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Niels Frederik Garmann-Johnsen



H1064A ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

PhD Samfunnsvitenskap med spesialisering i Informasjonssystemer

Leder-erfaring fra handel, industri og konsulentvirksomhet. Omfattende prosjektleder-erfaring.

Siviløkonom NHH

Faglige interesser

Datamodellering og databaser

Web 2.0 og mobilitet

Digital innovasjon og nye forretningsmodeller


Virksomhetsstyring (ledelsessystemer)

E-helse, Samhandlingsreformen

Prosjekter ved UiA Institutt for Informasjonssystemer og e-Helseforumet

Barnefattigdom, Se Samhandling mot følgene av barnefattigdom (SAMBA) rapport her

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Helmersen, Migle; Martinez, Santiago (2023). Designing Nudges in eHealth. eTELEMED 2023 The Fifteenth International Conference on eHealth, Telemedicine, and Social Medicine. ISBN: 978-1-68558-080-3. eTELEMED. Konferanseartikkel. s 8 - 11.
  • Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Martinez, Santiago (2021). Business Models for Collaborative eHealth in Homecare. Managing Open Service Innovation. ISBN: 978-981-123-448-4. World Scientific. Chapter 4. s 73 - 91.
  • Eikebrokk, Tom Roar; Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Olsen, Dag Håkon (2021). Co-creation in networks of SMEs: a conceptual model of the co-creation process. Procedia Computer Science. ISSN: 1877-0509. 181s 360 - 366. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2021.01.179.
  • Acilar, Ali; Olsen, Dag Håkon; Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Eikebrokk, Tom Roar (2021). Factors Contributing to the Business Digital Divide: A Systematic Literature Review. Bled 2021 Proceedings. ISBN: 978-961-286-485-9. Association for Information Systems (AIS). 17.
  • Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Olsen, Dag Håkon; Eikebrokk, Tom Roar (2021). The Co-creation Canvas. Procedia Computer Science. ISSN: 1877-0509. 181s 189 - 197. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2021.01.120.
  • Coombs, Crispin; Stacey, Patrick; Kawalek, Peter; Simeonova, Boyka; Becker, Joerg; Bergener, Katrin; Carvalho, João Álvaro; Fantinato, Marcelo; Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Grimme, Christian; Stein, Armin; Trautmann, Heike (2021). What is it about humanity that we can't give away to intelligent machines? A European perspective. International Journal of Information Management. ISSN: 0268-4012. 58s 1 - 13. doi:10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2021.102311.
  • Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Helmersen, Migle; Eikebrokk, Tom Roar (2020). Employee-driven Digitalization in Healthcare: Codesigning Services that Deliver. Health Policy and Technology. ISSN: 2211-8837. 9 (2). s 247 - 254. doi:10.1016/j.hlpt.2020.03.001.
  • Smaradottir, Berglind; Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Omnes, Steinar; Ludvigsen, Ann-Elisabeth; Reiso, Harald (2020). The SmartSight Project: Use of Electronic Glasses to Improve Impaired Fields of Vision. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. ISSN: 0926-9630. 270s 453 - 457. doi:10.3233/SHTI200201.
  • Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Helmersen, Migle; Eikebrokk, Tom Roar (2018). Achieving Good Worklife Ergonomics in eHealth Co-Creation - The ‘What’, the ‘Why’ and the ‘How’. International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences. ISSN: 1942-2660. 10 (3).
  • Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Helmersen, Migle; Eikebrokk, Tom Roar (2018). Worklife Ergonomics in Digital Co-Creation: The ‘What’, the ‘Why’and the ‘How’. European Journal of Workplace Innovation. ISSN: 2387-4570. 4 (1). doi:10.46364/ejwi.v4i1.503.
  • Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Eikebrokk, Tom Roar (2017). Dynamic capabilities in e-health innovation: Implications for policies. Health Policy and Technology. ISSN: 2211-8837. 6 (3). s 292 - 301. doi:10.1016/j.hlpt.2017.02.003.
  • Eikebrokk, Tom Roar; Nilsen, Etty Ragnhild; Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik (2017). Exploring the role of process orientation in healthcare service innovation: the case of digital night surveillance.. The 23rd Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS). ISBN: 978-0-9966831-4-2. Association for Information Systems. AMCIS 2017 Proceedings, Boston MA, Aug. 10-12. 2017.
  • Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Eikebrokk, Tom Roar (2016). Capabilities for e-Health Collaboration; a Study of Inter-municipal Networks in Norway. AMCIS 2016 Proceedings, San Diego CA, August 11-14, 2016. ISBN: 978-0-9966831-2-8. Association for Information Systems. Artikkel.
  • Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik (2015). What seems to be the problem?-A study of connections between national contexts and regional e-health strategies. Health Policy and Technology. ISSN: 2211-8837. 4 (2). s 144 - 155. doi:10.1016/j.hlpt.2015.02.007.
  • Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Hellang, Øyvind (2014). Collaborative process modelling and -evaluation in e-health. Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics; August 22; 2014; Grimstad; Norway. ISBN: 978-91-7519-241-3. Linköping University Electronic Press. kapittel. s 23 - 30.
  • Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Eikebrokk, Tom Roar (2014). Critical Success Factors for Inter-Organizational Process Collaboration in eHealth. eTELEMED 2014 Conference proceedings. ISBN: 9781632662491. International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA). Artikkel.
  • Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Sprenger, Michaela; Mettler, Tobias (2014). Service Robotics in Healthcare: A Perspective for Information Systems Researchers?. ICIS 2014 Proceedings. ISBN: 978-0-615-15788-7. Association for Information Systems. 13.
  • Brattli, Håvar; Utne, Alexander; Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik (2023). Design Thinking på norsk. ISBN: 9788202782559. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. s 180.
  • Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Helmersen, Migle; Martinez, Santiago (2023). Designing Nudges in eHealth with Conversation Testing.
  • Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik; Herrera, Lucia Castro; Liyanapathiranage, Sudeepika (2022). Teaching Design Thinking: Challenge-based Learning (presentation of work in progress).
  • Garmann-Johnsen, Niels Frederik (2022). Part of Research Summer School "SME-DigitalizationCamp" (arranged by Wiesbaden Business School, Germany) - Half day seminar; The Co-creation Lab (presentation).

Sist endret: 12.08.2021 12:08