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Tor Helge Aas


Studieprogramleder - Executive MBA

9I272 ( Universitetsveien 19, Kristiansand )

Tor Helge Aas er professor ved Handelshøyskolen ved Universitetet i Agder og studieprogramleder for Executive MBA programmet (www.uia.no/mba). I tillegg er han professor II ved Høyskolen Kristiania. 

Prof. Aas har en doktorgrad i strategi og ledelse fra Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH) og mastergrad i informasjons- og kommunikasjonsteknologi fra Universitetet i Agder (UiA). Han er i tillegg uteksaminert fra Luftkrigsskolen.

Aas forsker på innovasjonsledelse, med et spesielt fokus på de organisatoriske effektene av innovasjon, innovasjonsprosesser og -kapabiliteter, innovasjonssamarbeid og styring av innovasjonsaktiviteter. 

Forskningen til Aas er publisert i internasjonale fagtidsskrifter som Technovation, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Industrial Marketing Management, Small Business Economics, International Journal of Innovation Management, Service Industries Journal, Journal of Service Theory and Practice, med flere. Han har også medforfattet kapitler i bøker publisert av blant annet Palgrave Macmillan, Routledge, Cambridge Scholars Publishing og World Scientific Publishing.

Prof. Aas er medlem av ledergruppen for forskningssenteret RIST (Research Centre for Studies of Innovation for Sustainable Transition) ved UiA. Han er også medlem av ISPIMs (International Society for Professional Innovation Management) vitenskapelige komité.

Aas er for tiden også arbeidspakkeleder i Horisont 2020 prosjektet OpenInnoTrain (https://www.openinnotrain.eu/), og han er medlem av forskningsteamet i REDI prosjektet (https://www.rediprogram.eu/) finansiert gjennom Horisont 2020. 

Prof. Aas har tidligere arbeidet som postdoktor ved NHH og Forsker I ved NORCE (Norwegian Research Centre). Han har også ledererfaring fra Luftforsvaret, og erfaring med styrearbeid i næringslivet.

Faglige interesser

Tor Helge Aas forsker på innovasjonsledelse og forskningen hans fokuserer spesielt på temaer som 1) de organisatoriske effektene av innovasjon, 2) innovasjonsprosesser og –kapabiliteter, 3) innovasjonssamarbeid og 4) styring av innovasjonsaktiviteter. 


  • Innovasjonsledelse (masterprogrammet i industriell økonomi og masterprogrammet i innovasjon og kunnskapsutvikling, samt etter- og videreutdanning)

  • Strategisk ledelse (bachelorprogrammet i økonomi og administrasjon, samt etter- og videreutdanning)


  • Medlem av ledergruppen for forskningssenteret RIST (Research Centre for Studies of Innovation for Sustainable Transition) ved Universitetet i Agder.

  • Medlem av forskningsteamet i REDI prosjektet (https://www.rediprogram.eu/). Prosjektet er finansiert av Horisont 2020.

  • Arbeidspakkeleder i Horisont 2020 prosjektet OpenInnoTrain (https://www.openinnotrain.eu/).   

