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Soern Finn Menning


EU105 ( Universitetsveien 25, Kristiansand )

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Brandt, Lisa Annika; Menning, Soern Finn (2024). Age segregation in ECEC: tracing arguments and reanimating the critique of developmentalism. Pedagogy, Culture & Society. ISSN: 1468-1366. 32 (4). s 1051 - 1068. doi:10.1080/14681366.2024.2355098.
  • Menning, Soern Finn; Murris, Karin (2023). Reconfiguring the use of video in qualitative research through practices of filmmaking: A post-qualitative cinematic analysis. Qualitative Research. ISSN: 1468-7941. doi:10.1177/14687941231206755.
  • Menning, Soern Finn (2022). Nysgjerrighet i barnehage - hva har dette med etikk og verdier å gjøre?. Det er her det skjer! Møter med religion, etikk og filosofi i barnehagen. ISBN: 9788215037158. Universitetsforlaget. s 120 - 129.
  • Menning, Soern F.; Kampmann, Jan (2021). Når etikken er under press - relasjonsetiske aspekter og overveielser i aktuell etnografisk inspirert barnehageforskning. Å forske blant barn : Kvalitative metoder. ISBN: 9788202689025. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 9. s 145 - 161.
  • Menning, Soern F.; Murris, Karin; Wargo, Jon (2021). Reanimating video and sound in research practices. Navigating the Postqualitative, New Materialist and Critical Posthumanist Terrain Across Disciplines: An Introductory Guide. ISBN: 9780367484705. Routledge. Chapter 8. s 150 - 168.
  • Menning, Soern F. (2021). Å forbinde begreper og praksisser - videobasert fokusgruppeintervju. Å forske blant barn : Kvalitative metoder. ISBN: 9788202689025. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 8. s 129 - 144.
  • Menning, Soern F. (2018). Exploring an Alternative Justification for the Importance of Curiosity in Education: Social Curiosity and Løgstrup’s Sovereign Expressions of Life. Studies in Philosophy and Education. ISSN: 0039-3746. doi:10.1007/s11217-018-9629-0.
  • Menning, Soern F. (2018). Mapping the dilemmatic space of early childhood education and care practitioners when challenged by children’s curiosity. Journal of Early Childhood Research. ISSN: 1476-718X. 16 (4). s 349 - 362. doi:10.1177/1476718X18775769.
  • Menning, Soern F. (2018). Why nurturing curiosity is an ethical endeavour: exploring practitioners' reflections on the importance of curiosity. International Journal of Early Years Education. ISSN: 0966-9760. doi:10.1080/09669760.2018.1547632.
  • Menning, Soern F. (2017). Tracing Curiosity with a Value Perspective. Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk. ISSN: 2387-5739. 3 (1). s 1 - 16. doi:10.23865/ntpk.v3.531.
  • Menning, Soern Finn (2016). Nysgjerrig på nysgjerrighet! Å sette fokus på nysgjerrighetsprosesser. Blikk fra barnehagen. ISBN: 978-82-450-1695-6. Fagbokforlaget. Artikkel 8. s 163 - 173.
  • Brandt, Lisa Annika; Menning, Soern Finn; Fasting, Merete Lund (2024). Kindergartenlife on Norways island Bragdøya: Power of being and moments of resonance.
  • Brandt, Lisa Annika; Menning, Soern Finn (2024). Age-segregation in Nordic ECEC: Tracing arguments to reanimate the critique of developmentalism.
  • Menning, Soern Finn (2023). Reconfiguring curiosity in ECEC as sympoetic worlding.
  • Menning, Soern Finn; Murris, Karin (2022). Reanimating Video in Research by Thinking Cinematically: Slowing Down and Speeding Up.
  • Sirevåg, Lene Cherize Haugland; Menning, Soern Finn (2022). Children’s Laughter in the primary classroom - a corporal event as part of a ´democracy to come ´.
  • Menning, Soern F.; Murris, Karin (2021). Videography and Decoloniziong Childhood.
  • Menning, Soern F.; Murris, Karin (2021). Reconceptualising childhood as a multi-durational event through videography.

Sist endret: 26.09.2019 10:09