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Katalin Vertes


MSc in structural engineering and in geotechnics- 2000

PhD in civil engineering - 2006 (Numerical, experimental and analytical investigation of steel semi rigid minor axis and 3D connections and eye-bars of chain bridges)


Journal Paper 

1 Vértes Katalin, Iványi Miklós. Numerical and experimental parametric study of the ultimate behavior of eye-bars. POLLACK PERIODICA Vol. 2: pp. 75-92. (2007) Scopus link, DOI: 10.1556/Pollack.2.2007.2.7 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific [pdf]

2 Vertes Katalin, Ivanyi Miklos. Extension of the component method of Eurocode 3 for the calculation of minor axis and 3D bolted end-plate connections (in Hungarian). ÉPÍTÉS ÉPÍTÉSZETTUDOMÁNY 34:(3-4) pp. 293-307. (2006) DOI: 10.1556/EpTud.34.2006.3-4.3 Journal Paper/Article/Scientific [pdf]

3 Vertes Katalin, Ivanyi Miklos. Investigation of minor axis and 3D bolted end-plate connections - experimental and numerical analysis - load tests. PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA-MECHANICAL ENGINEERING 49:(1) pp. 47-58. (2005) Scopus link Journal Paper/Article/Scientific [pdf] Independent citations: 9 All citations: 9 

4 Vértes Katalin. Numerical simulation of semi-rigid connections (in Hungarian). MAGÉSZ HÍRLEVÉL-MAGYARORSZÁGI ACÉLSZERKEZET-GYÁRTÓK ÉS ÉPÍTİK SZÖVETSÉGÉNEK LAPJA NFATEC különszám: pp. 30-36. (2004) Journal Paper/Article/Scientific 

Conference Paper 

5. Larsen, Ingrid Lande; Aasbakken, Ida Granseth; O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Vertes, Katalin; Thorstensen, Rein Terje. Determining the Environmental Benefits of Ultra High Performance Concrete as a Bridge Construction Material. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 245 (2017) 052096 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/245/5/052096 [pdf]

6. O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Vertes, Katalin. Comparative life cycle assessment of concrete and timber road bridge deck designs. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Timber Bridges 2017 [pdf]

7. O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Vertes, Katalin; Pytten, Gordon; Hortemo, Lars Ole; Brændhagen, Anders. Life cycle assessment of an optimized network arch highway bridge utilizing timber. Taylor & Francis 2017 (ISBN 978-1-138-29595-7) 2304 [pdf]

8. Katalin Vertes, Miklos Ivanyi. In: K Jarmai, J Farkas (ed.) Calculation of the stiffness and resistance of minor axis and 3D connections Design, Fabrication and Economy of Welded Structures: International Conference Proceedings, 2008, Elsevier, Apr 1, 2008 - Technology & Engineering - 592 pages pp. 261-268 Independent citations: 3 All citations: 3 [pdf]

9. Vértes Katalin, Iványi Miklós. Analysis of Eye-bars of Chain Bridges. In: M Iványi, R Bancila (ed.) Bridges in the Danube Basin: 6th International Conference on Bridges across the Danube. Budapest, Hungary, 12/09/2007-14/09/2007. Budapest: Muegyetemi Kiadó, pp. 211-226.(ISBN: 978 963 420 925 6) Conference Paper/Paper of lecture or poster/Scientific [pdf

10. Vértes Katalin, Iványi Miklós. Behaviour of chain members of chain bridges. In: B Stipanic (ed.) 5th International Conference on Bridges across the Danube: Bridges in Danube Basin. Novi Sad, Serbia, 24/06/2004-26/06/2004. EURO GARDE GROUP, pp. 269-276.(ISBN: 86-905637-1-7) Conference Paper/Paper of lecture or poster/Scientific [pdf]

11. Vértes Katalin, Iványi Miklós Numerical, experimental and analytical study of spatial semi-rigid connections. In: Walraven J, Blaauwendraad J, Scarpas T, Snijder B (ed.) Proc. 5th International PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering, Vol. 2. Delft, The Netherlands, 16/06/2004- 19/06/2004. A.A. Balkema, pp. 1495-1502. Conference Paper/Paper of lecture or poster/Scientific [pdf]

12. Vértes Katalin, Iványi Miklós. Determination of the main characteristics of semi-rigid beam-to-column connections through numerical and experimental method. In: Brebbia (ed.) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on High Performance Structures and Materials. Ancona, Italy, 16/04/2004-18/04/2004. Ancona: WIT Press, pp. 677-684. Conference Paper/Paper of lecture or poster/Scientific [pdf]

13. Vértes Katalin, Iványi Miklós. Fem models for semi-rigid steel connections of steel frames. In: Iványi Miklós (ed.) Stability and ductility of steel structures, professor Ottó Halász memorial session. Budapest, Hungary, 2002. Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, pp. 301-306.(ISBN: 963-05-7950-2) Conference Paper/Paper of lecture or poster/Scientific [pdf]

14. E Imre, Aradi L, Vértes K, Menyhart P, Telekes G. Multistage compression test – in a shorter way. In: 15th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Istanbul, Turkey, 27/08/2001- 31/08/2001. Leiden: A.A. Balkema, pp. 127-130. Conference Paper/Paper of lecture or poster/Scientific [pdf] Independent citations: 1 All citations: 1 

Technical Report

15. F Papp , M Iványi, K Vértes, L Katula, V Virányi, L Kaltenbach. NKFP 2002/16 e-Design, R+D Report, 1. band: Ground research results, Description of the behaviour of steel connections by the extended component method (in Hungarian). (2003)

