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EN-122-1 English Phonetics and Phonology

Faglige interesser

  • Psykolingvistikk
  • Tospråklighet
  • Språkproduksjon
  • Setningsplanlegging
  • Perspektivtaking i språkproduksjon


Ph.D.-forskningsprosjekt: Planning fluent sentences in English as a second language: the role of perspective-taking

The ultimate goal of learning another language is to communicate fluently and appropriately in that language. Vital to successful human communication are, on the one hand, advance speech planning, and on the other, perspective-taking, the ability to view a situation from the addressee’s perspective. The purpose of this Ph.D. project is to take a psycholinguistic approach to sentence production, in order to investigate the relationship between bilingualism, perspective taking and language production. The project aims to examine how perspective-taking affects sentence planning in L2 English for adolescents and young adults, in relation to effects of language proficiency. Specifically, it seeks to investigate whether perspective-taking contributes to or interferes with the generation of successful, appropriately communicative English sentences for young Norwegian-English bilinguals aged 16-25.

Utvalgte publikasjoner

Gjetnes, R. (2021) The Scope of Bilingual Sentence Planning in L1 and L2 : Effects of Complexity and Bilingual Profile (Master´s thesis). University of Agder, Kristiansand  https://hdl.handle.net/11250/2787464

Sist endret: 26.09.2023 11:09