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Rania Fahim Hassan Ibrahim Elgazzar





Nye teknologier

Undervisningsbasert forskning


Objekt Orientert Programmering (IS-110)

Videregående Databasesystemer (IS-309)

Programmeringsprosjekt (IS-202)

Algoritmer og Data Strukturer (IS-211)

Veiledning av bacheloroppgaver i IT og informasjonssystemer

Veiledning av masteroppgaver i Helse og Sosial Informatikk


August 2023 - Nå: Førsteamanuensis i systemutvikling ved UiA.

2017 – juli 2023: Førsteamanuensis i informasjonssystemer ved Høgskolen i Sørøst-Norge (underviste database administrasjon og kunstig intellligens på bachelor nivå og underviste informasjonessikkerhet på både bachelor og master nivå). Også underviste jeg fire moduler (bærekraft og informasjonssikkerhet, introduksjon til sosial manipulering, sosial manipulering i praksis, og NSM grunnprinipper som en del av EVU tilbud til arbeidstakere innen luftfartssektor). Veiledet bacheloroppgaver i IT og informasjonssystemer. Veiledet masteroppgaver i digitalisering og ledelse.

I januar 2016:  Deltidslektor ved Institutt for maritime, PhD-program ved AASTMT. Jeg holdt et 4-forelesningskurs om "research data management".

2012 - 2015:  PhD-stipendiat på heltid ved Institutt for informasjonssystemer, Samfunnsvitenskapelig fakultet, UiA.

2011 - 2012:  Deltid undervisningsassistent ved Institutt for informatikk, College of Computing and Information Technology (CCIT), Arab Academy for Science and Technology and Matitime Transport (AASTMT). Jeg var med på å undervise i to kurs "introduksjon til C-programmering" for bachelorstudenter og "programvareagenter" for både master- og bachelorstudenter.

