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Joseph Akadeagre Agana

Tilknyttet UiA

9I167 ( Universitetsveien 19, Kristiansand )

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Zori, Solomon George; Aguelmous, Rachid; Gyimah, Daniel; Agana, Joseph (2022). The Effects of Reverse Cross-Listings on Firm Performance and Stock Market Development: Evidence of Cross-Listing from Developed to Emerging Markets.
  • Agana, Joseph (2021). Key Audit Matters: Implications for the use of specialist and audit fees.
  • Agana, Joseph (2021). Auditors use of experts in key audit matters.
  • Mwintome, Gordon; Mersland, Roy; Zamore, Stephen; Agana, Joseph; Nyarko, Samuel Anokye (2021). Agency conflicts and the demand for perceived audit quality in microfinance institutions.
  • Agana, Joseph; Alon, Anna; Zamore, Stephen (2021). Self-regulation and Re-regulation: Audit Fees Research.
  • Mwintome, Gordon; Zamore, Stephen; Agana, Joseph; Mersland, Roy; Anokye, Samuel (2021). Ownership, Institutional Factors and Auditor Choice in Developing Countries.

Sist endret: 17.10.2018 16:10