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• Mobilitet, migrasjon og tilhørighet
• Mobilitet, mobilisering og innbyggerinitiativ
• Kjønn, kultur og hverdagsliv
• Kjønn og inkludering
• Kjønn, familie og arbeidsliv

Om forskningsgruppen

The research cluster "Mobility, culture, and gender" involves researchers from the Department of Global Development and Planning (IGUS) and the Department of Sociology and Social work (ISS) as well as associated members. The group members represent different academic disciplines, including development studies, sociology, social anthropology, religion and philosophy, human geography, political science, and medicine. Moreover, through its group members, the research cluster encompasses a wide range of geographical and contextual experiences, both from the Norwegian/Nordic context and from various countries in the Global South.

The research group has emerged because of a joint interest in mobility, culture, and gender as (interlinked) topics for research. These topics are also relevant for the University's educational programs, such as the BA and Masters' program in Global Development and courses in Sociology and Social Work and Adult Education Courses at the faculty.
Our different research experiences have generated discussions about impacts of migration and mobility in different geographical and cultural contexts, as well as on the meanings of gendered practices, gender relations and gender equality in different cultural contexts. Linking mobility and gender, we also focus on the role of gender in the context of mobility where new situations and cultures have a strong influence on everyday life. Furthermore, we do research on gender, family and work life, including a project on gender in academia with UiA as the case (Balanse).

In our research group, there is a general belief that research should relate intimately to the field of practice and that we as researchers need to start out in the everyday life, i.e. the doings and perceptions of people themselves, to generate knowledge that will be of importance to people. Thus, implicitly lies an understanding that results need to be communicated back in such a way that research leads to changes ultimately benefiting underprivileged groups.

Our different experiences from long-term fieldwork at home and abroad provides a good starting point for comparison and comparative reflection, particularly when entering the field of integration. For those of us who come from the field of development studies, we find that studying mobility and social integration of ethnic minority groups provides a new and interesting turn for development studies, as it brings new dimensions and perspectives into the discussion and research on North/South relations. Some of the members of the group are therefore involved both in research on mobility, gender, gender equality and social integration in Norway, as well as in projects exploring gender and changing gender relations in a development context. Members of the research clusters are mainly qualitative researchers working with ethnographic methods. Furthermore, we have a collaboration with modelers to combine ethnography, modeling, and simulation in exploring civic engagement and citizen initiatives.

The research cluster currently has on-going projects in Norway as well as in Africa and Asia. We also have a project running in Lesvos, Europe.

Pågående prosjekter

Gender and equality in work life

Mobility, mobilization, and citizen initiatives

  • Modeling Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity (CIGS) Ongoing research project on civic engagement. Collaboration between UiA, Radboud, Old Dominion.
  • PRUK – Modeling and simulation meets social science and philosophy: a pilot project in radical interdisciplinary methods to meet complex societal challenges (UiA funded).
  • Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity across contexts. On-going research project.
  • Citizen Initiatives for Development (PhD project June Fylkesnes)
  • Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity (PhD project Lee Michael Shults)

Gender, culture and everyday life

  • Credit Unions and family welfare in palm oil districts of West-Kalimantan (PhD project, Aji Utama)
  • Gender and health-seeking behavior: Exploring FGS in South Africa (2017- ). Collaboration with partners in Norway, South Africa, Denmark.


Selected international publications

Baker, J. and Wallevik, H. (2014) "Changing lifeworlds and contested space: Seclusion practices among the Iraqw of Northern Tanzania" in Bouju, J. and de Bruijn, M. (eds.) Ordinary Violence and Social Change in Africa. Brill: The Netherlands.

Cruickshank, J. and H. Wallevik (2016) "Power and knowledge" in HCG Johnsen et al. (2016) Applied Social Science Research in a Regional Knowledge System: Balancing validity, meaning and convenience. London: Routledge.

Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege; Frydenlund, Erika; Padilla, Jose J (2020). Modelers and Ethnographers as Co-Creators of Knowledge: Do We Belong Together? Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. ISSN: 2411-3387. s 1113 - 1121.

Frydenlund, Erika; Padilla, Jose; Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2020). The Rise and Fall of Humanitarian Citizen Initiatives: A Simulation-Based Approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). ISSN: 0302-9743. 12268s 255 - 265. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-61255-9_25.

Fylkesnes, June (2019). Motivations behind citizen aid: Norwegian initiatives in The Gambia. Third World Quarterly. ISSN: 0143-6597. 40 (10). s 1799 - 1815. doi:10.1080/01436597.2019.1656061.

Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2019). Beyond Crisis Management? The role of Citizen Initiatives for Global Solidarity in humanitarian aid: the case of Lesvos. Third World Quarterly. ISSN: 0143-6597. 40 (10). s 1869 - 1983. doi:10.1080/01436597.2019.1656060.

