My research is focused on how we can improve diet and nutrition before conception trough a digital intervention called PREPARED. I also work as a scientific assistant in other projects with a primary focus on automation of questionnaire delivery and its surrounding system. In addition, I am involved in the development and maintenance of the digital food diary myfood24, which is used in multiple projects both at the University of Agder and other universities. I am part of the Priority Research Centre of Lifecourse Nutrition.
My research is focused on how we can improve diet and nutrition before conception trough a digital intervention called PREPARED.
01.08.19-31.07.20: Scientific assistant, Department of Nutrition and Public Health, UiA. Full-time position.
01.08.20-dd: PhD Research Fellow, Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, UiA. 25% position as a scientific assistant.
Maternal and child nutrition
Diet in infancy and childhood
Dietary assessment methods
The PREPARED-project:
We have limited knowledge about diet and quality of life of young adults in Norway. and what kind of informasjon young adults need to make good food choices. We also know little about the impact diet and habits in the years before having children have on their own and future childrens health. The PREPARED-project aim to get more knowledge about this. The participants in the project are between 20 and 35 years old, and does not have children of their own. You can read more about the project here (in norwegian).
Studentkost: Studenters kosthold - Grunn til bekymring? Kostforum 2020. 2020-11-05
Last changed: 30.10.2023 11:10