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Saga Pardede


C5040 ( Jon Lilletuns vei 9, Grimstad )


Social Cognition and how it plays into one's learning, development and social interactions. For example, the self concept and social identity. 

The relationship between emotion, interpersonal relationships, and appraisals

Social Learning Theory in reference to motivation, behavioural and emotions.

Experiential Learning and Reflection towards meaning-making.

Pedagogy as transmission and dialogue - Democratic Education (education as a social function).


2021: Guest Lecturer, Democracy and Education, PED432-1/240-1 Masters and Bachelor Programme in Education, Faculty of Humanities and Education, UiA.


2019 - present: PhD Research Scholar, University of Agder.

2022: Research Assistant, ValiDe-Value in Democracy Education, Erasmus+ co-funded project.

2021 - 2022: Research Consultant, Mothers in Science, NGO.

2020 - 2021: UiAdoc Representative Body, Events and Activities Coordinator, University of Agder, Norway.

2017 - 2019: Kindergarten Teacher, Englisch-Deutchse Eltern initiative Germany.

2016 - 2017: International Tutor, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.


PhD Project: The  active and passive form is a social phenomenon motivated by the emotional and social psychological relationship based on the need of 'acceptance' and 'belongingness'.

Utvalgte publikasjoner

Pardede, Saga; Gausel, Nicolay & Høie, Magnhild (2021). Revisiting the “The Breakfast Club”: Testing Different Theoretical Models of Belongingness and Acceptance (and Social Self-Representation). Frontiers in Psychology . ISSN 1664-1078.  11 . doi: https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.604090

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Xanthopoulou, Themis Dimitra; Pardede, Saga; Prinz, Andreas (2021). Bully-proofing a learning environment.

Sist endret: 11.09.2023 10:09