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Children and young people are a cultural-political area of priority. This has led to an abundance of art and cultural opportunities for this target group, and simultaneous discussions concerning artistic autonomy and instrumental justifications. What is it that characterizes art for, by and with children and young people? How are artistic and cultural initiatives perceived by the young people themselves? The newly established research group, Art and Young People involves projects:

  • Studying the category “children and young people” and challenging the target group rhetoric within Norwegian cultural politics
  • Investigating the potential of art by looking at what role visual art, music and theatre can play in children’s and young people’s lives
  • Researching and initiating art and art educational projects within institutional frameworks such as schools, kindergartens, schools of music and performing arts, art museums, galleries, theatres, and concert venues etc.
  • Looking at children’s and young people’s self-organized aesthetic practice on web-based communication platforms, social media, and arenas more or less controlled by the young people themselves
  • Researching the connections between art and play, art and education, and investigating how art and aesthetic practice in artistic and arts education contexts can be of significance in terms of how children and young people form themselves, and are themselves formed and transformed as people
  • Studying the connections between art, aesthetics, democratic practice and politics

The research group consists of members and collaborative partners across institutions, subject boundaries, and different artistic forms of expression, and addresses different research approaches, from traditional academic research to applied research and artistic development work.

Picture: Jeppe Hein Distance, 2004, Sørlandets Kunstmuseum, 2017 © Courtesy of the artist, KÖNIG GALERIE, Berlin, 303 Gallery, New York and Galleri Nicolai Wallner, Copenhagen. Photo: Lisbet Skregelid

For updated webpage see the Norwegian webpage: https://www.uia.no/forskning/kunstfag/kunst-og-barn-unge 


Seminar: Dissens og kritikk i kunstformidling for barn og unge [Dissensus and criticism in art education for children and young people] 30 June 2018 1-4PM at Sørlandets Kunstmuseum

A collaboration between Kulturtanken, Sørlandet Artmuseum and the research group Art and Young people.

About the seminar:

When encountering with art, our ways of thinking will be constantly challenged. But what role is played by the potential of art for conflicts of opinon? How can dissensus and criticism be utilised in art dissemination to children and young people?

Kulturtanken, in collaboration with the University of Agder and Sørlandet Kunstmuseum, invites you to a half-day seminar about dissent and criticism in art dissemination for school pupils. With examples from contemporary art, acting and literature, we will look at art dissemination strategies which facilitate providing children and young people with the space to experience, reflect upon, and express themselves about art. The seminar will address the significance of oppositional thinking, how children and young people can be challenged in their encounters with art, as well as the relationship between school and art in DKS, and ethical perspectives connected to art dissemination.


Presentations (2015-)

Publications (2015-)

Doctoral theses

PhD programmes

Collaborative partners