Plankton fysiologi og ökologi, marine biogeokjemiske prosesser
Growing algae sustainably in the Baltic Sea
Asking the microbes: what do you do with the excess phosphorus?
Sustainable recyling of nutrients from waste streams
Spilling K, Olli K, Lehtoranta J, Kremp A, Tedesco L, Tamelander T, Klais K, Peltonen H, Tamminen T. 2018. Shifting diatom - dinoflagellate dominance during spring bloom in the Baltic Sea and its potential effects on biogeochemical cycling. Front Mar Sci. 5: 327, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2018.00327.
Spilling K, Schulz KG, Paul AJ, Boxhammer T, Achterberg EP, Hornick T, Lischka S, Stuhr A, Bermúdez R, Czerny J, Crawfurd K, Brussaard CPD, Grossart H-P, Riebesell U. 2016. Effects of ocean acidification on pelagic carbon fluxes in a mesocosm experiment, Biogeosciences 13: 6081-6093.
Spilling K, Kremp A, Klais R, Olli K, Tamminen T. 2014. Climate driven phytoplankton community change modifies carbon pathways and C : N : P : Chl-a stoichiometry of coastal material fluxes. Biogeosciences 11: 7275-7289.
Spilling K., Titelman J., Greve TM., Kühl M. 2010. Microsensor measurements of the external and internal microenvironment of Fucus vesiculosus. J Phycol 46: 1350-1355.
Spilling K., Tamminen T., Andersen T., Kremp A. 2010. Nutrient kinetics modeled from time-series of substrate depletion and growth: dissolved silicate uptake of Baltic Sea diatoms. Mar Biol 157: 427-436
Spilling K. Lindström M. 2008. Phytoplankton life cycle transformation lead to species-specific effects on sediment processes in the Baltic Sea. Cont Shelf Res 28: 2488-2495.
Sist endret: 6.12.2018 01:12