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Berntsen, Terje Bernt; Aas, Tor Helge; Hunnes, John Arngrim (2023). Balancing contradictory demands during the transition to a business model portfolio for sustainability. Cogent Business & Management. ISSN: 2331-1975. 10 (3). doi:10.1080/23311975.2023.2275364.
  • Altrock, Sophie; Mention, Anne-Laure; Aas, Tor Helge (2023). Being Human in the Digitally Enabled Workplace: Insights From the Robo-Advice Literature. IEEE transactions on engineering management. ISSN: 0018-9391. 71s 7876 - 7891. doi:10.1109/TEM.2023.3291820.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim; Hellström, Magnus Mikael; Hydle, Katja Maria (2023). ORGANISING DEVELOPMENT PROCESSES: THE CASE OF PRODUCT-SERVICE SYSTEMS. International Journal of Innovation Management. ISSN: 1363-9196. doi:10.1142/S1363919623500305.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Hydle, Katja Maria; Smiljic, Sanja (2023). Platform-based Digital Servitization: Business Models and the Role of Platforms. Innovation and Circular Economy, Proceedings of XXXIV ISPIM Innovation Conference, held in Ljubljana, Slovenia on 04 June to 07 June 2023. ISBN: 978‐952‐65069‐3‐7. ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. 1.
  • Kurtmollaiev, Seidali; Aas, Tor Helge (2023). Repurposed: Management Control in Innovation Leadership. Innovation Leadership in Practice: How Leaders Turn Ideas into Value in a Changing World. ISBN: 9781837533978. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Chapter 13. s 243 - 257.
  • Rubin, Tzameret H.; Aas, Tor Helge; Williams, Jackie (2022). Big data and data ownership rights: The case of car insurance. The Journal of Information Technology Teaching Cases (JITTC). ISSN: 2043-8869. doi:10.1177/20438869221096859.
  • Smiljic, Sanja; Aas, Tor Helge; Mention, Anne-Laure (2022). Coopetitive tensions across project phases: A paradox perspective. Industrial Marketing Management. ISSN: 0019-8501. 105s 388 - 403. doi:10.1016/j.indmarman.2022.06.017.
  • Hydle, Katja Maria; Hellström, Magnus Mikael; Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim (2022). Entrepreneuring practices: interconnected bundles for digital servitization. Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship as Practice. ISBN: 9781788976824. Edward Elgar Publishing. 17. s 298 - 313.
  • Altrock, Sophie; Mention, Anne-Laure; Aas, Tor Helge (2022). Exploring Human Replacement: A Literature Review on Robo-Advice. The XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovating in a Digital World". ISBN: 978-952-335-694-8. ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. 10.
  • Rubin, Tzameret H.; Aas, Tor Helge (2022). Exploring InsurTech Corporate Accelerators’ Operations: Evidence from Lloyd’s Lab. The XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovating in a Digital World". ISBN: 978-952-335-694-8. ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. 20.
  • Alaassar, Ahmad; Mention, Anne-Laure; Aas, Tor Helge (2022). Facilitating innovation in FinTech: a review and research agenda. Review of Managerial Science. ISSN: 1863-6683. doi:10.1007/s11846-022-00531-x.
  • Smiljic, Sanja; Aas, Tor Helge; Mention, Anne-Laure (2022). To join or not to join? Insights from coopetitive RD&I projects. R&D Management. ISSN: 0033-6807. s 1 - 19. doi:10.1111/radm.12560.
  • Hydle, Katja Maria; Hellström, Magnus Mikael; Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim (2021). Digital Servitization: Strategies for Handling Customization and Customer Interaction. The Palgrave Handbook of Servitization. ISBN: 978-3-030-75770-0. Palgrave Macmillan. 23. s 355 - 372.
  • Hydle, Katja Maria; Hanseth, Ole; Aanestad, Margunn; Aas, Tor Helge (2021). Digital Transformation through Collaborative Platformization: A Study of Incumbent-Entrepreneur Relations. Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). ISSN: 1530-1605. s 5831 - 5840. doi:10.24251/HICSS.2021.707.
  • Kristiansen, Marius; Aas, Tor Helge (2021). Ecosystem acceptance of digital servitization: How does a new smart service gain legitimacy?. Proceedings of the ISPIM Connects Valencia Conference. ISBN: 978-952-335-691-7. ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. 1.
  • Alaassar, Ahmad Sami Mahmoud; Mention, Anne-Laure; Aas, Tor Helge (2021). Ecosystem dynamics: exploring the interplay within fintech entrepreneurial ecosystems. Small Business Economics. ISSN: 0921-898X. doi:10.1007/s11187-021-00505-5.
  • Alaassar, Ahmad; Mention, Anne-Laure; Aas, Tor Helge (2021). Exploring a new incubation model for FinTechs: Regulatory sandboxes. Technovation. ISSN: 0166-4972. 103doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2021.102237.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Mention, Anne-Laure; Lee, Christina (2021). Open Service Innovation: A Systematic Literature Review. Managing Open Service Innovation. ISBN: 978-981-123-448-4. World Scientific. 2. s 17 - 42.
