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Forskningsgruppen Q-safe utvikler forskningsprosjekter i samarbeid mellom Sørlandet sykehus og Universitetet i Agder. Målet er å bidra til bærekraftige helsetjenester med fokus på pasientsikkerhet, god kvalitet på tjenestene, effektive pasientforløp, pasienttilfredshet og jobbtilfredshet, samt effektiv og bærekraftig organisering, ved å forske på:

  • Innovativ teknologi og digitale løsninger
  • Intervensjoner og annen forskning relatert til sykepleie og medisinsk behandling, samt intervensjoner relatert til helsepersonell og organisering av tjenestene
  • Undervisning og opplæring av helsepersonell, interprofesjonelt teamarbeid, teamtrening og bruk av simulering
  • Pasienterfaringer


  • “Sexual Quality of Life and Health Related Quality of Life in patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis in ordinary outpatient clinic followed for 5 years” funded by Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Agder. Kari Hansen Berg, Glenn Haugeberg, Gudrun Rohde.  
  • “Nursing care for ethnic minority patients - the patient and nurses` perspective”. Funded by Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Agder. Tariq Alkaled, Birgit Lie, Gudrun Rohde.
  • “Teamwork in Hospitals – a Human Factors Approach to Patient Safety (PhD-prosjekt). Funded by Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, NTNU in Gjøvik. Oddveig Reiersdal Aaberg
  • “Sexual rehabilitation in women treated for gynecological cancer. A mixed method study” Funded Helse Sør-øst. Anita Paulsen, Ingvild Vistad.
  •  “An investigation into the use of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Core instrument and the possible need of a module for the assessment of Health Related Quality of Life in Adolescents and Young Adults (AYA) with cancer” Funded by EORTC QOL-group. Gudrun Rohde
  • “The EORTC Quality of Life Group: An international field study for the reliability and validity of the EORTC PATSAT-C33 core questionnaire and the EORTC OUT-PATSAT7 module” Funded by EORTC QOL-group. Gudrun Rohde.

