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Niamh Ni Bhroin


Førsteamanuensis i medievitenskap

Jeg forsker på hvordan digitaliseringen av samfunnet påvirker hverdagslivet til barn og unge. Jeg er medlem av EU Kids Online nettverket i Norge og har vært med på å opprette the Center for Media Innovations ved Universitetet i Oslo. Jeg har deltatt i nasjonale og internasjonale prosjekter som undersøker barn og unges mediebruk, og publiserer og formidler forskning om «skjermtid», medieskadelighet, digitalisering av skolen og foreldredeling av bilder og informasjon om barna sine. Jeg har doktorgrad i medievitenskap fra Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon ved Universitetet i Oslo (2015).


KOM111: Medier og samfunn

KOM114: Skrift og Bilde

KOM205: Journalistikk og presserelatert PR

KOM206: Strategisk kommunikasjon

KOM208: Bacheloroppgave


2023-2024: Ekspert medlem av regjeringens Skjermbrukutvalget


2018 -: EU Kids Online Norge

2018-2023: Living the Nordic Model (UiO:Norden)

2019-2022: Children Online: Research and Evidence (H2020 CSA)

2019-2023: ySKILLS (H2020 RIA)

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • McMonagle, Sarah; Ní Bhroin, Niamh (2023). Across the Cyberwaves: Twitter Campaigns for Gaeilge. Social Media + Society. ISSN: 2056-3051. 9 (1). doi:10.1177/20563051231161296.
  • Letnes, Mari-Ann; Rasmussen, Ingvill; Ní Bhroin, Niamh; Stänicke, Line Indrevoll; Veelo, Nicole Christine (2023). Socio-digital divides in Norwegian education - How variation in parental mediation and pedagogical approaches influenced experiences of remote schooling during the Covid-19 pandemic. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy. ISSN: 1891-943X. 18 (3). s 201 - 213. doi:10.18261/njdl.18.3..
  • Finch, Matthew; Ní Bhroin, Niamh; Krüger, Steffen (2023). Unlearning, relearning, staying with the trouble: Scenarios and the future of education. Prospect: Quarterly Review of Comparative Education. ISSN: 0033-1538. doi:10.1007/s11125-023-09664-7.
  • Ljungblad, Sarah; Ní Bhroin, Niamh; Serholt, Sofia; Samuelsson Gamboa, M. (2022). Is there a need for critical robotics research?. Social Robots in Social Institutions: Proceedings of Robophilosophy 2022. ISBN: 9781643683751. IOS Press. 2.4.3. s 663 - 666.
  • Ní Bhroin, Niamh; Dinh, Thuy; Thiel, Kira; Lampert, Claudia; Staksrud, Elisabeth; Olafsson, Kjartan (2022). The Privacy Paradox by Proxy: Considering Predictors of Sharenting. Media and Communication. ISSN: 2183-2439. 10 (1). s 371 - 383. doi:10.17645/mac.v10i1.4858.
  • Milosevic, Tijana; Ní Bhroin, Niamh; Ólafsson, Kjartan; Staksrud, Elisabeth; Wachs, Sebastian (2022). Time spent online and children’s self-reported life satisfaction in Norway: The socio-ecological perspective. New Media & Society. ISSN: 1461-4448. s 1 - 22. doi:10.1177/14614448221082651.
  • Ní Bhroin, Niamh; Sand, Stine Agnete; Rasmussen, Torkel (2021). Indigenous journalism, media innovation, and social change: A review of previous research and call for more critical approaches. Nordicom Review. ISSN: 1403-1108. 42 (2). s 185 - 206. doi:10.2478/nor-2021-0050.
  • Serholt, Sofia; Ljungblad, Sarah; Ní Bhroin, Niamh (2021). Introduction: special issue - critical robotics research. AI & Society: The Journal of Human-Centred Systems and Machine Intelligence. ISSN: 0951-5666. s 1 - 7. doi:10.1007/s00146-021-01224-x.
  • Ní Bhroin, Niamh; Folstad, Siri Hausland (2021). Skadelig medieeffekter knyttet til barn og unges mediebruk: Litteraturgjennomgang. Barneliv foran bak og i skjermen. Kulturdepartementet. Litteraturgjennomgang. s 119 - 221.
  • Ni Bhroin, Niamh; Milan, Stefania (2020). Media Innovation and Social Change: Introduction to the Special Issue. The Journal of Media Innovations. ISSN: 1894-5562. 6 (1). s 1 - 8. doi:10.5617/jomi.7829.
  • Krüger, Steffen; Ni Bhroin, Niamh (2020). Vital Signs: Innovations in Self-Tracking Health Insurance and Social Change. The Journal of Media Innovations. ISSN: 1894-5562. 6 (1). s 93 - 108. doi:10.5617/jomi.7836.
  • Ni Bhroin, Niamh (2019). Indigenous, Nordic and Digital? How Sámi-language users negotiate access to digital media. Making Culture: Children and Young People's Leisure Cultures. ISBN: 9789187046605. Kulturanalys Norden. IV.II. s 115 - 126.
  • Krumsvik, Arne H.; Milan, Stefania; Ni Bhroin, Niamh; Storsul, Tanja (2019). Making (Sense of) Media Innovations. Making Media: Production, Practices, and Professions. ISBN: 9789462988118. Amsterdam University Press. Chapter 14. s 193 - 205.
  • Ljungblad, Sarah; Serholt, Sofia; Milosevic, Tijana; Ni Bhroin, Niamh; Nørgård, Rikke Toft; Lindgren, Pamela; Ess, Charles Melvin; Barendregt, Wolmet; Obaid, Mohammad (2018). Critical Robotics: Exploring a New Paradigm. NordiCHI '18 - Proceedings of the 10th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Oslo, Norway — September 29 - October 03, 2018. ISBN: 978-1-4503-6437-9. Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). KAPITTEL.
  • Toft Nørgård, Rikke; Ess, Charles Melvin; Ni Bhroin, Niamh (2018). Robot-Teachers and Phronēsis: Designing Signature Pedagogy with Robots. Envisioning Robots in Society – Power, Politics, and Public Space. ISBN: 9781614999300. IOS Press. Del 4, Kapittel 1. s 187 - 198.
  • Ni Bhroin, Niamh (2015). Social Media-Innovation: The Case of Indigenous Tweets. The Journal of Media Innovations. ISSN: 1894-5562. 2 (1). s 89 - 106. doi:10.5617/jmi.v2i1.974.
  • Ni Bhroin, Niamh (2013). Small Pieces in a Social Innovation Puzzle? Exploring the Motivations of Minority Language Users. Media Innovations. A Multidisciplinary Study of Change. ISBN: 978-91-86523-65-7. Nordicom. 14. s 219 - 239.

Sist endret: 19.04.2024 13:04