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Advances in early life nutrition science has profoundly changed the way we understand the origins of lifelong health. We now know that early life nutrition has major influences on how health unfolds over the lifespan, with potentially large consequences for public health and public health priorities. The PRC will advance the field of early life nutrition science by developing high quality and cutting-edge research.

Our research focus is on actions within and associations between preconception, pregnancy and early life diet, and subsequent health and development. We have four scientific ambitions:

  1. Advancing the understanding of what the influential dietary factors in a lifecourse perspective are
  2. Generating evidence on effective interventions and actions for sustainable improvements to diet and health in a lifecourse perspective
  3. Translating the generated knowledge into practice through effective and future-oriented education of students who will go on to implement it in the region and in society at large
  4. Informing policymakers to drive sustained, positive impacts on children, families and the wider food environment, through translation and dissemination of the generated research knowledge.

Our vision is that children and adolescents grow up eating a healthy diet and learning the skills to maintain this throughout their lives, while in parallel securing the health potential for their future children: Diet Today- Health of Tomorrow!

Our mission is therefore to conduct high quality research in co-creation with stakeholders to stimulate, promote and advocate a healthy food environment for the benefit of all citizens and to improve individual’s diet and health throughout the lifecourse

Advances in early life nutrition science has profoundly changed the way we understand the origins of lifelong health. We now know that early life nutrition has major influences on how health unfolds over the lifespan, with potentially large consequences for public health and public health priorities. The PRC will advance the field of early life nutrition science by developing high quality and cutting-edge research

Visit the Priority Research Centre for Lifecourse Nutrition's web page for more information about projects, research, collaborations and more.