Utvalgte publikasjoner

  • Østensen M. Sexual and reproductive health in rheumatic disease. Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2017;13(8):485-493.
  • Pham-Huy A, Sadarangani M, Huang V, Ostensen M, Castillo E, Troster SM, Vaudry W, Nguyen G, Top K. From Mother to Baby - Antenatal Exposure to Monoclonal Antibody Biologics. A Review. Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2019;15(3):221-229
  • Micu MC& Ostensen M, Villiger PM, Micu R, Ionescu R. Paternal exposure to antirheumatic drugs -– what physicians should know. Review of the literature. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2018; 48(2):343-355.
  • Østensen M. Sexual and reproductive health in rheumatic disease. Nat Rev Rheumatol. 2017;13(8):485-493.
  • Pham-Huy A, Sadarangani M, Huang V, Ostensen M, Castillo E, Troster SM, Vaudry W, Nguyen G, Top K. From Mother to Baby - Antenatal Exposure to Monoclonal Antibody Biologics. A Review. Expert Rev Clin Immunol. 2019;15(3):221-229
  • Micu MC& Ostensen M, Villiger PM, Micu R, Ionescu R. Paternal exposure to antirheumatic drugs -– what physicians should know. Review of the literature. Semin Arthritis Rheum. 2018; 48(2):343-355.
  • Rabben J, Johannessen B. Being relatives when alternative therapies are used in the "fight against cancer". Å vaere pårörende når alternativ behandling tas i bruk i "kampen mot kreft". 2015;11(1).
  • Berge GT, Granmo O-C, Tveit TO, Goodwin M, Lei J, Matheussen BV. Using the Tsetlin Machine Learn Human-Interpretable Rules for High-Accuracy Text Categorization With Medical Applications. 2019.
  • Moi EB, Söderhamn U, Marthinsen GN, Flateland SM. The ISBAR tool leads to conscious, structured communication by healthcare personnel. Verktöyet ISBAR förer til bevisst og strukturert kommunikasjon for helsepersonell. 2019;14(e-74699).
  • Berg KH, Rohde G, Proven A, et al. Exploring the relationship between demographic and disease related variables and perceived effect of health status on sexual activity in patients with axial spondyloarthritis: associations found only with non-disease variables. Scand J Rheumatol. Mar 15 2017:1-7.
  • Berg KH, Rohde GE, Proven A, Benestad EEP, Ostensen M, Haugeberg G. Sexual Quality of Life in Patients with Axial Spondyloarthritis in the Biologic Treatment Era. J Rheumatol. Feb 15 2019.
  • Aaberg OR, Ballangrud R, Husebo SIE, Hall-Lord ML. An interprofessional team training intervention with an implementation phase in a surgical ward: A controlled quasi-experimental study. J Interprof Care. Dec 18 2019:1-10.
  • Robstad N, Siebler F, Soderhamn U, Westergren T, Fegran L. Design and psychometric testing of instruments to measure qualified intensive care nurses' attitudes toward obese intensive care patients. Res Nurs Health. Dec 2018;41(6):525-534.
  • Robstad N, Soderhamn U, Fegran L. Intensive care nurses' experiences of caring for obese intensive care patients: A hermeneutic study. J Clin Nurs. Jan 2018;27(1-2):386-395.
  • Robstad N, Westergren T, Siebler F, Soderhamn U, Fegran L. Intensive care nurses' implicit and explicit attitudes and their behavioural intentions towards obese intensive care patients. J Adv Nurs. Dec 2019;75(12):3631-3642.
  • Rohde G, Berg KH, Pripp AH, Proven A, Haugeberg G. No deterioration in health-related quality of life in patients with axial spondyloarthritis followed for 5 years in ordinary outpatient clinics in the biological treatment era. Qual Life Res. Jan 2020;29(1):99-107.
  • Rohde GE, Young T, Winstanley J, et al. Associations between sex, age and spiritual well-being scores on the EORTC QLQ-SWB32 for patients receiving palliative care for cancer: A further analysis of data from an international validation study. Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). Nov 2019;28(6):e13145.
  • Dolsvåg A-H, Universitetet i A. Mode of commuting among high school students in the south of Norway : frequencies´ of active commuting related to gender, socioeconomic-, and weight status. Kristiansand: A.H. Dolsvåg; 2012.
  • Stub T, Kiil MA, Lie B, et al. Combining psychotherapy with craniosacral therapy for severe
  • traumatized patients: A qualitative study from an outpatient clinic in Norway. Complement Ther Med. Mar 2020;49:102320.
  • Rygh E, Gallefoss F, Grotvedt L. Trends in maternal use of snus and smoking tobacco in pregnancy. A register study in southern Norway. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. Dec 16 2019;19(1):500.
  • Vistad I, Lindemann K, Bentzen AG, Dahl AA, Steen R, Kiserud C. Preferences for follow up in long term survivors after cervical cancer. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. Mar 30 2020.
  • Fidjeland HL, Vistad I, Gjelstad S, Brekke M. Exploring why patients with cancer consult GPs: a 1-year data extraction. BJGP Open. Oct 1 2019.
  • Johannesen DTS, Wiig S. Exploring hospital certification processes from the certification body's perspective - a qualitative study. BMC Health Serv Res. Mar 23 2020;20(1):242.
  • Rohde G, Soderhamn U, Vistad I. Reflections on communication of disease prognosis and life expectancy by patients with colorectal cancer undergoing palliative care: a qualitative study. BMJ Open. Mar 7 2019;9(3):e023463.
  • Rolke HB, Bakke PS, Gallefoss F. HRQoL changes, mood disorders and satisfaction after treatment in an unselected population of patients with lung cancer. Clin Respir J. Jul 2010;4(3):168-175.
  • Tveit TO, Halvorsen A, Seiler S, Rosland JH. Efficacy and side effects of intravenous remifentanil patient-controlled analgesia used in a stepwise approach for labour: an observational study. Int J Obstet Anesth. Jan 2013;22(1):19-25.
  • Nilsen V, Bakke PS, Rohde G, Gallefoss F. Predictors of health-related quality of life changes after lifestyle intervention in persons at risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus. Qual Life Res. Nov 2014;23(9):2585-2593.
  • Sagedal LR, Sanda B, Overby NC, et al. The effect of prenatal lifestyle intervention on weight retention 12 months postpartum: results of the Norwegian Fit for Delivery randomised controlled trial. Bjog. Jan 2017;124(1):111-121.
  • Sagedal LR, Overby NC, Bere E, et al. Lifestyle intervention to limit gestational weight gain: the Norwegian Fit for Delivery randomised controlled trial. Bjog. Jan 2017;124(1):97-109.
  • Berg KH, Rohde G, Proven A, et al. Exploring the relationship between demographic and disease-related variables and perceived effect of health status on sexual activity in patients with axial spondyloarthritis: associations found only with non-disease variables. Scand J Rheumatol. Mar 15 2017:1-7.
  • Johannesen DTS, Wiig S. Why adopt ISO 9001 certification in hospitals? A case study of external triggers and sensemaking in an emergency department in Norway.(Case study). Safety in Health. 2017;3(1).
  • Rohde G, Moum T, Haugeberg G. Comparing 15D and SF-6D Performance in Fragility Wrist and Hip Fracture Patients in a Two-Year Follow-Up Case-Control Study. Value Health. Dec 2012;15(8):1100-1107.
  • Aaberg OR, Hall‐Lord ML, Husebø SIE, Ballangrud R. Collaboration and Satisfaction About Care Decisions in Team questionnaire—Psychometric testing of the Norwegian version, and hospital healthcare personnel perceptions across hospital units. Nursing Open. Nurs Open. 2019 Feb 20;6(2):642-650. doi: 10.1002/nop2.251. eCollection 2019 Apr.
  • Aaberg, O. R., Ballangrud, R., Husebø, S. I. E., & Hall-Lord, M. L. An interprofessional team training intervention with an implementation phase in a surgical ward: A controlled quasi-experimental study. J Interprof Care. 2019 Dec 18:1-10. 


Medlemmer i gruppen

Assosierte medlemmer

  • Folkehelsedirektør: Vegard Nilsen 
  • Enhetsleder anestesi: Ann-Helen Dolsvåg
  • Dr.med Birgit Lie 
  • Professor Frode Gallefoss 
  • Professor Glenn Haugeberg 
  • Professor Ingvild Vistad 
  • Forskningsveileder ved forskningsenheten SSHF, Sandrine Schuhler Slotten
  • Likepersonskoordinator SSHF, Kim Fangen
  • Avdelingsleder operasjonsavdelingen SSK, Fredrik Jensen
  • Seksjonsoverlege fysikalsk medisin SSK, Alexandra Christine Hott
  • Overlege fysikalsk medisin, Vibeche Moland Dias