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Stein Oluf Kristiansen


9I250 ( Universitetsveien 19, Kristiansand )

Professor Stein Kristiansen har en cand.polit.-grad fra Universitetet i Bergen og cand.merc. og doktorgrad fra Norges Handelshøyskole. Han har jobbet fulltid ved UiA siden 1989 og har tidligere hatt stillinger ved Agderforskning og Norges Handelshøyskole. Hans spesialisering er innen utviklingsstudier. Han er for tiden æresprofessor ved Fakultet for økonomi og næringsliv ved Gadjah Mada University (UGM) i Indonesia.

Han har publisert artikler om emner som entreprenørskap og innovasjon, styring og korrupsjon, den digitale kløften, forvaltning av fellesressurser og økonomiske forbindelser i tidsskrifter som Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, Contemporary Southeast Asia, European Journal of Development Research, The International Information and Library Review, International Journal of Educational Development og Health Policy.

Han var i mange år leder for studieprogrammet i utviklingsstudier under Institutt for økonomi ved UiA og har 30 års erfaring med å bygge nettverk og administrere samarbeid med universiteter i Afrika og Asia. Han har vært leder for flere institusjonelle samarbeids- og forskningsprogrammer finansiert av Utenriksdepartementet og NORAD. Han er for tiden ansvarlig for praksisprogrammer for masterstudenter som arbeider i norske bedrifter i Norge, Kina, India, Indonesia og Tanzania.

Professor Kristiansen har nylig holdt offentlige foredrag eller samtaler om det nordiske utviklingsmodellen ved samarbeidende universiteter i India (JNU) og Indonesia (UGM). Han er medlem av redaksjonsrådet for to internasjonale tidsskrifter innen økonomi og ledelse, basert ved UGM i Indonesia (Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business og Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business).

Han er for tiden koordinator for studieprogrammet for ASEAN Master in Sustainability Management, finansiert av Utenriksdepartementet.

