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Pedagogical and didacticical research related to the body, movement, play, teaching, supervision and learning in kindergarten and school, and in teacher education.

Selected publications

Aasland, E. & Engelsrud, G. (2021). Structural Discrimination in Physical Education. The “Encounter” Between the (White) Norwegian Teaching Content in Physical Education Lessons and Female Students of Color's Movements and Expressions. Front. Sports Act. Living, 15 November 2021.

Aasland, E., Walseth, K. & Engelsrud, G. (2020). The constitution of the ‘able’ and ‘less able’ student in physical education in Norway. Sport, Education and Society, 25(5), 479-492.

Fasting, M. L, Høyem, J. and Bischoff, A. (2022). Barndommens landsskap. En studie av unge voksnes minne i møte med barndommens nærnatur. Journal of Research in Arts and Sports Education, 6(1), 92-107.

Fasting, M. L., Skreland, L. and Kampmann, J. (Ed). (2021). Å forske blant barn: kvalitative metoder. Cappelen Dam Akademisk.

Haugen, T., Erdvik, I. B., Laxdal, A., Kloster, B. W., & Säfvenbom, R. (2021). Forholdet mellom elevers motivasjon for kroppsøvingsfaget, motivasjonsklima og tilhørighet i kroppsøvingstimene, og deres intensjon om å være fysisk aktive etter endt obligatorisk skolegang. Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education, 5(3), 65–85.

Hovdal, D.O.G., Haugen, T., Larsen, I.B. & Johansen, B.T. (2021): “It’s Not Just About the Activity, It’s Also About How the Activity is Facilitated”: Investigating Students’ Experiences in Two Competitive Situations in Physical Education, Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Hovdal, D.O.G., Haugen, T., Larsen, I.B. & Johansen, B.T. (2021). Students’ experiences and learning of social inclusion in team activities in physical education. European Physical Education Review, 1–19.

Johansen, B.T., Mæhle, M., Oland, Ø. & Haugen, T. (2017). “Being together in the locker room is great, but showering together – just forget it!” The Janus Face of the Wardrobe Practice in Physical Education. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, Vol. 16, No. 10, pp. 41-57.

Laxdal, A., & Giske, R. (2020). Gender and the perceived learning environment in upper secondary school physical education. Sport, Education and Society, 25(7), 779-787.

Laxdal, A., Johannsson, E., & Giske, R. (2020). The role of perceived competence in determining teacher support in upper secondary school physical education. Physical Educator, 77(2), 384-403.

Lundhaug, T. & Østrem, K. (2019). Å planlegge for læring i friluftsliv. Friluftslivspedagogikk. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 3. s 50 - 66.

Nyberg, G., Barker, D. & Larsson, H. (2021). Learning in the educational landscapes of juggling, unicycling and dancing, Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy, Vol. 26, No. 3.

Nyberg, G. (2021). A phenomenographic perspective of movement learning, Part of: Routledge studies of physical education and youth sport, Routledge, 2021. Chapter of book.

Nyberg, G., Backman, E. & Larsson, H. (2020). Exploring the meaning of movement capability in physical education teacher education through student voices, European Physical Education Review, Vol. 26, No. 1, 144-158.