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PaHLS forsker på sammenhengen mellom fysisk aktivitet og helse og har følgende fokusområder:

  • Undersøke forholdet mellom fysisk aktivitet, stillesittende tid og ulike helseutfall i et primær- og sekundærforebyggende perspektiv – på tvers av livsløpet
  • Øke vår forståelse av hvorfor noen er aktive og andre ikke, og iverksette og evaluere intervensjoner og tiltak med hensikt å øke aktivitetsnivået i ulike populasjoner
  • Videreutvikle målemetoder for fysisk aktivitet og undersøke potensialet i ny teknologi til å promotere fysisk aktivitet og levere helsefremmende aktivitet- og treningsintervensjoner
  • Utforske sosiale, økonomiske og bærekraftsmessige gevinster av en aktiv befolkning


  • Fitness, Ageing and Bilingualism (FAB) - a research project that investigates the benefits of regular physical activity and bilingualism for language and other cognitive abilities in healthy ageing.
  • International Childrens Accelerometry Database (ICAD). ICAD is a consortium including 20 partners which pooled and reduced raw accelerometer data using standardized methods to increase statistical power, create a more heterogeneous and potentially more representative sample, standardize and optimize the analytical methods used in the generation of outcome variables, and provide a means to study the causes of inter-study variability in physical activity.
  • Determinants of Physical Activities in Settings (DE-PASS) – DE-PASS aims to identify, understand, and measure determinants which promote, maintain or inhibit physical activity across the lifespan and in different settings and translate this knowledge to assist policy-makers to achieve greater health impact.
  • Lifestyle and Empowerment Techniques in Survivorship of Gynecologic Oncology (LetsGo) - a multicenter intervention study on follow-up after gynecological cancer in which 10 Norwegian hospitals participate.
  • Physical training and Cancer (PhysCan) - exercise and behavioural changes during cancer treatment.
  • COmprehensive evaluation of CREATING PUBLIC open spaces for enhancing HEALTH in local communities (CO-CREATING PUBLIC HELATH) - aims to advance the knowledge on how to develop, implement and maintaing health-promoting public open spaces in local communities, and ti develop evidence-based tools for use in future municipal planning and evaluation. 
  • “Students Moving Together”. The main aim of this development project is that physical activity should be part og the management for students facing mental health challanges, through developing, implement and evaluate tailored group exercise for students facing mental health challanges. 
  • School In Motion - The overall aim of the PhD project is to increase the understanding of the influence of school-based physical activity and built environment determinants on active travel rates among Norwegian adolescence, using validated measurements of travel mode.
  • Norwegian Physical Activity Surveillance Study (adults and older people) - Aims to assess prevalence and trends in physical activity and physical fitness amongst adults and older people in Norway.
  • Learning Network for Advanced Behavioural Data Analysis (LABDA) is an EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) doctoral network project under Horizon Europe, that brings together leading researchers in advanced movement behaviour data analysis at the intersection of data science, method development, epidemiology, public health, and wearable technology to train a new generation of creative and innovative public health researchers via training-through-research.
  • Kan 1-3 - NPASS is a reacurring surveillance study embedding device-based assesments of physical activity and direct measurements of physcial fitness. UiA is one of six partners in the study, led by NIH.
  • ScIM - School In Motion project was a multi-centre cluster-ranomised controlled trial that aimed to increased school-based physical activity by 120 minutes each week. 30 schools were recruited nearby each of the four test centres (NiH, UiA, UiS and HVL). Also, four PHD candidates located at each test centres invastigate different aspects of the study; in which UiA is focused on travel behaviour.
  • Physical activity in boys with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy - PhD led project.
  • The Accelerometer Consortium (Generation Sedentary) - An international consortium collating large scale studies with device-assessed physical activity and sedentary time and follow-up for mortality and prevalence of non-communicable disease. 
  • INtervention on the DEterminants of, and Expertise in, Physical activity behaviours (INDEEP) is an EU-funded Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) doctoral network project under Horizon Europe. INDEEP seeks to advance PA promotion through a comprehensive understanding of the determinants associated with PABs, innovative methodologies, and data analytics. The network ultimately will provide an intervention development toolbox, supporting the integration of determinants of PABs, behaviour change theory and intervention co-creation to aid in the development of evidence-based interventions which integrate top-down and bottom-up interventional approaches.
  • "On your own feet" (På egne bein) is a cohort study is to assess changes in health and lifestyle in students during the first year of higher education. The baseline assessment take place at the beginning of the first year (sept) and the second assessement take place at the end (april/may) The data collection consist of a clinical examination of body composition, assessment of physical activity level, and a digtial questionaire.
  • The International Study of Movement Behaviours in the Early Years (SUNRISE). This study is part of a larger international study gathering researchers from researchers from low, middle, and high income countries across the globe, to measure physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for children under the age of 5 years. A total of 40 countries are involved in the study which has its Coordinating Centre based at the University of Wollongong, Australia.
  • Promoting active school travel to improve mood and performance (PULSE). Main objectives are to: increase the physical activity level of youth through active travel and investigate the role of active travel in mood and school performance.
  • PhD project - Methodological considerations of physical activity interventions among cancer survivors. 
    The minimal monitoring period for reliable physical activity estimates from sophisticated monitors, individual patient data meta-analysis of exercise intervention dropouts, the association between different dimensions of self-management and physical activity participation.
  • The Norwegian Fit for Delivery study (in Norwegian: Fit for Fødsel/FFF) - The study was designed as a randomised, controlled intervention study, where half of the participants received usual prenatal care from a GP and midwife, while the other half also received this extra offer with both dietary and exercise elements. The groups were compared using weight, physical activity level, blood tests, ultrasound measurements and a review of the birth record.
  • Individualized power training in older men. The study was designed as follows; the participants were randomized to either a generic power training group (GPT) or an individualized power training group (IPT). Fort-nine healthy men (68+/- 5 years) completed 10-week training period to enhance msucular power.



  • National: Norwegian School of Sport Sciences, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Institute for Transport Economics , University of Tromsø. University of Stavanger
  • International: University of Uppsala, University of Umeå, The Technological University of the Shannon, VU Amsterdam, Loughborough University , University of Cambridge, University of Birmingham.