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Jose Julio Cabeza Gonzalez

Tilknyttet UiA


A3121 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad )

Diplom-Physik, 1970, Universität Kiel, Tyskland

Dr.rer.nat. (PhD i naturvitenskap), 1970, Universität Kiel, Tyskland

Dr.techn. (PhD in teknologi), 1978, NTH (Norges Tekniske Høgskole), nå NTNU (Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelig Universitet)

Aktiv siden 1971 i akademia, sist som professor ved Universitetet i Agder og professor II ved NTNU.

Professor emeritus siden 1. mars 2019

Executive Research Advisor for Stepchange AS, Kristiansand, Norge

Leder innovasjonsprosjektet Systemic Pandemic Risk Management, finansiert ved Norges Forskningsråd, med deltagelse fra Stepchange AS; Kristiansand kommune; Sørlandet Sykehys HF; Centre for Integrated Emergency Management (CIEM), Universitetet i Agder; Center for Research and Training in Disaster Medicine, Humanitarian Aid and Global Health (Italia); og Center for Disaster Medicine and Traumatology (Sverige).

Forskningspris fra Agder Vitenskapsakademi, 2012

Kongens fortjenstmedalje for min innsats i samfunnssikkerhet i 2019.

Holdt foredrag på TEDx Arendal 2021 med tittel "Can technology help against tehchnology" Utilsiktet skaper teknologien store eksistentielle problemer. Vi trenger nye metoder, vi trenger en teknologi som kan håndtere systemisk kompleksistet. Lenken til foredraget: https://youtu.be/aIqqj5VcCXM 

Faglige interesser

Publikasjoner i fysikk, polymervitenskap, modellering og simulering av komplekse systemer, systemdynamikk, epidemiologi, instructional design, informasjonssikkerhet, insider threat, beskyttelse av kritisk infrastruktur, krisehåndtering, krise-eHelse, systemisk risk

Siteringer: 1310; h-indeks: 19; i10-indeks: 36 (Desember 2021)


Forskningsinteresser: Sikkerhetsledelse, sikkerhet, beskyttelse av kritisk Infrastrukt, krisehåndtering. Resilience. Modellering og simulering av sikkerhet. Krise-eHelse. Modellring av komplekse samfunnsproblemer. 

Recent courses:

ORG453-G 17H Communication, Cooperation and Research Methods

IKT440-G ICT Seminar

IKT416 System Dynamics

IND405 System Dynamics

IND511 Value Chain Dynamics


Jeg var grunnlegger for Senter for Integrert Krisehåndtering (Centre for Integrated Emergency Management -- CIEM), http://ciem.uia.no og ledet senteret 2011-2014. Jeg er fortsatt medlem i CIEM og fungerer også som rådgiver for senterets ledelse.

Formann i Special Interest Group i sikkerhet, System Dynamics Society, 2003-2010.

Ledet prosjektet “A Model-based Approach to Security Culture (AMBASEC)”, finansiert ved Norges Forskningsråd 2005-2010.

Medvirket i SEMPOC -- Simulation Exercise to Manage Power Cuts, et internasjonalt prosjekt finansiert av EPCIP (European Programme ofr Critical Infrastructure Protection) -- 2008-2011

Medvirker og fungerer som vitenskapelig koordinator i "Smart Mature Resilience SMR)", http://http://smr-project.eu/home/, et Europeisk prosjekt med 13 partnere, finansiert av H2020 Security Program, 2016-2018.

Disaster eHealth, at internasjonalt prosjekt finansiert av Research Council of New Zealand, 2016-2017 

