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Samuel Anokye Nyarko

Ph.d. Alumni

9I291 ( Universitetsveien 19, Kristiansand )

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Beisland, Leif Atle; Mersland, Roy; Nyarko, Samuel Anokye (2022). Lending to Women and Lending Risk in Micro-Banks: The Moderating Effects of Patriarchy and Female Leadership.
  • Mwintome, Gordon; Mersland, Roy; Zamore, Stephen; Agana, Joseph; Nyarko, Samuel Anokye (2021). Agency conflicts and the demand for perceived audit quality in microfinance institutions.
  • Mwintome, Gordon; Zamore, Stephen; Agana, Joseph; Nyarko, Samuel Anokye; Mersland, Roy (2020). Auditor Choice and its Implications for Hybrid Organizations.
  • Hudon, Marek; Nyarko, Samuel Anokye; Szafarz, Ariane (2019). Donated equity, Subsidized loans, and the Governance of Social Enterprises.
  • Djan, Kwame Ohene; Nyarko, Samuel Anokye; Mersland, Roy; Beisland, Leif Atle; Nakato, Linda (2019). The Impact of International Ownership on the Performance of Social Enterprises: A Global Survey of Microfinance Shareholder Firms.
  • Hudon, Marek; Nyarko, Samuel Anokye; Szafarz, Ariane (2019). Donated equity, Subsidized loans, and the Governance of Social Enterprises.

Sist endret: 14.05.2020 11:05