Haaland H. and H. Wallevik (2017) "Citizens as actors in the development field: The case of an accidental Aid Agent's activities in aid land" in Forum for development studies Vol. 44 2017. Routledge: London

Haaland H. and Wallevik (2016) "Reflections on gender and diversity in cross-cultural online teaching" in Women and gender research 1/16

Haaland H and Wallevik H (2016) "Comparative reflection" in Applied research in the regional knowledge system: balancing validity, meaning and convenience (2016) Garmann Johnsen, H Chr, Hauge,E, Magnussen M and Ennals, R. Routledge.

Leer-Helgesen, Arnhild (2019). Negotiating Religion and Development: Identity Construction and Contention in Bolivia. London: Routledge.

Magnussen, May-Linda (2020). Men’s Family Breadwinning in Today’s Norway: A Blind Spot in the Strive for Gender Equality. NORA - Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. ISSN: 0803-8740. doi:10.1080/08038740.2020.1790658.

Magnussen, May-Linda (2019). Making gendering visible: Institutional ethnography's contribution to Nordic sociology of gender in family relations. Institutional Ethnography in the Nordic Region. ISBN: 9780429019999. Routledge. 10. s 128 - 137.

Magnussen, May-Linda and Ingunn Kvamme (2016). «Social integration of refugees" I: Johnsen, Hans C. G., Elisabet Hauge, May-Linda

Magnussen and Richard Ennals (red.). Applied research in the regional innovation system. Balancing meaning, relevance and convenience. London: Routledge.

Nilsen, Ann Christin Eklund; Steen-Johnsen, Tale (2019). The Early childhood care and development mission and the institutional circuit of evidence. Journal of Early Childhood Research. ISSN: 1476-718X. doi:10.1177/1476718X19860558.

Padilla J.J., Frydenlund E., Wallevik H., Haaland H. (2018) Model Co-creation from a Modeler's Perspective: Lessons Learned from the Collaboration Between Ethnographers and Modelers. In: Thomson R., Dancy C., Hyder A., Bisgin H. (eds) Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Modeling. SBP-BRiMS 2018.

Regalsky, P. and Haaland, H (2016) Ethno-development, education and development in Raqaypampa, Bolivia" in Skinner, A, M Baillie Smith, E. Brown and T. Troll (eds) (2016) Education, Learning and the transformation of development. Routledge. 

Salimi, Khadijeh; Frydenlund, Erika; Padilla, Jose J; Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2019). How does humanitarianism spread? Modeling the origins of citizen initiatives through norm diffusion. Winter simulation conference : proceedings. ISSN: 0891-7736. 2018-Decembers 33 - 44. doi:10.1109/WSC.2018.8632287.

Salimi, Khadijeh; Frydenlund, Erika; Padilla, Jose J; Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2019). The role of elites in the diffusion of social norms of humanitarianism. Simulation Series. ISSN: 0735-9276. 51 (1). doi:10.23919/SpringSim.2019.8732925.

Shults, Lee Michael; Haaland, Hanne; Wallevik, Hege (2021). Localizing Global Solidarity: Humanitarian Aid in Lesvos. Frontiers in Political Science. ISSN: 2673-3145. doi:10.3389/fpos.2021.690907.

Steen-Johnsen, Tale (2021). A Social Capital Perspective on the Peace Work of Religious Women. Journal of Ecumenical Studies. ISSN: 0022-0558. 56 (1). s 55 - 75.

Steen-Johnsen, Tale; Dulieu, Nicole; Nilsen, Ann Christin Eklund (2021). Mothering Practices in Cambodia: Making Sense of Physical Disciplining. Journal of Comparative Social Work. ISSN: 0809-9936. 16 (1).

Steen-Johnsen, T (2019). Methodological Challenges to the Study of Religious Peacebuilding. In Repstad, P (ed.) Current issues in Sociology of Religion. Brill

Steen-Johnsen, T. (2017) State and Politics in Religious Peacebuilding. In Brewer, J (ed) Compromise after Conflict series. London: Palgrave MacMillan.

Skreland, Lisbeth Ljosdal; Steen-Johnsen, Tale (2021). The lamination machine and laminating as thing-power in early childhood pedagogical practice. Children's Geographies. ISSN: 1473-3285. doi:10.1080/14733285.2021.1965089.

Steen-Johnsen, Tale; Skreland, Lisbeth Ljosdal (2021). The politics of emotion in a parenting support programmes for refugees in Norway. Emotions and Society. ISSN: 2631-6897. doi:10.1332/263169021X16152829478746.

Steen-Johnsen, Tale (2020). The rhetoric of love in religious peacebuilding. Journal of Contemporary Religion. ISSN: 1353-7903. 35 (3). s 433 - 448. doi:10.1080/13537903.2020.1810972.

Steen-Johnsen, Tale (2019). Methodological Challenges to the Study of Religious Peacebuilding. Political Religion, Everyday Religion: Sociological Trends. ISBN: 978-90-04-39796-5. Brill. 6. s 84 - 103.