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Gonzalez, Jose J; Eden, Colin (2023). Devising Mitigation Strategies With Stakeholders Against Systemic Risks in a Pandemic. 20th Global Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Conference (ISCRAM 2023). ISBN: 979-8-218-21749-5. ISCRAM. Chapter. s 1000 - 1013.
  • Abildsnes, Eirik; Paulsen, Sigurd; Gonzalez, Jose J (2023). Improving resilience against a pandemic: A novel technology for strategy development with practitioners and decision-makers.. 20th Global Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management Conference (ISCRAM 2023). ISBN: 979-8-218-21749-5. ISCRAM. Chapter. s 964 - 974.
  • Eden, Colin; Gonzalez, Jose J (2023). The Strategic Management of Disaster Risk Mitigation. Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction. ISBN: 978-3-031-34207-3. Springer. Konferanseartikkel. s 3 - 19.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J; Eden, Colin (2022). Insights from the COVID-19 Pandemic for Systemic Risk Assessment and Management. Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction - 6th IFIP WG 5.15 International Conference, ITDRR 2021. ISBN: 978-3-031-04170-9. Springer. Chapter. s 121 - 138.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J; Eden, Colin; Abildsnes, Eirik; Hauge, Martin; Trentin, Monica; Ragazzoni, Luca; Berggren, Peter; Jonson, Carl-Oscar; Aboughonim, Ahmed Abdeltawab Abdelgawad S. (2021). Elicitation, analysis and mitigation of systemic pandemic risks. Proceedings of the International ISCRAM Conference. ISSN: 2411-3387. s 581 - 596.
  • Ormazabal, Marta; Sarriegi, Jose Mari; Rich, Eliot; Viles, Elisabeth; Gonzalez, Jose J (2020). Environmental Management Maturity: The Role of Dynamic Validation. Organization & Environment. ISSN: 1086-0266. doi:10.1177/1086026620929058.
  • Aboughonim, Ahmed Abdeltawab Abdelgawad S.; Saleh, Mohamed; Gonzalez, Jose J (2019). Analyzing Cascading Effects in Interdependent Critical Infrastructures. Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction. ISBN: 9783030321697. Springer Nature. chapter. s 50 - 65.
  • Aboughonim, Ahmed Abdeltawab Abdelgawad S.; Gonzalez, Jose J (2019). Reliability of expert estimates of cascading failures in Critical Infrastructure. Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Valencia, May 19-22 2019. ISBN: 978-84-09-10498-7. ISCRAM. chapter. s 2 - 21.
  • Save, Luca; Branlat, Matthieu; Hynes, William; Bellini, Emanuele; Ferreira, Pedro; Lauteritz, Jan Paul; Gonzalez, Jose J (2019). The Development of Resilience Management Guidelines to Protect Critical Infrastructures in Europe. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. ISSN: 2194-5357. 819s 598 - 606. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-96089-0_65.
  • Aboughonim, Ahmed Abdeltawab Abdelgawad S.; Farstad, Tor-Edin; Gonzalez, Jose J (2019). Vulnerability Analysis of Interdependent Critical Infrastructures upon a Cyber-attack. Proceeding of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS 2019). ISBN: 978-0-9981331-2-6. AIS Electronic Library. chapter. s 629 - 638.
  • Radianti, Jaziar; Aboughonim, Ahmed Abdeltawab Abdelgawad S.; Gonzalez, Jose J (2018). A Conceptual System Dynamics Maturity Model of City Resilience. Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2018 (HICSS-51). ISBN: 978-0-9981331-1-9. Association for Information Systems (AIS). chapter. s 2321 - 2330.
  • Norris, Tony; Gonzalez, Jose J; Martinez, Santiago; Parry, Dave (2018). Disaster E-Health Framework for Community Resilience. Proceedings of the 51st Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 2018 (HICSS-51). ISBN: 978-0-9981331-1-9. Association for Information Systems (AIS). chapter. s 35 - 44.
