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Du er nå på UiAs gamle nettsider. Informasjonen du finner her kan være utdatert.

Her finner du våre nye nettsider

Hopp til hovedinnhold
  • Smartgrid og fornybare energisystemer
  • Kraftsystemers dynamikk og energiomforming
  • Kraftelektronikk og feiloppdagelse 
  • Demand side management, energieffektivisering og lagring
  • Vannkraft og Vindenergisystemer
  • Prognose for energiproduksjon og strømforbruk


  • Operational Management in Interconnected Renewable Resources with ICT Property, funded by Norwegian Research Council (2019-2022)
  • Industrial Internet methods for electrical energy conversion systems monitoring and diagnostics (EEA Grants, project manager at UiA, and PI). (2021-2023)
  • AimWind - Analytics for Asset Integrity Management in Wind farms, funded by the research Council of Norway, WP leader (2021-2024).
  • Forskningsmobilisering Agder 2021/22: «Havstrømkraft- produksjon av EL-kraft fra hydrokinetisk energi i havstrømme
  • Forskningsmobilisering Agder 2021/22: «Omgjøring av bølgeenergi til elektrisk kraft - verifisering av energipotensialet i ny patent»

Research Fellows - PhD-Projects

  • Ghali Yakoub: Wind power forecasting system by downscaling NWP using CFD and machine learning methods:  
  • Saba Alipour: Uncertainty in 2D hydrodynamic flood simulations under climate change scenario
  • Nils Jakob Johannesen: Using machine learning in energy smart-systems for load forecast
  • Milad Golzar: Control of High power and ultra-high frequency converters
  • Immanuel Jiya: Operational management in interconnected renewable resources with ICT property
  • Sandun Konara: Charging Coordination of Opportunistic EV Users at Fast Charging Station with Adaptive Charging 

Previous projects

Research Fellows - PhD-Projects

  • Ahmed Mohamed Salem Ali (2021): Multilevel Inverters with Reduced Component Count for Energy Systems
  • Arvind Sharma (2021):Techno-Economic Performance Evaluation of Photovoltaic based Micro-Grid with Energy Management Strategies
  • Bernhard Fäßler (2018): Autonomous Optimization of Repurposed Electric Vehicle Batteries for Grid Balancing
  • Abhijit Chougule (2017): Synthetic data and modelling of wind velocity spectra (Post.Doc)
  • Aimie Nazmin Bin Azmi (2017): Grid Interaction Performance Evaluation of BIPV and Analysis with Energy Storage on Distributed Network Power Management
  • Pål Preede Revheim (2015): Improving and enhancing NWP based wind power forecasts under Norwegian conditions

Research partners

  • Agder Energi Nett, Norway
  • Teknova AS, Norway
  • Eltek AS, Norway
  • Faculty of Technology, Telemark University College, Norway
  • University of Applied Sciences Vorarlberg, Austria
  • University of Dundee, UK
  • Napier Edinburgh University, UK
  • Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, Denmark
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy and Energy System Technology (IWES), Germany
  • Develco Products, Denmark
  • Institute of Systems Engineering University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland
  • Swiss Center for Electronics and Microtechnology, Switzerland
  • Devoteam Solutions, Norway
  • Misurio, Switzerland
  • Netplus.ch, Switzerland
  • SEIC-TELEDIS Group, Switzerland
  • EnAlpin, Switzerland