Rapisarda, Daniela Lucia; Steen-Johnsen, Tale; Urstad, Sivert Skålvoll (2021). Lived Religion and Nonreligion Among Humanitarians in South Sudan. Nordic Journal of Religion and Society. ISSN: 0809-7291. 1

Selected national publications

Haaland H, M-L Magnussen and H. Wallevik (2021) «Å bruke erfaringene til nyankomne mannlige syriske flyktninger til å utfordre den store norske integreringsfortellingen» i Berit Gullikstad, Guro K. Kristensen og Turid Sætermo (eds.) (2021, forthcoming) Fortellinger om Integrering. Universitetsforlaget.

Haaland, H, M-L Magnussen, H. Wallevik M. and Povrzanovik-Frykman (2021) «Ulike måter å ‘sikre sted’: Flyktningers fortellinger om integrering inn i et lokalsamfunn i Sør-Norge» i Berit Gullikstad, Guro K. Kristensen og Turid Sætermo (eds.) (2021, forthcoming) Fortellinger om Integrering. Universitetsforlaget.

Haaland, H og H. Wallevik (2017) «Frivillig sektor som inngangsport til det norske» i Eide, B. (red.) På vandring og på flukt. Cappelen Damm Akademisk

Lund, R, and M-L Magnussen (2018) “Intersektionalitet, virksomhedskundskab og styringsrelationer Institutionel Etnografi og hverdagens sociale organisering” i Tidskrift for kjønnsforskning, årgang 42, nr 4-2018.

Magnussen, May-Linda (2020). Jeg er klar til å bidra. Utforskning og utfordring av bakkebyråkraters kategorisering av flyktninger som prøver å komme i jobb i dagens Norge.. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. ISSN: 0809-2052. 23 (1). s 63 - 75. doi:10.18261/issn.2464-3076-2020-01-05.

Magnussen, May-Linda (2020). Kjønnede hverdagsliv og likestillingsutfordringer på Agder. Regionale særtrekk og variasjoner i landsdelen. Grenseløst Agder. Det som skilte og det som bandt. ISBN: 9788202696825. Cappelen Damm Akademisk. Kapittel 7. s 148 - 171.

Magnussen, M.L, R. Lund og H. Wallevik (2018) «Et kjønnet rom for akademisk skriving. Den akademiske skrivingens sosiale organisering, sett fra ståstedet til kvinnelige førsteamanuenser ved Universitetet i Agder» i Tidsskrift for kjønnsforskning, årgang 42, nr 1-2 2018

Magnussen, May-Linda (2015) «Å utforske menns forsørgerarbeid» I: Widerberg, Karin (red.) I hjertet av velferdsstaten. En invitasjon til institusjonell etnografi. Oslo, Cappelen Damm.

Tidligere prosjekter

Becoming a (female) professor. Research in connection with the BALANSE project at the University of Agder (KABAL) (2015- 2019). Financed by the Norwegian Research Council and the University of Agder.

Microfinance and the Impact on Family Welfare: a case study from Indonesia (2015-2018). Collaboration with Gadja Mada University, Indonesia. Financed by UiA/Indonesian Embassy.

Refugee men and their everyday life concerns: Exploring masculinities in Arendal municipality (2016-2018) Financed by Pro-Nett, UiA.

Immigrant women and work-life in Kristiansand (2016-2020). Post.doc. project May Linda Magnussen Financed by the University of Agder.

Child poverty and welfare in Lyngdal. Financed by Lyngdal Municipality (2018-2019)

Highly skilled immigrant women and work-life in Lister (2016-2018). Financed by fylkesmannen i Agder.

Researching resource groups for refugees in the Lindesnes region in Agder (2016-2018). Financed by fylkesmannen i Agder and the Lindesnes region.

Exploring integration as emplaced practice, Lindesnes, Vest-Agder (2016-2018). A collaboration with the University of Malmö. Financed by RFF Agder, the Centre for Gender and Equality, the Lindesnes region and Agderforskning.

Exploring the role of the voluntary sector in integration in Lister and Lindesnes, Vest-Agder (2016-2017). Financed by Centre for gender and equality

A pilot study on honor-related violence (2016). Funded by the Centre for gender and equality and IMDi Sør.

Immigrant women's access to paid work in Lyngdal (2013- 2015). Funded by the Centre for gender and equality.

A pilot study of the refugee service in Lindesnes (2013-2014). Funded by Agder Research, the Centre for gender and equality, fylkesmannen in Agder and IMDi Sør.

Breadwinning in men's everyday lives in the Agder region. PhD-project (2007-2015). Financed by Sørlandets kompetansefond and Agderforskning.

Medlemmer i gruppen

Assosierte medlemmer

Erika Frydenlund (Old Dominion University, US)

Jose Padilla (Old Dominion University, US)

Lau Schulpen (Radboud University, Netherlands)

Sara Kinsbergen (Radboud University, Netherlands)

Rebecca Lund (Senter for tverrfaglig kjønnsforskning)

Maja Frykman (Høgskolen i Malmø)

Pablo Regalsky (University of San Simone, Bolivia)

Pujo Semedi (Gadja Mada University, Indonesia)

Leder for gruppen