  • Norris, Tony; Gonzalez, Jose J; Parry, David T.; Scott, Richard E.; Dugdale, Julie Anne; Khazanchi, Deepak (2018). The Role of e-Health in Disasters: A Strategy for Education, Training and Integration in Disaster Medicine. Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth. ISSN: 2308-0310. 6s 1 - 7. doi:10.29086/jisfteh.6.e2.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J; Canos, Jose H.; Norris, Tony; Abbas, Reem (2018). Towards disaster e-Health support systems. 15th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, ISCRAM 2018. ISBN: 978-0-692-12760-5. ISCRAM Association. chapter. s 438 - 443.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J; Dugdale, Julie Anne; Turoff, Murray (2017). Introduction to the Communication and Information Systems Technology for Crisis and Disaster Management minitrack 2017. Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2017. ISBN: 978-0-9981331-0-2. AIS Electronic Library. chapter.
  • Sakurai, Mihoko; Gonzalez, Jose J; Spiro, Emma (2017). Introduction to the Government and Disaster Resilience Minitrack 2017. Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2017. ISBN: 978-0-9981331-0-2. AIS Electronic Library. chapter.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J; Trcek, Denis (2017). Proper incentives for proper IT security management – A system dynamics approach. Proceedings of the 50th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2017. ISBN: 978-0-9981331-0-2. AIS Electronic Library. chapter. s 2388 - 2397.
  • Iturriza, Marta; Aboughonim, Ahmed Abdeltawab Abdelgawad S.; Labaka, Leire; Radianti, Jaziar; Sarriegi, Jose M.; Gonzalez, Jose J (2017). Smart Mature Resilience, System Dynamics Based Interactive Learning Environment: A Beta Version. International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering (IJSSE). ISSN: 2041-9031. 7 (3). s 367 - 379. doi:10.2495/SAFE-V7-N3-367-379.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J; Bang, Magnus; Eden, Colin; Gimenez, Raquel; Hernantes, Josune; Howick, Susan; Marana, Patricia; Pyrko, Igor; Radianti, Jaziar; Rankin, Amy; Sarriegi, Jose Mari (2017). Stalking Resilience - Cities as Vertebrae in Society’s Resilience Backbone. Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction First IFIP TC 5 DCITDRR International Conference, ITDRR 2016. ISBN: 978-3-319-68485-7. Springer. chapter. s 31 - 45.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J; Bång, Magnus; Eden, Colin; Gimenez, Raquel; Hernantes, Josune; Howick, Susan; Marana, Patricia; Pyrko, Igor; Radianti, Jaziar; Rankin, Amy; Sarriegi, Jose Mari (2017). Stalking Resilience: Cities as Vertebrae in Society’s Resilience Backbone. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. ISSN: 1868-4238. 501s 31 - 45. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-68486-4_4.
  • Trcek, Denis; Gonzalez, Jose J (2017). Understanding the Importance of Proper Incentives for Critical Infrastructures Management –HowSystem Dynamics Can Help. Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction First IFIP TC 5 DCITDRR International Conference, ITDRR 2016. ISBN: 978-3-319-68485-7. Springer. chapter. s 1 - 8.
  • Trcek, Denis; Gonzalez, Jose J (2017). Understanding the importance of proper incentives for critical infrastructures management - How system dynamics can help. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology. ISSN: 1868-4238. 501s 1 - 8. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-68486-4_1.
  • Sakurai, Mihoko; Gonzalez, Jose J; Watson, Richard T.; Kokuryo, Jiro (2016). A Capital Model for Disaster Resilience. Proceedings of the International ISCRAM Conference. ISSN: 2411-3387.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J; Labaka, Leire; Hiltz, Starr Roxanne; Turoff, Murray (2016). Insights from a Simulation Model of Disaster Response: Generalization and Action Points. Proceedings of the 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2016. ISBN: 978-0-7695-5670-3. IEEE. Chapter. s 152 - 161.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J; Spiro, Emma; Negre, Elsa (2016). Introduction to the resilience against crises and disasters minitrack 2016. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). ISSN: 1530-1605. 2016-Marchs 2861. doi:10.1109/HICSS.2016.358.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J; Lenchik, Konstantin (2016). The Economics of Cybersecurity: Boomerang Effects from Misaligned Incentives. 34th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society 2016. ISBN: 978-1-5108-3020-2. Curran Associates, Inc.. Volum 2 - conference paper. s 959 - 976.