Faglige interesser




Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Nguyen, Anh Duc; Lønnestad, Tor; Sundbø, Ingrid; Johannessen, Marius Rohde; Sanchez, Veralia Gabriela; Ahmed, Salah Uddin; El-Gazzar, Rania (2023). Exploring the Potential Impact of Generative AI in Education – A reflective analysis from nine IT courses. NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning. ISSN: 1892-0713. (2).
  • Sadoughi, Farahnaz; Elgazzar, Rania Fahim Hassan Ibrahim; Erfannia, Leila; Sheikhtaheri, Abbas (2022). How the health information systems can overcome the challenges of migrating to the cloud? A framework based on a mix method approach. Frontiers in health informatics. ISSN: 2676-7104. 11doi:10.30699/fhi.v11i1.342.
  • El-Gazzar, Rania; Stendal, Karen (2020). Blockchain in health care: Hope or hype?. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR). ISSN: 1439-4456. 22 (7). doi:10.2196/17199.
  • El-Gazzar, Rania; Stendal, Karen (2020). Examining How GDPR Challenges Emerging Technologies. Journal of Information Policy. ISSN: 2381-5892. 10 (1). s 237 - 275. doi:10.5325/JINFOPOLI.10.1.0237.
  • Ahmed, Salah Uddin; El-Gazzar, Rania; Nguyen Duc, Anh (2020). IT Students Project Group Work in the Day of COVID-19: Understanding the Impact and Attitudes. NIKT: Norsk IKT-konferanse for forskning og utdanning. ISSN: 1892-0713. 4
  • Johannessen, Marius Rohde; Berntzen, Lasse; El-Gazzar, Rania (2019). A Survey on Smart Cities, Big Data, Analytics, and Smart Decision-making. Towards an analytical framework for decision-making in smart cities. International Journal on Advances in Intelligent Systems. ISSN: 1942-2679. 12 (1&2). s 27 - 38.
  • El-Gazzar, Rania; Stendal, Karen (2019). CLOUD COMPUTING, BLOCKCHAIN, AND IOT: A BLESSING OR CURSE?. NOKOBIT: Norsk konferanse for organisasjoners bruk av informasjonsteknologi. ISSN: 1892-0748. 27 (1).
  • Berntzen, Lasse; El-Gazzar, Rania; Johannessen, Marius Rohde (2019). Parliamentary Open Big Data: A case study of the Norwegian Parliament´s open data platform. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. ISSN: 1865-1348. (341). s 91 - 105. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-11395-7_9.
  • Berntzen, Lasse; Johannessen, Marius Rohde; El-Gazzar, Rania (2018). Smart Cities, Big Data and Smart Decision-making - Understanding "Big Data" in Smart City Applications. ICDS 2018, The Twelfth International Conference on Digital Society and eGovernments. ISBN: 978-1-61208-615-6. International Academy, Research and Industry Association (IARIA). Paper 2. s 7 - 13.
  • El-Gazzar, Rania; Wahid, Fathul; Stendal, Karen (2018). Unpacking Knowledge on Cloud Computing: An Umbrella Review. AMCIS 2018 Proceedings. ISBN: 978-0-9966831-6-6. Association for Information Systems. Artikkel.
  • El-Gazzar, Rania; Hustad, Eli; Olsen, Dag Håkon (2017). An institutional lens on cloud computing adoption: A study of institutional factors and adoption strategies. Proceedings of the 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2017). ISBN: 978-3-00-050284-2. Association for Information Systems (AIS). Research papers. s 2477 - 2492.
  • El-Gazzar, Rania; Henriksen, Helle; Wahid, Fathul (2017). IT innovations and entrepreneurship in emerging economies - Is cloud computing a magic ingredient for Egyptian entrepreneurs?. The 25th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS). ISBN: 978-989-207655-3. Association for Information Systems (AIS). Article. s 1044 - 1061.
  • El-Gazzar, Rania; Elgazzar, Rasha F. (2017). Smart Cities, Sustainable Cities, or Both? A Critical Review and Synthesis of Success and Failure Factors. 6th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems. SMARTGREENS 2017. ISBN: 978-989-758-241-7. SciTePress. Paper. s 250 - 257.
  • Elgazzar, Rasha F.; El-Gazzar, Rania F.; El-Gohary, Mohamed A. (2017). Understanding the Dilemma of the Municipal Solid Waste Management System in Alexandria, Egypt: Could ICT Improve the System?. Information and Communication Technologies for Development. ISBN: 978-3-319-59110-0. Springer. Conference paper. s 816 - 822.
  • Elgazzar, Rania Fahim H.I.; Hustad, Eli; Olsen, Dag Håkon (2016). Understanding cloud computing adoption issues: A Delphi study approach. Journal of Systems and Software. ISSN: 0164-1212. 118s 64 - 84. doi:10.1016/j.jss.2016.04.061.
  • Elgazzar, Rania Fahim H.I.; Wahid, Fathul (2015). Strategies for Cloud Computing: Insights from the Norwegian Public Sector. Proceedings of the 12th European, Mediterranean & Middle Eastern Conference on Information Systems. ISBN: 978-960-6897-08-5. University of Pireus og Brunel University. 4.
  • Elgazzar, Rania Fahim H.I. (2015). The Start of a Journey to the Cloud in the Developing World: A Case Study of Egypt. Proceedings of the 48th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. ISBN: 978-1-4799-7367-5. IEEE. Information Technology for Development track. s 4345 - 4354.
  • Elgazzar, Rania Fahim H.I. (2015). The start of a journey to the cloud in the developing world: A case study of Egypt. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). ISSN: 1530-1605. 2015-Marchs 4345 - 4354. doi:10.1109/HICSS.2015.520.
  • Elgazzar, Rania Fahim H.I. (2014). A Literature Review on Cloud Computing Adoption Issues in Enterprises. Creating Value for All Through IT. ISBN: 978-3-662-43458-1. Springer Science+Business Media B.V.. Article. s 214 - 242.
  • Elgazzar, Rania Fahim H.I. (2014). An Overview of Cloud Computing Adoption Challenges in the Norwegian Context. 2014 IEEE/ACM 7th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing UCC 2014, London 8-11 December 2014. ISBN: 978-1-4799-7881-6. IEEE. UCC 2014: Short Papers. s 412 - 418.
  • Elgazzar, Rania Fahim H.I. (2014). Cloud Computing Adoption Factors and Processes for Enterprises - A Systematic Literature Review. CLOSER 2014 - Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Services Science, Barcelona, Spain, 3-5 April, 2014. ISBN: 978-989-758-019-2. SciTePress. Article. s 78 - 87.
  • Elgazzar, Rania Fahim H.I.; Wahid, Fathul (2013). An Analytical Framework to Understand the Adoption of Cloud Computing: an Institutional Theory Perspective. Proceedings of the International Conference on Cloud Security Management. ISBN: 978-1-909507-67-8. Academic Conferences Publishing. Article. s 91 - 98.

Sist endret: 19.01.2024 15:01