  • Aas, Tor Helge (2021). Opening Up the Service Innovation Process Towards Ordinary Employees in Large Service Firms. Managing Open Service Innovation. ISBN: 978-981-123-448-4. World Scientific. s 187 - 207.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Hjemdahl, Kirsti Mathiesen; Nordgård, Daniel; Wästlund, Erik (2021). Outbound Open Innovation in Tourism: Lessons from an Innovation Project in Norway. Managing Open Service Innovation. ISBN: 978-981-123-448-4. World Scientific. Kapittel 8. s 167 - 185.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim; Hellström, Magnus Mikael; Hydle, Katja Maria (2021). Product-Service Systems in the Digital Era: Deconstructing Servitisation Business Model Typologies. The Palgrave Handbook of Servitization. ISBN: 978-3-030-75770-0. Palgrave Macmillan. 5. s 73 - 87.
  • Matzner, Martin; Pauli, Tobias; Marx, Emanuel; Anke, Jürgen; Poeppelbuss, Jens; Fielt, Erwin; Gregor, Shirley; Sun, Ruonan; Hydle, Katja Maria; Aas, Tor Helge; Aanestad, Margunn; Gordijn, Jaap; Kaya, Fadime; Wieringa, Roel (2021). Transitioning to Platform-based Services and Business Models in a B2B Environment. Journal of Service Management Research (SMR). ISSN: 2511-8676. 5 (3). s 143 - 162. doi:10.15358/2511-8676-2021-3-143.
  • Alaassar, Ahmad; Mention, Anne-Laure; Aas, Tor Helge (2020). Exploring how social interactions influence regulators and innovators: The case of regulatory sandboxes. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. ISSN: 0040-1625. 160doi:10.1016/j.techfore.2020.120257.
  • Högberg, Johan; Wästlund, Erik; Aas, Tor Helge; Hjemdahl, Kirsti Mathiesen; Nordgård, Daniel (2020). Herding the Hordes: Using Location-Based Services and Mobile Messaging to Affect Visitor Behavior. Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Research. ISSN: 1096-3480. 44 (5). s 870 - 878. doi:10.1177/1096348020912449.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim; Hellström, Magnus Mikael; Hydle, Katja Maria (2020). Service-oriented Business Models in manufacturing in the Digital Era: Toward a New Typology. Proceedings of the 2020 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Virtual) Event : Innovating in Times of Crisis. ISBN: 9789523354661. ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. 2.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim; Hellström, Magnus Mikael; Hydle, Katja Maria (2020). Service-oriented business models in manufacturing in the digital era: Toward a new taxonomy. International Journal of Innovation Management. ISSN: 1363-9196. 24 (8). doi:10.1142/S1363919620400022.
  • Hydle, Katja Maria; Breunig, Karl Joachim; Aas, Tor Helge; Hellström, Magnus Mikael (2019). Digitally enabled servitization strategy in manufacturing firms. Knowledge ecosystems and growth. ISBN: 978-88-96687-12-3. Institute of Knowledge Asset Management (IKAM). Digital Transformation Contingencies across Knowledge Ecosystems. s 16 - 29.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim; Hellström, Magnus Mikael; Hydle, Katja Maria (2019). Managing Innovation Processes: The Case of Integrated Product-Service Systems. Proceedings of the XXX ISPIM Innovation Conference. ISBN: 978-952-335-351-0. ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. 3.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim; Hellström, Magnus Mikael; Hydle, Katja Maria (2019). Understanding Innovation in Digital Product-Service Ecosystems – A Business Model Perspective. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Business Servitization (ICBS 2019 - San Sebastian). ISBN: 978-84-120643-4-6. University of Deusto. KAPITTEL. s 235 - 240.
  • Hjemdahl, Kirsti Mathiesen; Aas, Tor Helge (2018). Doing research on, for and with tourism organizations during innovation processes. Co-creating tourism research: Towards collaborative ways of knowing. ISBN: 978-1-138-22819-1. Routledge. 8. s 111 - 130.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Kvåle, Tone; Tørressen, Karoline Lønning (2018). Inbound open innovation practices: The forgotten case of process innovation. Proceedings of ISPIM Connects Fukuoka 2018. ISBN: 978-952-335-221-6. ISPIM/ Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. 1.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim; Hydle, Katja Maria; Hellström, Magnus Mikael (2018). Stages in transforming product- to service-oriented business models. Proceedings of ISPIM Connects Fukuoka 2018. ISBN: 978-952-335-221-6. ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. 8.