  • Radianti, Jaziar; Granmo, Ole-Christoffer; Bouhmala, Noureddine; Sarshar, Parvaneh; Gonzalez, Jose J (2015). Comparing Different Crowd Emergency Evacuation Models Based on Human Centered Sensing Criteria. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM). ISSN: 1937-9390. 6 (3). s 53 - 70. doi:10.4018/IJISCRAM.2014070104.
  • Norris, Tony; Labaka, Leire; Gonzalez, Jose J; Martinez, Santiago; Madanian, Samaneh; Parry, Dave (2015). Disaster E-Health: A New Paradigm for Collaborative Healthcare in Disasters. 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. ISBN: 978-82-7117-788-1. ISCRAM. Chapter.
  • Labaka, Leire; Qian, Ying; Lango, Peter; Gonzalez, Jose J (2015). Insights from a computer simulation model of a landslide disaster. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). ISSN: 1530-1605. 2015-Marchs 192 - 199. doi:10.1109/HICSS.2015.32.
  • Sarshar, Parvaneh; Radianti, Jaziar; Gonzalez, Jose J (2015). On the Impacts of Utilizing Smartphones on Organizing Rescue Teams and Evacuation Procedures. 12th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. ISBN: 978-82-7117-788-1. ISCRAM. Chapter.
  • Webersik, Christian; Gonzalez, Jose J; Dugdale, Julie Anne; Munkvold, Bjørn Erik; Granmo, Ole-Christoffer (2015). Towards an integrated approach to emergency management: interdisciplinary challenges for research and practice. Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research. ISSN: 2000-1525. 7 (3). s 524 - 540. doi:10.3384/cu.2000.1525.1572525.
  • Radianti, Jaziar; Granmo, Ole-Christoffer; Sarshar, Parvaneh; Goodwin, Morten; Dugdale, Julie Anne; Gonzalez, Jose J (2014). A spatio-temporal probabilistic model of hazard- and crowd dynamics for evacuation planning in disasters. Applied intelligence (Boston). ISSN: 0924-669X. 42 (1). s 3 - 23. doi:10.1007/s10489-014-0583-4.
  • Ask, Merete; Onstad, Martin; Gonzalez, Jose J (2014). Alert notifications – a powerful tool but how to do it right?. Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse (NISK). ISSN: 1893-6563.
  • Labaka, Leire; Comes, Tina; Hernantes, Josune; Sarriegi, Jose Mari; Gonzalez, Jose J (2014). Implementation Methodology of the Resilience Framework. Proceedings of the 47th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences 6–9 January 2014, Waikoloa, Hawaii. ISBN: 978-1-4799-2504-9. IEEE. kapittel. s 139 - 148.
  • Qian, Ying; Labaka, Leire; Lango, Peter; Gonzalez, Jose J (2014). Modeling the 2005 Hatlestad Slide. Proceedings of the 32nd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. ISBN: 978-1-935056-13-3. System Dynamics Society. kapittel.
  • Sarshar, Parvaneh; Radianti, Jaziar; Gonzalez, Jose J (2014). Predicting Congestions in a Ship Fire Evacuation: A Dynamic Bayesian Networks Simulation. Transactions on Engineering Technologies. ISBN: 978-94-017-9114-4. Springer. Chapter 19. s 247 - 260.
  • Radianti, Jaziar; Gonzalez, Jose J; Granmo, Ole-Christoffer (2014). Publish-subscribe smartphone sensing platform for the acute phase of a disaster: A framework for emergency management support. 2014 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communication Workshops (PERCOM WORKSHOPS 2014). ISBN: 978-1-4799-2737-1. Curran Associates, Inc.. kapittel. s 285 - 290.
  • Radianti, Jaziar; Dugdale, Julie Anne; Gonzalez, Jose J; Granmo, Ole-Christoffer (2014). Smartphone sensing platform for emergency management. Proceedings ISCRAM2014 , 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. ISBN: 978-0-692-21194-6. The Pennsylvania State University. kapittel. s 379 - 383.
  • Sarshar, Parvaneh; Radianti, Jaziar; Granmo, Ole-Christoffer; Gonzalez, Jose J (2013). A Bayesian Network Model for Evacuation Time Analysis During a Ship Fire. 2013 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Dynamic and Uncertain Environments (CIDUE). ISBN: 9781467358491. IEEE conference proceedings. kapittel. s 100 - 107.