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

  • Kristiansen, Stein Oluf; Budiman, Arief; Pudyatmoko, Satyawan (2023). Ecosystem Guardians or Threats? Livelihood Security and Nature Conservation in Maluku, Indonesia. Bulletin of Indonesian economic studies. ISSN: 0007-4918. 59 (1). s 119 - 143. doi:10.1080/00074918.2021.1932744.
  • Kristiansen, Stein; Goebel, Vera Hermine; Hamborg Andersen, Morten; Plagemann, Thomas Peter; Traaen, Gunn Marit; Øverland, Britt; Akre, Harriet; Gullestad, Lars (2021). Evaluating a Low-Cost Strain Gauge Breathing Sensor for Sleep Apnea Detection at Home. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops). ISBN: 978-1-7281-9441-7. IEEE. Artikkel.
  • Sharma, Arvind; Kolhe, Mohan Lal; Kristiansen, Stein; Simonsen, Stig; Landsverk, Henrik; Oland, Signe Marie (2020). Techno-Economic Case Study of Micro-Grid System at Soccer Club of Skagerak Arena Norway. 2020 5th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable Technologies (SpliTech). ISBN: 978-953290105-4. IEEE Press. 9243789. s 1 - 5.
  • Apriliyanti, Indri Dwi; Kristiansen, Stein (2019). The logics of political business in state-owned enterprises: the case of Indonesia. International Journal of Emerging Markets. ISSN: 1746-8809. 14 (5). s 709 - 730. doi:10.1108/IJOEM-08-2018-0433.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2018). Institutions and Rural Stagnation in Eastern Indonesia. Bulletin of Indonesian economic studies. ISSN: 0007-4918. 54 (2). s 193 - 214. doi:10.1080/00074918.2018.1441526.
  • Pudyatmoko, Satyawan; Budiman, Arief; Kristiansen, Stein (2018). Towards sustainable coexistence: People and wild mammals in Baluran National Park, Indonesia. Forest Policy and Economics. ISSN: 1389-9341. 90s 151 - 159. doi:10.1016/j.forpol.2018.02.006.
  • Purnomo, Boyke Rudy; Kristiansen, Stein Oluf (2017). Economic reasoning and creative industries progress. Creative Industries Journal (CIJ). ISSN: 1751-0694. doi:10.1080/17510694.2017.1403206.
  • Kristiansen, Stein; Sulistiawati, Linda (2016). Traditions, Land Rights, and Local Welfare Creation: Studies from Eastern Indonesia. Bulletin of Indonesian economic studies. ISSN: 0007-4918. 52 (2). s 209 - 227. doi:10.1080/00074918.2015.1129049.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2013). Crossing borders to widen perspectives. Management for Progress : Festschrift in honor of the manifold academician Professor Harald Knudsen, 70 years. ISBN: 978-82-7099-734-3. Novus Forlag. 6. s 115 - 135.
  • Kristiansen, Stein; Dwiyanto, Agus; Pramusinto, Agus; Agus Putranto, Erwan (2009). Public Sector Reforms and Financial Transparency: Experiences from Indonesian Districts. Contemporary Southeast Asia. ISSN: 0129-797X. 31 (1). s 64 - 87.
  • Furuholt, Bjørn; Kristiansen, Stein; Wahid, Fathul (2008). Gaming or gaining? Comparing the use of Internet cafés in Indonesia and Tanzania. The international information & library review. ISSN: 1057-2317. 40 (2). s 129 - 139.
  • Furuholt, Bjørn; Kristiansen, Stein (2007). A rural-urban Digital Divide? Regional aspects of Internet use in Tanzania. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. ISSN: 1681-4835. 31 (6). s 15.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2007). Entry Barriers in Rural Business: The Case of Egg Production in Eastern Indonesia. Journal of Entrepreneurship. ISSN: 0971-3557. 16 (1). s 53 - 76.
  • Furuholt, Bjørn; Kristiansen, Stein (2007). Internet Cafés in Asia and Africa ? Venues for Education and Learning?. Journal of Community Informatics. ISSN: 1712-4441. 3 (2). s 1 - 16.
  • Kristiansen, Stein; Ramli, Muhid (2006). Buying an Income: The Market for Civil Service Positions in Indonesia. Contemporary Southeast Asia. ISSN: 0129-797X. 28 (2). s 207 - 233.
  • Kristiansen, Stein; Pratikno, ukjent-for-m039443 (2006). Decentralising education in Indonesia. International Journal of Educational Development. ISSN: 0738-0593. 26s 513 - 531.
  • Wahid, Fathul; Furuholt, Bjørn; Kristiansen, Stein (2006). Internet for development? Patterns of use among Internet café customers in Indonesia,. Information Development. ISSN: 0266-6669. 22 (4). s 278 - 291.
  • Kristiansen, Stein; Wahid, Fathul; Furuholt, Bjørn (2006). Investing in knowledge? Information asymmetry and Indonesian schooling. The international information & library review. ISSN: 1057-2317. 38 (4). s 192 - 204.
  • Kristiansen, Stein; Santoso, P (2006). Surviving decentralisation? Impacts of regional autonomy on health service provision in Indonesia. Health Policy. ISSN: 0168-8510. 77s 247 - 259.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2006). Transaction Costs and Linkage Creation: Experiences from Indonesia. European Journal of Development Research. ISSN: 0957-8811. 18 (4). s 662 - 683.
  • Kristiansen, Stein; Trijono, Lambang (2005). Authority and Law Enforcement: Local Government Reforms and Security Systems in Indonesia. Contemporary Southeast Asia. ISSN: 0129-797X. 27 (2). s 236 - 254.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2005). Cottage industries in Tanzania: Can they survive?. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. ISSN: 1465-7503. 6 (2). s 97 - 104.
  • Furuholt, Bjørn; Kristiansen, Stein; Wahid, Fathul (2005). Information dissemination in a developing society: Internet café users in Indonesia. Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries. ISSN: 1681-4835. 22 (3). s 1 - 17.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2005). Information flows and adaptation in Tanzanian cottage industries. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. ISSN: 0898-5626. 17 (5). s 365 - 388.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2004). Entrepreneurial intention among Indonesian and Norwegian students. Journal of Enterprising Culture. ISSN: 0218-4958. 12 (1). s 55 - 78.
  • Wahid, Fathul; Furuholt, Bjørn; Kristiansen, Stein (2004). Information diffusion agents and the spread of Internet cafés in Indonesia. Communications of the Association for Information Systems. ISSN: 1529-3181. 13s 659 - 683.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2004). Liberalisation, information and innovation: Cottage garment industries in Tanzania. European Journal of Development Research. ISSN: 0957-8811. 16 (2). s 375 - 395.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2004). Social networks and business success: The role of subcultures in an African context. ?. 63 (5). s 1149 - 1171.
  • Jenssen, Jan Inge; Kristiansen, Stein (2004). Sub-cultures and entrepreneurship: The value of social capital in Tanzanian business. Journal of Entrepreneurship. ISSN: 0971-3557. 13 (1).
  • Kristiansen, Stein; Indarti, Nurul (2003). Determinants of Entrepreneurial Intention: The Case of Norwegian Students. ?. 5 (1). s 79 - 96.
  • Kristiansen, Stein; Furuholt, Bjørn; Wahid, Fathul (2003). Internet café entrepreneurs: Pioneers in information dissemination in Indonesia. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. ISSN: 1465-7503. 4 (4). s 251 - 263.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2003). North-South academic institutional collaboration: The case of Mzumbe University, Tanzania, and Agder University College, Norway. ?. 3 (2).
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2003). Small-scale business in rural Java: Involution or innovation?. Journal of Entrepreneurship. ISSN: 0971-3557. 12 (1). s 21 - 41.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2003). Survival of cottage industries in Africa: The case of clustering and social networks in Tanzanian garment industries. ?. 21 (3). s 365 - 382.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2003). Violent Youth Groups in Indonesia: The Cases of Yogyakarta and Nusa Tenggara Barat. Sojourn. ISSN: 0217-4472. 18 (1). s 110 - 138.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2002). Competition and Knowledge in Javanese Rural Business. Singapore journal of tropical geography. ISSN: 0129-7619. 23 (1). s 52 - 70.
  • Ryen, Anne; Kristiansen, Stein (2002). Enacting their Business Environments: Asian Entreprenurs in East Africa. ?. 1 (3). s 165 - 186.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2002). Enacting their business environments: Asian Entrepreneurs in East Africa. African and Asian Studies. ISSN: 1569-2094. 1 (3). s 165 - 187.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2002). Individual perception of business contexts: The case of small-scale entrepreneurs in Tanzania. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship. ISSN: 1084-9467. 7 (3). s 283 - 305.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2001). Promoting African Pioneers in Business: What makes a Context Conducive to Small-Scale Entrepreneurship?. Journal of Entrepreneurship. ISSN: 0971-3557. 10 (1). s 43 - 69.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2000). Determinants of entrepreneurial endeavour. African Entrepreneurship and Small Business Development. Edited by L.K. Rutashobya and D.R. Olomi. Dar es Salaam University Press. s 139 - 159.
  • Holbek, Jonny; Kristiansen, Stein Oluf; Randøy, Trond (2013). Management for Progress : Festschrift in honor of the manifold academician Professor Harald Knudsen, 70 years. ISBN: 978-82-7099-734-3. Novus Forlag. s 303.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2014). Doing Business in Asia.
  • Kristiansen, Stein (2014). Historical Foundations for the Nordic Development Model.


Sist endret: 8.01.2024 13:01