  • Hydle, Katja Maria; Hellström, Magnus Mikael; Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim (2018). Strategizing for servitization: From products to innovating in services. Proceedings of ISPIM Connects Fukuoka 2018. ISBN: 978-952-335-221-6. ISPIM Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. 32.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Alaassar, Ahmad (2018). The Impact of Visual Performance Management on Decision-making in the Entrepreneurial Process. International Journal of Innovation Management. ISSN: 1363-9196. 22 (5). doi:10.1142/S1363919618400029.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim (2017). Conceptualizing Innovation Capabilities: a Contingency Perspective. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI). ISSN: 2299-7075. 13 (1). s 7 - 24. doi:10.7341/20171311.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim; Hydle, Katja Maria (2016). Exploring New Service Portfolio Management. International Journal of Innovation Management. ISSN: 1363-9196. 21 (6). s 1 - 31. doi:10.1142/S136391961750044X.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim (2017). Innovation Capabilities: Affirming an Oxymoron? From the Editors. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI). ISSN: 2299-7075. 13 (1). s 3 - 6.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim (2017). Innovation capabilities: What are their characteristics and how can they be conceptualized?. Proceedings IFKAD.... ISSN: 2280-787X.
  • Aas, Tor Helge (2017). Managing New Service Development Processes: The Case of Experiential Services. XXVIII ISPIM Conference Proceedings. ISBN: 978-952-335-021-2. ISPIM/ Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. 1.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Alaassar, Ahmad (2017). The Impact of Visualisation on Decision-making in Entrepreneurial Processes. Proceedings of the ISPIM Innovation Summit 2017 (Melbourne). ISBN: 978-952-335-083-0. ISPIM/ Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. 1.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Jørgensen, Geir (2016). Business models for new experiential services. Applied social science research in a regional knowledge system. ISBN: 978-1-4724-8782-7. Routledge. Chapter 15. s 252 - 266.
  • Shneor, Rotem; Aas, Tor Helge (2016). Folkefinansiering: Status og fremtidsutsikter. Praktisk økonomi & finans. ISSN: 1501-0074. 32 (1). s 43 - 51. doi:10.18261/issn.1504-2871-2016-01-06.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Hjemdahl, Kirsti Mathiesen; Kjær, Sarah Holst (2016). Innovation practices in cultural organisations: Implications for innovation policy. International Journal of Tourism Policy. ISSN: 1750-4090. 6 (3/4). s 212 - 234. doi:10.1504/IJTP.2016.081524.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Jentoft, Nina; Vasstrøm, Mikaela (2016). Managing innovation of care services: An exploration of Norwegian municipalities. Cogent Business & Management. ISSN: 2331-1975. 3 (1). doi:10.1080/23311975.2016.1215762.
  • Breunig, Karl Joachim; Aas, Tor Helge; Hydle, Katja Maria (2016). Open Innovation or Innovation in the Open? An Exploration of the Strategy–Innovation Link in Five Scale-Intensive Services. Open Innovation: Bridging Theory and Practice, Vol. 1: A Open Innovation: Multifaceted Perspective. ISBN: 978-981-4719-20-9. World Scientific. Ch. 4. s 67 - 87.
  • Aas, Tor Helge (2016). Open service innovation: The case of tourism firms in Scandinavia. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI). ISSN: 2299-7075. 12 (2). s 53 - 75. doi:10.7341/20161223.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Pedersen, Per Egil (2016). The Feasibility of Open Service Innovation. Open Innovation: Bridging Theory and Practice, Vol. 1: A Open Innovation: Multifaceted Perspective. ISBN: 978-981-4719-20-9. World Scientific. Chapter 12. s 287 - 314.
  • Hydle, Katja Maria; Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim (2016). Towards a framework for new service development practices. Journal of Innovation Management. ISSN: 2183-0606. 4 (4). s 55 - 67. doi:10.24840/2183-0606_004.004_0005.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim; Hydle, Katja Maria; Pedersen, Per Egil (2015). Innovation Management Practices in Production-Intensive Service Firms. International Journal of Innovation Management. ISSN: 1363-9196. 19 (5). doi:10.1142/S1363919615500553.
  • Rubin, Tzameret H.; Aas, Tor Helge; Stead, Andrew (2015). Knowledge flow in Technological Business Incubators: Evidence from Australia and Israel. Technovation. ISSN: 0166-4972. 41-42s 11 - 24. doi:10.1016/j.technovation.2015.03.002.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Hjemdahl, Kirsti Mathiesen (2015). Service Innovation Practices in Tourism: The Case of Hotel Chains. Proceedings of the The XXVI ISPIM Innovation Conference. ISBN: 978-952-265-779-4. Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. paper.