  • Sarshar, Parvaneh; Radianti, Jaziar; Granmo, Ole-Christoffer; Gonzalez, Jose J (2013). A Dynamic Bayesian Network Model for Predicting Congestion During a Ship Fire Evacuation. Proceedings of The World Congress on Engineering and Computer Science (WCECS) 2013 : Vol I. ISBN: 978-988-19252-3-7. International Association of Engineers. kapittel.
  • Granmo, Ole-Christoffer; Radianti, Jaziar; Goodwin, Morten; Dugdale, Julie Anne; Sarshar, Parvaneh; Glimsdal, Sondre; Gonzalez, Jose J (2013). A Spatio-Temporal Probabilistic Model of Hazard and Crowd Dynamics in Disasters for Evacuation Planning. Recent Trends in Applied Artificial Intelligence. ISBN: 978-3-642-38576-6. Springer. kapittel. s 63 - 72.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J (2013). A system dynamics model of the 2005 Hatlestad slide emergency management. 10th International ISCRAM Conference 2013. Proceedings, Baden-Baden, Germany, 12-15 May 2013. ISBN: 978-3-923704-80-4. KIT. kapittel. s 658 - 667.
  • Radianti, Jaziar; Granmo, Ole-Christoffer; Bouhmala, Nourddine; Sarshar, Parvaneh; Yazidi, Anis; Gonzalez, Jose J (2013). Crowd Models for Emergency Evacuation: A Review Targeting Human-Centered Sensing. 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). ISBN: 978-1-4577-1925-7. IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). kapittel. s 156 - 165.
  • Hiltz, Starr Roxanne; Gonzalez, Jose J; Turoff, Murray (2013). ICT Support and the Effectiveness of Decision Making in Disasters: A Preliminary System Dynamics Model. 10th International ISCRAM Conference 2013. Proceedings, Baden-Baden, Germany, 12-15 May 2013. ISBN: 978-3-923704-80-4. KIT. kapittel. s 668 - 673.
  • Rich, Eliot H.; Sarriegi, Jose M.; Lauge, Ana; Hernantes, Josune; Labaka, Leire; Gonzalez, Jose J (2013). Improving the crisis to crisis learning process. 46th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). ISBN: 978-1-4577-1925-7. IEEE. kapittel. s 176 - 183.
  • Sarshar, Parvaneh; Radianti, Jaziar; Gonzalez, Jose J (2013). Modeling Panic in Ship Fire Evacuation Using Dynamic Bayesian Network. Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH), 2013 Third International Conference on. ISBN: 978-1-4799-0047-3. IEEE conference proceedings. kapittel. s 491 - 497.
  • Hiltz, Starr Roxanne; Gonzalez, Jose J (2012). Assessing and improving the trustworthiness of social media for emergency management: a literature review. Norwegian Information Security Conference Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse, NISK 2012; University of Nordland, Bodø; 19-21 November 2012. ISBN: 978-82-321-0012-5. Akademika forlag. Kapittel.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J (2012). Exploring Collaborative Modeling as Teaching Method. Proceedings of the 45th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. ISBN: 978-0-7695-4525-7. IEEE. Kapittel. s 190 - 196.
  • Hernantes, Josune; Labaka, Leire; Lauge, Ana; Sarriegi, Jose Maria; Gonzalez, Jose J (2012). Group model building: a collaborative modelling methodology applied to critical infrastructure protection. International Journal of Organisational Design and Engineering (IJODE). ISSN: 1758-9797. 2 (1). s 41 - 60. doi:10.1504/IJODE.2012.045904.
  • Qian, Ying; Fang, Yulin; Gonzalez, Jose J (2012). Managing information security risks during new technology adoption. Computers & Security. ISSN: 0167-4048. 31 (8). s 859 - 869. doi:10.1016/j.cose.2012.09.001.
  • Turoff, Murray; Gonzalez, Jose J; Hiltz, Starr Roxanne; Van de Walle, Bartel (2012). Modeling organizational behavior in emergencies. NOKOBIT 2012 :Universitetet i Nordland 19. - 21. november 2012 : Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi. ISBN: 978-82-321-0185-6. Akademika forlag. Kapittel. s 213 - 223.
  • Hernantes, Josune; Lauge, Ana; Labaka, Leire; Rich, Eliot H.; Sveen, Finn Olav; Sarriegi, Jose Mari; Martinez-Moyano, Ignacio J.; Gonzalez, Jose J (2011). Collaborative modeling of awareness in Critical Infrastructure Protection. Proceedings of the Forty-Fourth Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. ISBN: 978-0-7695-4282-9. IEEE. Kapittel.
