Illeris, Helene; Anundsen, Tormod Wallem (2024). Antropocæn resonans: Sanselige undersøgelser som indgang til kunstbaseret praksis i/med det antropocæne. Antropocæn: Menneske, samfund og dannelse i en ny tidsalder. ISBN: 978-87-92914-84-2. Forlaget Unge Pædagoger. kapitel 10. s 235 - 257.
Anundsen, Tormod Wallem; Illeris, Helene (2024). Inhabiting Landscape: Walking as an Act of Practicing and Being Practiced. Material and Digital A/r/tographic Explorations: Walking Matters. ISBN: 978-981-99-5373-8. Springer. kapitel 2. s 27 - 41.
Anundsen, Tormod Wallem; Illeris, Helene (2019). Inhabiting practice: performative approaches to education and research as art. Performative Approaches in Arts Education: Artful Teaching, Learning and Research. ISBN: 978-1-138-33487-8. Routledge. kapitel 8. s 119 - 135.
Anundsen, Tormod Wallem (2015). Reconstructing Africa in performance: The “cultural encounter” revisited. Det tredje språket: Multimodale studier av interkulturell kommunikasjon i kunst, skole og samfunnsliv. ISBN: 9788283140361. Portal forlag. Kapittel 12. s 230 - 246.
Anundsen, Tormod Wallem (2015). Taking it back: The musical reconnections of Stella Mwangi. Lydspor : når musikk møter tekst og bilder. ISBN: 978-82-8314-032-3. Portal forlag. Kapittel 15. s 361 - 379.
Anundsen, Tormod Wallem; Kiel, Hildegard; Haonga, Excel Michael (2011). Ukuti Ukuti - Kitabu Cha Nyimbo za Watoto - A Swahili Children's Song Book. ISBN: 978-9987-08-079-3. Mkuku na Nyota Publishers Ltd.. s 100.
Illeris, Helene; Anundsen, Tormod Wallem; Fossnes, Anne-May (2024). Learning with the Land. Experimenting with a/r/tographic fieldwork in/with a landscape in Southern Norway.
Anundsen, Tormod Wallem (2023). "Don’t make a project!" Searching for 'non-representative' approaches to ethnographic research, artistic practices and arts education..
Anundsen, Tormod Wallem; Beckmann, Hege Bjørnestøl; Wetlesen, Isabelle Restrepo; Rusdal, Kristina R Larsen (2023). Educating musicians as socially engaged artists (Or: What might 'responsible music education' look like?).