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Oda Heidi Bolstad



Undervising og læring av matematikk i grunnskulen

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Bolstad, Oda Heidi (2024). Deltakande læring gjennom tverrfaglege tema i matematikk. Deltakende læring. ISBN: 9788215070377. Universitetsforlaget. Kapittel 5. s 95 - 116.
  • Bolstad, Oda Heidi; Smestad, Bjørn (2023). Diversity dimensions in Norwegian mathematics textbooks. Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). ISBN: 978-963-7031-04-5. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. kapittel. s 1724 - 1731.
  • Bolstad, Oda Heidi (2023). Lærarutdannaren sin undervisningskunnskap ved bruk av ei oppgåve i matematikk i lærarutdanninga. Flerstemmige perspektiver i norsk utdanningsforskning. Spenninger og muligheter. ISBN: 978-82-02-81798-5. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 5. s 93 - 115.
  • Vos, Pauline; Bolstad, Oda Heidi (2023). Using preservice teachers’ perceptions of a project-based statistics course to investigate knowledge creation in collaborative settings. Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). ISBN: 978-963-7031-04-5. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. KAPITTEL. s 5062 - 5069.
  • Bolstad, Oda Heidi (2021). Lower secondary students’ encounters with mathematical literacy. Mathematics Education Research Journal. ISSN: 1033-2170. doi:10.1007/s13394-021-00386-7.
  • Bolstad, Oda Heidi (2020). Secondary teachers’ operationalisation of mathematical literacy. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. ISSN: 2301-251X. 8 (3). s 115 - 135. doi:10.30935/scimath/9551.
  • Berget, Ingeborg Katrin Lid; Bolstad, Oda Heidi (2019). Perspektiv på matematisk modellering i Kunnskapsløftet og Fagfornyinga. Nordisk tidsskrift for utdanning og praksis. ISSN: 2535-7697. 13 (1). s 83 - 97. doi:10.23865/up.v13.1882.
  • Bolstad, Oda Heidi (2019). Teaching for mathematical literacy: School leaders' and teachers' rationales. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. ISSN: 2301-251X. 7 (3). s 93 - 108.
  • Bolstad, Oda Heidi (2019). Teaching for mathematical literacy: School leaders’ and teachers’ rationales. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education. ISSN: 2301-251X. 7 (3). s 93 - 108. doi:10.30935/scimath/9537.
  • Haara, Frode Olav; Bolstad, Oda Heidi; Jenssen, Eirik S. (2017). Research on mathematical literacy in schools - Aim, approach and attention. Proceedings of the Tenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME 10). ISBN: 978-1-873769-73-7. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Thematic Working Group 11. s 1674 - 1675.
  • Bolstad, Oda Heidi; Smestad, Bjørn (2023). Diversity dimensions in Norwegian mathematics textbooks.
  • Vos, Pauline; Bolstad, Oda Heidi (2023). Using preservice teachers’ perceptions of a project-based statistics course to investigate knowledge creation in collaborative settings.
  • Vos, Pauline; Bolstad, Oda Heidi (2023). Using preservice teachers’ perceptions of a project-based statistics course to investigate knowledge creation in collaborative settings.
  • Bolstad, Oda Heidi; Smestad, Bjørn (2023). Diversity dimensions in mathematics textbooks.
  • Scott-Dahl, Mia; Humberset, Beate Krøvel; Bolstad, Oda Heidi; Fooladi, Erik Cyrus (2022). Seminar for lærarar: Utforsking, tverrfaglegheit og berekraft i praksis.
  • Olsson, Joakim E; Bolstad, Oda Heidi (2022). Demokrati og medborgarskap i mateamtikkndervisninga - integrering av eit tverrfagleg tema.


Sist endret: 19.08.2022 08:08