  • Hydle, Katja Maria; Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim (2014). Characteristics of Intrapreneurs in Scale-Intensive Service Firms. Journal of Entrepreneurship, Management and Innovation (JEMI). ISSN: 2299-7075. 10 (2). s 89 - 118. doi:10.7341/20141024.
  • Breunig, Karl Joachim; Aas, Tor Helge; Hydle, Katja Maria (2014). Incentives and performance measures for open innovation practices. Measuring Business Excellence. ISSN: 1368-3047. 18 (1). s 45 - 54. doi:10.1108/MBE-10-2013-0049.
  • Breunig, Karl Joachim; Aas, Tor Helge; Hydle, Katja Maria (2014). Open Service Innovation or Service Innovation in the Open?. Innovation for Sustainable Economy & Society. ISBN: 978-952-265-591-2. International symposium of product innovation management. Service innovation.
  • Hydle, Katja Maria; Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim (2014). Strategies for Financial Service Innovation: Innovation becomes Strategy-Making. Innovation in Financial Services: A Dual Ambiguity. ISBN: 1-4438-6676-8. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. Chapter Ten. s 239 - 259.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Hydle, Katja Maria; Breunig, Karl Joachim (2014). Toward a Framework of New Service Development Practices. Innovation for Sustainable Economy & Society. ISBN: 978-952-265-591-2. International symposium of product innovation management. Service innovation.
  • Wallevik, Kristin; Aas, Tor Helge; Hjemdahl, Kirsti Mathiesen (2013). Hvordan lykkes bedrifter med innovasjon?. Innovasjon - organisasjon, region, politikk. ISBN: 978-82-02-38331-2. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 2. s 45 - 67.
  • Breunig, Karl Joachim; Aas, Tor Helge; Hydle, Katja Maria (2013). Innovation incentives or performance measures for improved innovation practices: The case of scale intensive service firms. Smart Growth: Organization, Cities and communities. ISBN: 978-88-96687-01-7. Institute of Knowledge Asset Management (IKAM). 28. Innovation. s 1846 - 1858.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Breunig, Karl Joachim; Hydle, Katja Maria (2013). Managing the Portfolio of New Service Development Projects. Innovating in Global Markets: Challenges for Sustainable Growth. ISBN: 978-952-265-421-2. Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. Research. s 13 - 23.
  • Aas, Tor Helge (2013). The antecedents of successful employee involvement in innovation processes. Proceedings of the 6th ISPIM Innovation Symposium, Melbourne, Australia, 8-11 December. ISBN: 978-952-265-423-6. Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. paper.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Pedersen, Per Egil (2013). The usefulness of componentization for specialized public service providers. Managing Service Quality. ISSN: 0960-4529. 23 (6). s 513 - 532. doi:10.1108/MSQ-10-2012-0138.
  • Aas, Tor Helge (2012). Open Service Innovation in Experiential Tourism Firms: An Explorative Study. The 5th ISPIM Innovation Symposium - Stimulating Innovation: Challenges for Management, Science & Technology. ISBN: 978-952-265-317-8. Lappeenranta University of Technology Press. kapittel.
  • Aas, Tor Helge (2012). Specialized Public Service Providers' Innovativeness: The Usefulness of Componentization. XXIII ISPIM conference 2012 Proceedings: Action for innovation: Innovating from experience. ISBN: 978-952-265-243-0. International Society for Professional Innovation Management. kapittel.
  • Aas, Tor Helge (2011). Management control of service innovation activities: an exploratory investigation of best practice. International Journal of Services Technology and Management. ISSN: 1460-6720. 16 (3/4). s 318 - 336. doi:10.1504/ijstm.2011.044362.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Pedersen, Per Egil (2011). The impact of service innovation on firm- level financial performance. Service Industries Journal. ISSN: 0264-2069. 31 (13). s 2071 - 2090. doi:10.1080/02642069.2010.503883.
  • Aas, Tor Helge (2010). IMPLEMENTING A VALUE ASSESSMENT TOOL FOR SERVICE INNOVATION IDEAS. International Journal of Innovation Management. ISSN: 1363-9196. 14 (6). s 1149 - 1167.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Pedersen, Per Egil (2010). THE FIRM-LEVEL EFFECTS OF SERVICE INNOVATION: A LITERATURE REVIEW. International Journal of Innovation Management. ISSN: 1363-9196. 14 (5). s 759 - 794.
  • Aas, Tor Helge; Pedersen, Per Egil (2010). The impact of service Innovation on Firm Level Financial Performance. Service Industries Journal. ISSN: 0264-2069.
  • Mention, Anne-Laure; Aas, Tor Helge (2021). Managing Open Service Innovation. ISBN: 978-981-123-448-4. World Scientific. s 233.
  • Berntsen, Terje; Aas, Tor Helge; Hunnes, John Arngrim (2022). Managing the Transition from a Conventional Business Model to a Portfolio with Sustainable Business Models.
  • Aas, Tor Helge (2022). Digital innovasjon - hva og hvordan?.

Sist endret: 14.06.2023 09:06