  • Sveen, Finn Olav; Hernantes, Josune; Gonzalez, Jose J; Rich, Eliot H. (2011). Towards Understanding Recurring Large Scale Power Outages: An Endogenous View of Inter-organizational Effects. Critical Information Infrastructure Security. 5th International Workshop, CRITIS 2010, Athens, Greece, September 2010, Revised Papers. ISBN: 978-3-642-21693-0. Springer. Kapittel. s 43 - 54.
  • Sveen, Finn Olav; Rich, Eliot; Torres, Jose Manuel; Hernantes, Josune; Gonzalez, Jose J Cabeza (2010). A Group Model Building Approach for Identifying Simulation Scenarios in Critical Infrastructure. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). ISSN: 1530-1605. (1). s 1 - 10. doi:10.1109/HICSS.2010.16.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J.; Sveen, Finn Olav (2010). A dynamic approach to security management. Norwegian Information Security Conference = Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse : NISK 2010 . Gjøvik University College, Gjøvik, 23-24 November 2010. ISBN: 978-82-519-2705-5. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. Session 4. s 110 - 121.
  • Hillen, Stefanie A.; Gonzalez, Jose J Cabeza (2010). Deriving and Designing Dynamic Stories to Communicate and Learn about Information Security. Storytelling as an instructional method: Research Perspectives. ISBN: 978-9460911323. Sense Publishers. kapittel. s 137 - 150.
  • Radianti, Jaziar; Gonzalez, Jose J. (2010). Enhancing Credibility of a Dynamic Model Involving Hidden Behavior. Norwegian Information Security Conference = Norsk Informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse : NISK 2010 . Gjøvik University College, Gjøvik, 23-24 November 2010. ISBN: 978-82-519-2705-5. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. Session 4. s 122 - 132.
  • Qian, Ying; Fang, Yulin; Jaatun, Martin Gilje; Johnsen, Stig Ole; Gonzalez, Jose J. (2010). Managing emerging information security risks during transitions to Integrated Operations. 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), Koloa, Kauai, Hawaii, January 5-8, 2010. ISBN: 9780769538693. IEEE. Kapittel. s 1 - 11.
  • Radianti, Jaziar; Rich, Eliot H.; Gonzalez, Jose J Cabeza (2010). Refinement of Supply and Demand Model for Vulnerability Black Market. Proceedings of The 28th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. ISBN: 978-1-935056-06-5. System Dynamics Society. paper.
  • Radianti, Jaziar; Gonzalez, Jose J.; Rich, Eliot (2009). A Quest for a Framework to Improve Software Security: Vulnerability Black Markets Scenario. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. ISBN: 9781935056027. System Dynamics Society. Chapter. s 1 - 38.
  • Sveen, Finn Olav; Gonzalez, Jose J. (2009). Cascading effect affecting situational awareness in power cut failures. Norsk informasjonssikkerhetskonferanse : NISK 2:2009 : NTNU, Trondheim 24.-25. november 2009. ISBN: 978-82-519-2492-4. Tapir Akademisk Forlag. Kapittel. s 173 - 184.
  • Wiik, Johannes; Gonzalez, Jose J.; Davidsen, Pål I.; Kossakowski, Klaus-Peter (2009). Chronic workload problems in CSIRTs. The Role of Incident Reporting in Reducing Information Security Risks. System Dynamics Society. s 19.
  • Radianti, Jaziar; Gonzalez, Jose J. (2009). Dynamic Modeling of the Cyber Security Threat Problem: The Black Market for Vulnerabilities. Cyber security and global information assurance : threat analysis and response solutions. ISBN: 9781605663265. IGI Global. Kapittel 1.
  • Rich, Eliot H.; Sveen, Finn Olav; Qian, Ying; Hillen, Andrea Stefanie; Radianti, Jaziar; Gonzalez, Jose J (2009). Emergent Vulnerability in Integrated Operations:. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection. ISSN: 1874-5482. 2 (3).
  • Rich, Eliot; Gonzalez, Jose J.; Qian, Ying; Sveen, Finn Olav; Radianti, Jaziar; Hillen, Stefanie A. (2009). Emergent vulnerabilities in Integrated Operations: A proactive simulation study of economic risk. International Journal of Critical Infrastructure Protection. ISSN: 1874-5482. 2 (3). s 110 - 123.
  • Wiik, Johannes; Gonzalez, Jose J.; Davidsen, Pål I.; Kossakowski, Klaus-Peter (2009). Persistent instabilities in the high-priority incident workload of CSIRTs. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society. ISBN: 9781935056027. System Dynamics Society. s 1 - 15.
