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2023-d.d.: Universitetsbibliotekar ved Universitetsbiblioteket i Agder, Kristiansand
2021-d.d.: Universitetslektor ved Institutt for fremmedspråk og oversetting, Universitetet i Agder, Kristiansand
2022-2023: Universitetslektor ved Instititutt for nordisk og mediefag, Universitetet i Agder, Kristiansand
2018-2022: Doktorgradstipendiat ved Institutt for nordisk og mediefag, Univeristetet i Agder, Kristiansand
2015-2018: Undervisningsassistent ved Institutet for Kommunikation og Design & Institutet for Sprog & Kommunikation, Syddansk Universitet, Sønderborg & Odense, Danmark.
2011-2015: Cand.Mag. i International Virksomhedskommunikation med specialisering i dansk, Syddansk Universitet, Odense, Danmark.
Specialeafhandling: Modalität der Irrealität: Deutsch und Dänisch als Fremdsprache
2008-2011: B.A. i Kulturel og Sproglig formidling med dansk og engelsk, Syddansk Universitet, Sønderborg, Danmark.
Systemisk funktionel lingvistik
Kontrativ lingvistik; nordisk og tysk
PhD-projekt om grammatikundervisning i tysk for nordmænd og danskere:
Grammar didactics in L3-German teacher education in Denmark and Norway
With a theoretical background in systemic functional linguistics (Halliday 2014 [1985]; Andersen & Holsting 2015), this project combines a contrastive description (Vold 2018) of the grammatical phenomenon diathesis with language awareness (Haukås 2018). The research will be carried out through observations in German grammar courses at university level supported with interviews with several lecturers of these courses and by analyzing university textbooks. The main questions to be answered throughout the project are: 1) (How) are the students made aware of the possibility to use linguistic knowledge from their L1 (Danish or Norwegian) and L2 (English) as a language learning strategy? 2) Is this metacognition introduced to the students as a fruitful tool for their own teaching in a multilingual classroom in the future? Based on the findings, the project aims at giving some suggestions on how to include additional language awareness as a didactic principle in grammar teaching.
Sist endret: 25.10.2023 11:10