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Jorunn Reinhardtsen



109 ( Universitetsveien 17, Kristiansand )

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Hewitt, Dave; Chimoni, Maria; Kilhamn, Cecilia; Radford, Luis; Reinhardtsen, Jorunn (2023). An introduction to TWG3: Algebraic thinking. Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). ISBN: 978-963-7031-04-5. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Introduction.
  • Kaloutsi, Konstantina; Reinhardtsen, Jorunn; Carlsen, Martin (2023). Designing mathematical tasks to promote preservice teachers’ algebraic reasoning and argumentation. Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). ISBN: 978-963-7031-04-5. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Conference paper. s 568 - 575.
  • Hewitt, Dave; Chimoni, Maria; Kilhamn, Cecilia; Radford, Luis; Reinhardtsen, Jorunn (2022). Algebraic thinking. Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12). ISBN: 979-1-22-102537-8. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. 1. s 1 - 4.
  • Reinhardtsen, Jorunn; Carlsen, Martin (2022). Calculational and analytical perspectives in introductory algebra: a theoretical contribution. Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12). ISBN: 979-1-22-102537-8. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. s 596 - 603.
  • Wathne, Unni; Reinhardtsen, Jorunn; Borgersen, Hans Erik; Cestari, Maria Luiza (2019). Designed examples as mediating tools: Introductory algebra in two Norwegian grade 8 classrooms. Encountering algebra. A comparative study of classrooms in Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the USA. ISBN: 978-3-030-17576-4. Springer Nature. Kapittel 5. s 71 - 109.
  • Reinhardtsen, Jorunn; Givvin, Karen B. (2019). The fifth lesson: Students' responses to a patterning task across the four countries. Encountering algebra. A comparative study of classrooms in Finland, Norway, Sweden, and the USA. ISBN: 978-3-030-17576-4. Springer Nature. Chapter 8. s 165 - 234.
  • Wathne, Unni; Reinhardtsen, Jorunn; Cestari, Maria Luiza (2013). Introductory lessons on algebra: A Video Study (Videomat). Proceedings of the Eighth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. ISBN: 978-975-429-315-9. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. KAPITTEL. s 576 - 577.
  • Reinhardtsen, Jorunn; Carlsen, Martin; Säljö, Roger (2007). Capturing learning in classroom interaction in mathematics: Methodological considerations.. European Research in Mathematics Education : Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Chapter in conference proceedings. s 1475 - 1481.
  • Reinhardtsen, Jorunn; Opheim, Linda Gurvin (2023). Developing algebra learning teaching activities in cooperation with teachers in middle school.
  • Reinhardtsen, Jorunn; Carlsen, Martin (2022). Calculational and analytical perspectives in introductory algebra: a theoretical contribution.
  • Reinhardtsen, Jorunn (2015). Capturing learning in classroom interaction in mathematics: Methodological considerations..

Sist endret: 26.02.2020 10:02