  • Wiik, Johannes; Gonzalez, Jose J.; Davidsen, Pål I.; Kossakowski, Klaus-Peter (2009). Preserving a balanced CSIRT constituency. The Role of Incident Reporting in Reducing Information Security Risks. System Dynamics Society. s 11.
  • Sveen, Finn Olav; Sarriegi, Jose; Gonzalez, Jose J. (2009). The Role of Incident Reporting in Reducing Information Security Risks. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society; July 26 – 30, 2009 - Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. ISBN: 9781935056034. System Dynamics Society. Kapittel.
  • Sveen, Finn Olav; Sarriegi, Jose; Gonzalez, Jose J.; Skaaland, Siri; Brandis, Joakim von; Brox, Elin; Skjøtskift, Geir (2009). Using Conceptual System Dynamics Simulation Models to Initiate Exploration of and Discussion about Incident Reporting Systems. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference of the System Dynamics Society; July 26 – 30, 2009 - Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. ISBN: 9781935056034. System Dynamics Society. Kapittel.
  • Sarriegi, Jose; Gonzalez, Jose J.; Gonzalez, Jose J. (2008). Conceptualising social engineering attacks through system archetypes. International Journal of System of Systems Engineering. ISSN: 1748-0671. 1 (01.feb). s 111 - 127.
  • Sarriegi, Jose M.; Sveen, Finn Olav; Torres, Jose Manuel; Gonzalez, Jose J Cabeza (2008). Towards a research framework for critical infrastructure interdependencies. International Journal of Emergency Management. ISSN: 1471-4825. 5 (3/4). s 235 - 249. doi:10.1504/IJEM.2008.025094.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J.; Sawicka, Agata (2006). Compliance - A tension between conditioning and cognition. Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning. ISSN: 1540-0182. 3 (03.apr). s 265 - 287.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J. (2001). Merging Organizational Learning with Instructional Theory. Journal of Structural Learning and Intelligent Systems. ISSN: 0022-4774. 14 (4). s 355 - 370.
  • Franco, Zeno; Gonzalez, Jose J; Jose, Canos (2019). Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Valencia, May 19-22 2019. ISBN: 978-84-09-10498-7. ISCRAM. s 1411.
  • Murayama, Yuko; Velev, Dimiter; Zlateva, Plamena; Gonzalez, Jose J (2017). Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction First IFIP TC 5 DCITDRR International Conference, ITDRR 2016. ISBN: 978-3-319-68485-7. Springer. s 268.
  • Eckert, Hartwig; Gonzalez, Jose J (2017). Zielverführung: Wer für alles eine Lösung weiß, hat die Probleme nicht verstanden. ISBN: 9783930472512. Altan-Verlag. s 100.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J. (2003). From Modeling to Managing Security: A System Dynamics Approach. ISBN: 8276345611. Cappelen Damm Høyskoleforlaget. s 158.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J; Paulsen, Sigurd (2024). Devising Assessment and Mitigation of Systemic Risks with Strategy Mapping with a Participant Group.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J (2024). Strategy finder: analyzing risks from a systemic perspective.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J (2023). Modelleringsverktøy for ROS-analyse og evaluering.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J (2023). Elaboración de estrategias contra riesgos sistémicos con Strategyfinder.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J (2023). Elaboración de estrategias de mitigación con partes interesadas ("stakeholders") contra los riesgos sistémicos en una pandemia.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J (2023). Hvor godt står vi rustet mot utfordringen at alt henger sammen med alt?.
  • Whitlow, Danielle; Gonzalez, Jose J; Rohlfs, Russell; Kirkland, Tom; Kesavan, Arun (2023). Intelligent Infrastructure Health Monitoring: Lessons Learned and Future Directions.
  • Gonzalez, Jose J; Björnqvist, Anton (2023). Devising assessment and mitigation of systemic risks with strategy mapping with a participant group.

Sist endret: 8.02.2022 15:02