Booklet published by working place 

16. K Vértes, M Iványi. 1000 years old Elisabeth chain bridge (in Hungarian). Scientific publications of the Department of Structural Engineering, T Kovács, G Tassi, I Hegedus (ed.) pp. 101-113. (2004)

17. K Vértes, M Iványi. Steel semi-rigid connections: modeling, theory, calculation (in Hungarian). Scientific publications of the Department of Structural Engineering, G Tassi, I Hegedus, T Kovács (ed.) pp. 161-170. (2002)


18. Vértes Katalin. Analysis of minor axis and 3D bolted end-plate connections and eye-bars of chain bridges (In Hungarian: Acélszerkezető nemtúlnyúló homloklemezes mellékirányú és térbeli kapcsolatok, valamint láncszemek vizsgálata). 132 p. 2006. (PhD) Thesis/PhD/Scientific [full text Hungarian] [short english summary]Independent citations: 2 All citations: 2 

Oral presentations on conferences

Vértes Katalin.  Numerical models for different steel connections, III. FEM User Conference, Budapest, Apr. 22., 2004.

Vértes Katalin, Analysis of pin connections and bolted end-plate connections,Professzor Galambos PhD Seminar, BUTE Department of Structural Engineering, 22. Sept. 2004.

Iványi Miklós, Vértes Katalin, Fülöp Attila, Analysis of steel connections, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Dec. 18., 2004.

Vértes Katalin, Calculation methods of minor axis and 3D steel connections, 1st. International PhD Conference in Engineering, Pécs, 21-22. Oct. 2005.

Lecture notes

UiA BYG 306 Steel and Timber structures (for BSc students in English)

UiA BYG 506 Finite Element Method in construction (for MSc students in English)

UiA BYG 701 Non-liner FEM (for PhD students in English)

Faglige interesser

Lecturer of BYG 306 Steel and timber structures (BSc)

                 BYG 506 FEM in the construction (MSc)

                 BYG 503 Aluminium and timber material (Timber part)  (MSc)

                 BYG 404 Lifecycle analysis of structures (Optimization of structures part)(MSc)

                 BYG 701 Non linear FEM (PhD)

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Larsen, Ingrid Lande; Thorstensen, Rein Terje; Vertes, Katalin; Heimdal, Anette (2020). Strength and deformation behaviour of fibre reinforced UHPC; an experimental investigation using Digital Image Correlation (DIC). Proceedings of HiPerMat 2020 5th International Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete and High Performance Construction Materials. ISBN: 978-3-7376-0828-2. Kassel University Press GmbH. Session A8: Fibre Reinforced Concrete II. s 139 - 140.
  • Larsen, Ingrid Lande; Thorstensen, Rein Terje; Vertes, Katalin (2019). Efficient use of fibres in UHPC - A structured scoping review. Better, Smarter, Stronger: Proceedings for the 2018 fib Congress held in Melbourne, Australia, October 7-11, 2018. federation internationale du beton. Chapter 39. s 458 - 469.
  • Vertes, Katalin; Larsen, Ingrid Lande; Thorstensen, Rein Terje (2019). Numerical modelling of fibre-reinforced ultra-high-performance concrete. Better, Smarter, Stronger: Proceedings for the 2018 fib Congress held in Melbourne, Australia, October 7-11, 2018. federation internationale du beton. Chapter 50. s 577 - 586.
  • Larsen, Ingrid Lande; Thorstensen, Rein Terje; Vertes, Katalin (2018). Lowering environmental impact from UHPC, utilizing industrial by-products. Proceedings of the 12th fib International PhD symposium in Civil Engineering. ISBN: 978-80-01-06401-6. Federation internationale du beton (fib). Advanced materials. s 93 - 101.
  • O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Vertes, Katalin (2017). Comparative life cycle assessment of concrete and timber road bridge deck designs. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Timber Bridges. ISSN: 0284-5172.
  • Larsen, Ingrid Lande; Aasbakken, Ida Granseth; O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Vertes, Katalin; Thorstensen, Rein Terje (2017). Determining the Environmental Benefits of Ultra High Performance Concrete as Bridge Construction Material. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. ISSN: 1757-8981. 245 (5). doi:10.1088/1757-899X/245/5/052096.
  • O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Vertes, Katalin; Pytten, Gordon; Hortemo, Lars Ole; Brændhagen, Anders (2017). Life cycle assessment of an optimized network arch highway bridge utilizing timber. ISBN: 978-1-138-29595-7. Taylor & Francis. s 2304.
  • Vertes, Katalin; Larsen, Ingrid Lande; Thorstensen, Rein Terje (2018). NUMERICAL MODELLING OF FIBER-REINFORCED ULTRA-HIGH PERFORMANCE CONCRETE.
  • Larsen, Ingrid Lande; Thorstensen, Rein Terje; Vertes, Katalin (2018). EFFICIENT USE OF FIBERS IN UHPC – A STRUCTURED SCOPING REVIEW.
  • Larsen, Ingrid Lande; Thorstensen, Rein Terje; Vertes, Katalin (2018). Lowering environmental impact from ultra high performance concrete, utilizing industrial by-products.
  • Larsen, Ingrid Lande; Aasbakken, Ida Granseth; O'Born, Reyn Joseph; Vertes, Katalin; Thorstensen, Rein Terje (2017). Determining the Environmental Benefits of Ultra High Performance Concrete as a Bridge Construction Material.

Sist endret: 21.06.2018 14:06