lund, Rebecca Waters Boldsen; Magnussen, May-Linda; Wallevik, Hege (2022). Professorkvalifiseringens affektive økonomi. Styring, følelser og motstand. Kjønn og akademia: På vei mot BALANSE?. ISBN: 9788245044102. Fagbokforlaget. Kapitel 9. s 171 - 193.
  • Shults, Lee Michael; Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2021). Localizing Global Solidarity: Humanitarian Aid in Lesvos. Frontiers in Political Science. ISSN: 2673-3145. 3doi:10.3389/fpos.2021.690907.
  • Haaland, Hanne; Magnussen, May-Linda; Wallevik, Hege (2021). Ulike måter å «sikre sted»: flyktningers fortellinger om integrering inn i et lokalsamfunn i Sør-Norge. Fortellinger om integrering i norske lokalsamfunn. ISBN: 9788215042954. Universitetsforlaget.
  • Haaland, Hanne; Magnussen, May-Linda; Wallevik, Hege (2021). Å bruke erfaringene til nyankomne mannlige syriske flyktninger til å utfordre den store norske integreringsfortellingen. Fortellinger om integrering i norske lokalsamfunn. ISBN: 9788215042954. Universitetsforlaget.
  • Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2020). Beyond crisis management? The role of Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity in humanitarian aid: the case of Lesvos. Citizen Aid and Everyday Humanitarianism. ISBN: 9781003029090. Routledge.
  • Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege; Frydenlund, Erika; Padilla, Jose J (2020). Modelers and Ethnographers as Co-Creators of Knowledge: Do We Belong Together?. Proceedings of the International ISCRAM Conference. ISSN: 2411-3387. s 1113 - 1121.
  • Frydenlund, Erika; Padilla, Jose; Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2020). The Rise and Fall of Humanitarian Citizen Initiatives: A Simulation-Based Approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). ISSN: 0302-9743. 12268s 255 - 265. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-61255-9_25.
  • Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2019). Beyond Crisis Management? The role of Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity in humanitarian aid: the case of Lesvos. Third World Quarterly. ISSN: 0143-6597. 40 (10). s 1869 - 1983. doi:10.1080/01436597.2019.1656060.
  • Salimi, Khadijeh; Frydenlund, Erika; Padilla, Jose J; Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2019). How does humanitarianism spread? Modeling the origins of citizen initiatives through norm diffusion. Winter simulation conference : proceedings. ISSN: 0891-7736. 2018-Decembers 33 - 44. doi:10.1109/WSC.2018.8632287.
  • Curwen, Naomi; Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2019). The potential of Institutional Ethnography in Norwegian development research and practice: Exploring child marriage in Nepal. Institutional Ethnography in the Nordic Region. ISBN: 9780367030353. Routledge.
  • Salimi, Khadijeh; Frydenlund, Erika; Padilla, Jose J; Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2019). The role of elites in the diffusion of social norms of humanitarianism. Simulation Series. ISSN: 0735-9276. 51 (1). doi:10.23919/SpringSim.2019.8732925.
  • Padilla, Jose J; Frydenlund, Erika; Wallevik, Hege; Haaland, Hanne (2018). Model co-creation from a modeler?s perspective: Lessons learned from the collaboration between ethnographers and modelers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). ISSN: 0302-9743. 10899 LNCSs 70 - 75. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-93372-6_8.
  • Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2017). Citizens as actors in the development field : the case of an accidental aid-agent’s activities in aid-land. Forum for Development Studies. ISSN: 0803-9410. 44 (2). s 203 - 222. doi:10.1080/08039410.2017.1305444.
  • Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2017). Frivillig sektor som inngangsport til det norske. På vandring og på flukt. Migrasjon i historisk perspektiv. ISBN: 9788202574130. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
  • Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2016). Comparative reflection. Applied social science research in a regional knowledge system. ISBN: 978-1-4724-8782-7. Routledge. 7. s 127 - 140.
  • Regalsky, Pablo; Haaland, Hanne (2016). Ethno-development, education and development in Raqaypampa, Bolivia. Education, Learning and the Transformation of Development. ISBN: 9781138952546. Routledge. Part II: Education and development alternatives. s 61 - 76.
  • Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2016). Reflections on Gender and Diversity in Cross-Cultural On-line Teaching. Kvinder, Køn og Forskning. ISSN: 0907-6182. 1doi:10.7146/kkf.v25i1.97068.
  • Havnevik, Kjell Johannes; Haaland, Hanne Sortevik (2011). Biofuel, land and environmental issues - the case of SEKAB's biofuel plans in Tanzania. Biofuels, land grabbing and food security in Africa. ISBN: 9781848138780. Zed Books. 7. s 106 - 134.
  • Haaland, Hanne; Aas, Øystein (2010). Eco-tourism Certification - Does it Make a Difference? A Comparison of Systems from Australia, Costa Rica and Sweden. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism. ISSN: 1502-2250. 10 (3). s 375 - 385. doi:10.1080/15022250.2010.486262.
  • Kaltenborn, Bjørn Petter; Nyahongo, Julius William; Kideghesho, Jafari Ramadhani; Haaland, Hanne (2008). Serengeti and its neighbors – do they interact?. Journal for Nature Conservation. ISSN: 1617-1381. 16s 96 - 108.
  • Haaland, Hanne; Kinsbergen, Sara; Schulpen, Lau; Wallevik, Hege (2023). The rise of small-scale development organisations: The emergence, positioning and role of citizen aid actors. ISBN: 9781032132327. Routledge. s 214.
  • Haaland, Hanne; Kinsbergen, Sara; Schulpen, Lau; Wallevik, Hege (2023). The Rise of Small-Scale Development Organisations: The Emergence, Positioning and Role of Citizen Aid Actors. ISBN: 9781032132327. Routledge.

Sist endret: 2.11.2018 13:11